Does FF14 raids seem more complex than WoW raids?

I love all their popular culture references

there is dps meters if you want them though, the top end of the top end in ff14 use them to try be the best in the game as certain classes.

one of my friends was obsessed with dps in ff14 for a while… he reached 99percentile in his class (bard) after thousands of hours playing the game… the difference between him and the 20 people above him was 100 dps…

there is a min max elitist side to ff14 if people want it … its just not the main side like it is in wow.

I know Ion can do it. But with PTR testing, I get the feeling WoW’s internal team doesn’t beat raids, rather they tune raids around how players perform in them during the testing phase. To be fair, it’s fine, as WoW’s raids are consistently great. BFA’s weakest raid in my opinion, Ny’alotha, is still very good and I enjoyed it for months on end.

Yeah they have said they do their internal testing and then basically tune them up for the players. At the start they try to tune for the wfr and then they nerf stuff for the average joe. I do believe the testers can best the nerfed versions even if they aren’t as good as the world’s best players.

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Isn’t that a good thing? Usually they hate pleasing fans

depends on the perspective.
in my perspective these are a “fig leaf” type of additions and i would prefer them to focus on developing complete specs without:
borrowed power systems
huge dsp/ utility meta unbalances
presenting a meme spells as an unpruning!

but its too much to ask, since they can clearly satisfy some customers with the return of the eyes of the beast and be done with it.

dont think they are dr. Evils, its just different customers are pleased by different events.
i rememeber people asking for dailies back instead of WQ and they actually did it.
the case here is that we are all very diverce in our requests, for me picking up quests from npcs instead of auto take them - auto complete is a bad, backwards change

Add to the fact that devs from Blizz and Square are friends.

I doubt anyone has had their dissatisfaction about terrible endgame expansion systems counterbalanced by just the return of meme skills that should had never been removed.
It is a bit like giving someone 10 cuts on their body and then bandaging one of them and then saying that the other 9 cuts are fine.

They are not Dr.evils they are Pinky and the Brain

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