Does Having an Alt Army Give an Advantage?

I think i may take professions seriously this expansion i have a friend who made millions by doing crafting orders etc…


A friend ran two or three JCs at the start of DF each going into a different speciality and they made so much gold it’s insane.

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I don’t swap for meta, but I do if talent changes make certain classes more or less fun to play, and based on what the people I play with need to fill spots.

It’s looking like I’m going to have to gold farm going forward because my income is taking a hit and I won’t be able to afford tokens.

Neither of these will be affected by the changes in TWW.

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Without army alts u can’t get much in this game if u are a collector.

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Exactly im gonna make my tier 3 dream come true this expansion hehe been doing some research


Rnjesus can shine on anyone my friend

This causes discomfort in me. It is like someone else was playing a character that usually only I can control. I doubt I would use that “feature”.

Yeah that was also a nice thing for me! I stopped when Wrath came out and came back for Legion… And even in Classic / TBC I didn’t know what I was doing…

So me coming back, just meant I zugzugged a billion classes to max, but didn’t “enjoy” the quest chains, zones etc :smiley:

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I think the only time Bliz have come close to this is Legion. Order Halls were the best thing they’ve ever done for Alts.
Each alt (unless you’re Puny and play 12 Paladins) got its own story. These were different enough to make an alt feel like they were not simply replaying the same content again. But they were also not essential enough that you HAD to play them all to get a coherent story.
They all had their own class mounts too which were a good feature.

Legion also had Invasions which gave roughly a level for 20 mins of WQs.


Another recently implemented change that reflects a shift in their design philosophy is how the holiday boss drops loot only once per day per account. I am not sure I like that. So far it does not seem as if the drop rate was buffed significantly either.

Yep, that was great replayability. This was the time I eagerly created new characters of classes I had not played much. There was some overlap in the campaign but not to the extent that it felt repetitive.

I did max one of everything and do all the basic legendary acquisition and the class mounts ofc. I was a bit disappointed many of them overlapped but I guess they couldn’t make every single legendary a different location/quest line.

I have a lot of alts. I mostly use them for mount runs and because I enjoy levelling. No other reason really.
I tried to swap to augvoker but just like my druid too much. I’m looking forward to collecting all the sets on her.

As for the summer event only your 1 char has a chance for the drop I’m not doing it on all the characters. It certainly saves time now.

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We were talking about that this morning.

On the one hand I do not have to trawl through 65 chars to attempt it daily. On the other hand the bad luck protection (increasing luck) didn’t work out well for me. I also don’t know if it carries over to next year.

Same here it should be once per character imo this would also lead to faster queue times and more player participation during the events.

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All chars have a chance to drop it just the first one has an enhanced chance.

Nope. It only has loot once per day for your whole acc.

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Yes, I mean I would like to give myself as many chances at it as possible. It feels too restrictive now. Some days I did it with six characters, some days with two.

I am not a fan of protecting players from their own impulsivity or something like that. Only in extreme cases should that ever be acceptable. Freedom is good.


Can you link that please as it must have been done for this event only then, would be intrested to see the change as it was meant to be like the valentines mount chance.

Seems a bad move if they did this :frowning:

yeah, I have most of the allied races leveled to 50 for Heritage armour. Few of them get much higher than 50. They run Dragon Soul every week to get no Blazing Drake.

Since BFA we’ve only had 3 or 4 leveling zones with a Campaign (some skips have been added which is better) but they’re rather repetitive.

^^ This


New Skyriding Customization: Cliffside Wylderdrake Armor

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continue to accumulate for each failed attempt.

This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.