Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?


bloody soup brains


I dont really care what you consider rp to be frank. :stuck_out_tongue:

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slosh slosh sloshing

Maybe take a small hint to avoid finding yourself in situation that breaches ToS


how self important are you to think someone putting you in your place breaches the tos? rp means many different things to many different people, hence why I dont care what your idea of rp is…I see more rp about when I dont have warmode on? simple

In WoW it also means what ToS tells you


There is a very slim chance that our friend here isn’t involved into ERP and is just a “son of Illidan”-level of RPer. Another classic in GS, or that’s what I recall? I never checked the place myself. Goldshire is, after all, a huge mess of all types of RP.

Personally Hellonius, if you’re not into Goldshire’s erotic role-play, you should give other guilds a check. The world of Azeroth is huge and there are a lot of role-players that fill it!


so what tos am I breaking then strand? care to enlighten oh wise all knowing?


Im not saying you are, what are you on about?

How would you know if…

You’ve never been there?


The funny thing is I never even mentioned im a role player…Im not,…I just know the reputation of goldshire and the lions pride (vanilla player here this isnt my first ballgame :P:P) and I noticed I saw a lot more role players around goldshire and the lions pride when my war mode was not enabled. I(also new to war mode…I took a break after legion as I said)

my role playing experience personally consists of interacting with randoms rping in stormwind when I feel like having a bit of fun but other then that? I was simply describing how the change in pvp status was plainly the reason why I noticed such a change in population around the area.

You saw a lot of people typing stuff, doesn’t exactly make them rpers thou, since a lot of that stuff is against ToS.

Then why claim you know more about rp than legitame rpers thou?

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I never did, all I said was a lot of people rp in a lot of different ways, is that not true?

There’s loads of campaigns going on in the server so people are spread all over Azeroth. So it’s correct, there is less activity in the regular “hubs”.

That is true, so long you don’t break the ToS, which a lot of folk in and from Goldshire do, making them, not rpers unlike you seem to believe, so yeah, the true town of Goldshire is found with WM on.

if they are doing their own type of rp who are to say they arent rpers? again lots of people do varying kinds of rp surly? All I know is the place is busy with warmode off, dead with it on. As for what they are doing, thats there businss, I know what erp is btw and long as its not involving me then no issues with that either, whatever floats your boat pmsl. Role playing…erp…hell as long as your not expecting me to play along you can pretend your banging onyxia I couldnt give a rats backside. live and let live dude, there seems to be a lot of judgement among role players it seems…but then this is the wow community so dont know what I expected lol I just like this server because its fairly busy but not so busy theres a wait to get in…also the alliance rule the pvp on here so no worries getting darkshore etc done :P:P

I believe I and plenty of other folk before me already answered you, so not going to repeat that, have a good one I guess.

Ok but then you can just leave if you think what goes in Goldshire is okay, because big hecking WINK its not.
Clearly you have little to no interest in RP and there’s plenty other servers which are just as, if not more so, busy than AD for people like you.

It’s alright. Nothing terrible occurred, you just pronounced a taboo name and that triggered a few people. There’s no harm and not knowing some stuff it’s okay.

As you maybe just found out, it’s just that Goldshire has a bad reputation outside of its borders. If you’re interested in role-play I advise you give other role-playing communities a chance. Most would love to interact with a new player!

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They’re still roleplayers tho. I don’t agree with OP, but trying to say that what they’re doing isn’t roleplay is kinda moot (erp=still rp) what they aren’t doing however is sanctioned roleplay.

It’s the dark side of rp. The kind of rp that shouldn’t exist in this game. But eh… still rp