Does Having an Alt Army Give an Advantage?

probably about 5 000 - 15 000. this includes selling grey transmog i get on the ah from time to time. sold an eye patch straight up for 15k on the AH that i got from leveling xD

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It can be a huge benefit… but have too many and it will start to be the opposite.

I’ve always had a main and a bunch of alts. Mostly to farm things easier or just to experience other classes. If the classes weren’t fun they’d sit out expansions till they became fun again.

Then came my pink rocket obsession and had too many alts, now that I got it. I deleted a bunch of them. Still keeping around 20’ish of them and some temporary ones until I grind out the ‘Classy’ guild achievement for our personal guild.

Downside is that they already de-activated the progress for ‘Classy’. Was almost done with my Belfs… Also a daft time to do as now is the time to mess around with those things. If only they kept the progress till either pre-patch or next expansion. :face_exhaling:

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Hm that is a point… if I want a profession army, they really need to be doing it from the get go due to the new system. :thinking:


Force-quitting the game via Alt+F4 leaves the character in game for a few minutes before disconnecting - allowing me to target them and place the buff on them.


Thanks to have opened this new one: the premise were good and i was thinkin to do it myself.

Anyway: i am really messy with alts… it depends how i wake up in the morning… im not able to stick to a main for more than 3 months.
Now remix complicated the situation. i discovered some very interesting classes (feral unholy dk and enh shammy) so i dont know.

i think my main wiill be my retri pally but ill see in itinere. I guess with the global reputation systems and the mog generic drop (which i discovered today thanks to you, puny) ill be more “happy” to switch.

My only concern is about professions. but we’ll see.


That’s clever!!!

You’re on the right realm for mog selling, or so I hear.

Some achievements aren’t working atm. I see it regularly come up in CS where people keep bumping the thread, despite the blues saying Devs are aware and working on a fix.


Here you go :slight_smile:

Continuing the discussion from The Alt Army meta:

it does have a some points yeah

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I have EA this time and I may try to squeeze some alts through, I’m worried that seven paladins might be a bit much. Will probably have to pick and choose.

I started them too late in DF and the knowledge I ended up behind on had a big impact.

I approve of the possible new main :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Yes, I don’t have to pay exorbitant fees to crafters that think they should get 20k for pressing craft this late into the expansion. I just craft it myself instead.

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I like lvling, whenever I get bored with the end game content… During BFA I account capped max lvls and started lvling on my second account xD

I usually play healers, so I have like 8-9 priests, and 3-4 of the remaining healer classes, and then a bunch of dps.

I enjoy being able to switch between, tmog them differently… So for me I don’t use them to get an advantage, but just for my own sake, being able to switch race without paying etc. :smiley:


When I first started doing alts, it also gave me a way to see other zones, quests, storylines etc. Especially when I started doing opposite faction alts.

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I don’t think having an alt army is giving any advantages other than being able to farm transmog a bit quicker for a specific armor spec/ weapon.

I have all classes available except Warlock (never interested me), I play them randomly from time to time which is annoying due to the loss of power compared to the main character.

The only one that stick more than the others is my priest as I like being heavily focused in random bg.

It was also a life saver to have few alts with the correct professions for the Legendary quest, I received the legendary at downtime in S3 and nobody was around to do it so it was a good workaround.

I usually don’t change class because of Meta, but TWW might be a first for me as I’m really disappointed on the Warrior for next expansion.

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Yes having multiple alts is a must especially for farming and collectibles etc.

Blizzard could also one day let us play content with our alts/ Warband controlled by AI which i think will be a huge game changer!

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Thankfully Ion understands now its the “player” not the “char” that earns everything in game so that’s why they are moving towards more account wide and alt friendly at last.

As for advantage you still got to level a char up whilst another is playing there main constantly so swings and round about’s.


i like that


I am not a fan of Asmongold on the whole (I’m indifferent), but he definitely has a point when he goes on about respecting the players time.

Most of us don’t mind doing a grind once, but to have to repeat that on alts is just tedious.


This is why I pretty much stopped playing during Legion, lol.

Get my char I wanted to play to max level, pick an artifact weapon. Oh yeah, nice. Grind some AP.

“Maybe I should try my off-spec”.


"I have to regrind the AP? "

“The hell is this?”

Then I make an alt.


Then I played FFXIV more than WoW during Legion. I was so close to bailing to FFXIV again during BFA when they implemented essences, first I was considering it when I saw my azerite armor required HoA levels to unlock.


Yeah wow from a gameplay standpoint is the best it has ever been so many quality of life changes etc

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lol I tried this in SL. Ends becoming a massive chore but you ended up with between 150 - 200k gold per day. So sad they nerfed the gold in game or I may have continued. Now in DF its more of a chore or I just become bored with it. Not worth my while if I only make 3k per character feels less rewarding.

yeah i guess that will drain you :confused: ill just see how TWW is in the beginning xD then id rather just run old raids with alts for BoE’s on AD realm xD

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