Does Having an Alt Army Give an Advantage?

Do you feel any advantage is gained from having a multitude of alts? Do you have a multitude of alts to help you in game.

Possible advantages:-

  • Farming collectibles (transmog, mounts, pets, toys etc)
  • Ready to swap to any meta (if you have one of everything ready to go)
  • Multiple accounts for access to larger number of alts
  • Professions (either for each profession, or multiples of the same at start of expansions to specialise early on for more orders)
  • Gold farm (thank you Heist)

Will the changes in TWW have any impact on these:-

What do you do? Do you feel it’s got easier to have more alts? Do you have a lot of characters? Or do you prefer to concentrate on a less characters? Are there other advantages to running a large number of characters?


Being able to repeat WQ’s each cycle for huge gold gains is the main advantage but it requires a lot of effort to set up and be willing to do every 3 days.

I know someone who uses 50 alts to do all the WQ that gives gold and earn something like 400k-500k from that alone.


I am not running a large amount of characters (currently 8 max levels), but it is nice to have some choice in my main in a new season. I do have a couple different professions on them too, allthough that part of the game is quite dead since this expansion. What’s left is just another source of easy gold by doing some daily or weekly quests.


I’m so pleased that we will have NPC orders for the weekly quests in TWW. I am so sick of having to send dummy orders from alts.


I forgot about gold farm, added that. Thank you!

I go through stages of having many alts and then deleting them all. Usually it is because I have nothing to do on my main except collection and then new content comes out and I don’t want them any more. During the Compstomp event I end up wishing I had a load of alts so that unlocking weapon ensembles would be faster.

TWW allowing us to collect all armour types definitely leans me further towards just the one character; farming raids once per week on one character is effort enough for me. However, the other warband changes do make me more open to having a few alts for either a profession army, or just one of each class, despite really only loving Paladin.


I think it’s the thing I’m looking forward to most about Prepatch. Running some dungeons and collecting all the drops. :rofl:

Not the prepatch event itself.

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As you know (but for the benefit of others) I plan to make a new Nim looking toon who will do Loremaster purely to make sure I have all the quest mogs and probably do the majority of old world farming, whilst Nim is off doing the latest content.

Although I am solely focused on Paladins, I do occasionally try out other classes and enjoy them, so having the mogs ready for me tends to help in creating the character and their theme and make them a bit more than “just another random alt”. I also won’t feel pressured to make that class purely to not miss out on something because Nim can collect it.

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I highlighted some pros and cons in previous thread. No much reason to spam forum with similar topics unless you want to achieve something with it

Welcome to pally life!

I’m actually aiming to replace the duplicates of other alts and replace them all with paladins. Even if we are going to be retributionless in TWW :rofl:

I wish we had every race available. At present I’m limited to just the races that can be paladins and just do males and females. I was hopeful that with the Tyr questline we’d get more but nothing so far.

At least we will get Earthen in TWW after doing the new campaign. That gives me two more variations and yes good point going through and levelling again to get appearances. Gives a bit more motivation to do it all again.

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Unfortunately that topic was closed and unlisted due to so many personal attacks. I thought the topic was actually really good and a shame to lose it.

You can probably still find your old reply and copy/paste it into this one if you don’t want to type it out again. But you are free to ignore it completely if you feel it’s done ofc.


The previous thread didn’t really focus on the actual topic so I am glad Puny made one because it’s an interesting topic to properly discuss.

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I think the only problem I see with everyone having so many alts these days, as a logical consequence of leveling being so quick and easy for more than a decade now and people wanting to get to know different classes, is that Blizzard might design the game with that in mind.

I am not sure whether it crossed some kind of critical line so it became more noticeable in DF, but

  1. the amount of people I saw shuffling their characters to max their vault increased significantly
  2. the amount of characters people played also increased significantly

I think this is a direct consequence of focusing on M+ and removing these so-called chores and borrowed power from the game. In TWW we know that you can get loot for your lesser geared characters, effectively nudging you to farm crests for them so you can upgrade those items. On another note, Renown rewards can now be earned once per account and not on every character.

I think it is all just signs of the times and I do not find any of this surprising, but I do think that by designing the game more and more with alts in mind, it might reduce the number of activities available to those who prefer to stick to one character.


Until levelling was extremely buffed in patch 2.3, and later made even quicker in Wrath, alts wasn’t something everyone had a plethora of.

Historically I made alts (TBC/Wrath) to have more professions available, but also being able to play the game in a completely different way.

Nowadays, I usually stick to one char for the majority of an expansion. Once I hit a “wall” where I can’t progress or advance my character further, I level another, but not playing it very seriously or with the mindset to do “everything”.

Those alts did come in handy for the legendary questline though. Where I could buff my own characters, post a crafting order and let them craft it for me.


The thread wasn’t flamed, there were inappropriate comments and it was closed. If you don’t want to comment again, then don’t.

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I’ve had an alt army as long as I can remember. I think it was in WoD I decided I hated having a variety of classes and the Paladin army was born. I decided I didn’t HAVE to play different classes if I didn’t want to. Alts are just something I’ve tended to do during down time and WoW has traditionally had lots of downtime in last seasons of expansions.

My motivation for having lots of alts was seasonal events like the Rocket farm during Love is in the Air event. I am so glad they’re changing event mount farming. It’s not fun sitting there cycling through your entire army for a mount chance.

I have mass farmed some other drops in game from time to time but these days I just tend to do it on one. I do tend to mass farm LFR while it’s current (if it’s not gearing time) because Group Loot is such a god awful system to try and win anything under. With PL I could manage with the profession army.

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Not worth replying anymore. They’ve made up their mind. A blind person could see who was being attacked. No point derailing this topic too.

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I think its about time i delete like 50 alts. start new and start doing gold world quests.


How did you manage to buff your own characters? They had to be online at the same time. Or do you have multiple accounts? I couldn’t buff myself so had to use friends.

I do like to be self sufficient when it comes to professions but started too late in DF so early on had to use the services of others. That was very expensive. Especially with the high failure rate.

How much gold do you make from levelling?