Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?

I enjoy this server why should I leave just because I have a live and let live attitude to life? Ill be staying right here thanks very much :stuck_out_tongue:

Im well aware of goldshires reputation, (after all its had that rep for a long time lol) but why would it bother me? it has no impact on my game what so ever… all thats going on in this messed up world at the moment and people erping on a video game bothers you so much? really?

Groomers get out.


If you aren’t an RPer and have no intention of RPing, why play on a RP realm? Do you also join PuGs and not do dps? Or join BGs and afk?


For one, it’s a full server, high population always attracts more people in a multiplayer game.

… But on the other hand, many people enjoy being around RPers without being RPers themselves, and like the buzz of a living city. That, and it was historically a popular opinion that RPers were comparatively more mature (whatever that means), or at least less toxic than other segments of the community (lol) when it came to sharing a server.

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That’s great and what folks usually say, but it still doesn’t excuse joining a server and explicitly not partaking in the specific style that it was created for. Is it okay to view RPers as some sort of wild preserve for people to come gawk at, leave their proverbial rubbish about, and leave? That’s the exact attitude that leads to the deterioration of the server.
Also, the whole “it doesn’t effect me so I don’t care” bit really says a lot more about yourself than it does anything else.


Because what’s going on in Goldshire is messed up. Children gets exposed to the awful emotes posted there all the time, even getting whispered by these disgusting people with things they should never see.

So to many people I know including myself, this is very far up the list of messed up things, making your “live and let live” attitude let even more groomers keep on doing what they’re doing in Goldshire.


It bothers a lot of people on this server because it exposes minors to it and because it has nothing to do in a PG-13 rated MMORPG.

So you’re not a roleplayer, you’re not even the target audience for this server and yet act surprised if legit roleplayers don’t share your opinion and then you try to somehow justify Goldshire “RP” when you barely even know RP. That’s just hilarious.

You know it has a bad reputation, then why are you defending it so much?
Ah, wait …

The classic ‘it doesn’t involve me, so it’s not a problem!’ excuse. It is a problem though. A huge problem. Would you like to have your children exposed to this content? The things they are doing there is against the Terms of Service and therefore reportable. There’s nothing that’s okay with the state of Goldshire.


I don’t know if you aimed this at me, but I’ve been a Roleplayer in Argent Dawn since Vanilla. As long as people don’t intrude/grief in RP, and follow RP realm naming conventions, that’s about as much as I will ask.

Sharing a space with people as long as it isn’t obtrusive to your own preferred playstyle is not a problem for me (provided it doesn’t break any rules), it’s not like any RPer isn’t going to join Argent Dawn because there’s also non-RPers, and it’s not like RP realm rules force or even encourage people to actively RP.

EDIT: If the post was regarding the Goldshire situation, then agreed, I don’t think Blizzard should be complacent in allowing the first town in a starter area in a PG-13 online world to be so open about practices that infringe the ToS and put underage people at risk.


How many realms are there for non-RP things?

How many RP realms are there?


Naw that wasn’t at you, Sorry. Seems to have already been covered above me.

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I enjoy being around rp, its cool to see people so involved in the game world and adds to the immersion of playing…, I even as said above join in when the mood takes me, other then that I enjoy the atmosphere or the server, I enjoy the guild im in (not an rp guild btw) and im happy here…who the hell are you to tell me I should leave? Tell you what if this server lost every single person who didnt rp itd be utterly dead!

Oh and just for the hell of it I just went online and took a trip to goldshire…it was busy as ever with no warmode on, saw a lot of people dancing, a lot of people chatting in rp, a lot of people playing with toys…did not see a single erp episode going on, so maybe you should actually judge a place on what actually goes on rather then just its reputation eh? im sure it does go on,I know it goes on, but the way some go on above its as if you walk into the lions pride inn and every single person on there is gonna jump on you and start erping…which plainly isnt the case.

I actually enjoy visting goldshire as an old school player simply because it has a lot of good memories for me (my first character way before just before tbc was a human rogue…I remember running around goldshire and surrounds in cloth armor as I had no clue getting killed by gnolls and thinking hogger was as tough as it got lol)…so its cool to go back sometimes and see it so busy :slight_smile:

If every person who didn’t rp left the server, it would, in fact, be full of only RPers and be absolutely fine.
You can do whatever you want, obviously, and nobody is saying you have to pack your bags and cough up dough for a transfer. However, it shouldn’t be a surprise when people who are interested in the health of their hobby are against the collective approval of its erosion. Moreover, your lack of understanding of the community you are voluntarily subjecting yourself to also doesn’t help.


It’s also 13:41 server time on a Tuesday. Nonetheless, I went there just for the sake of it and without counting people in skimpy armor standing around, just inside the inn I just now counted 15 people (out of a maximum of 25 present) with sexually explicit TRP’s/TRP’s linking to fetish list websites or other ERP preferences.

Clearly Goldshire is still a place to engage and look to solicit ERP (as seen by the several trial accounts there explaining how to contact them for ERP).

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noone is telling me if I dont rp to pack my bags and leave? yeah other then those above then eh? dude ive been on this server for a lot of years now, this has been my permement home ever since cata in fact and this is by far not the first and wont be the last time im given grief for not being an rper on an rp server and ill respond as I always do…I just laugh! I dont impact what rpers are doing, im not one of these people who messes about and interjects myself where not wanted in the middle of rp events and I will respect the rules and only rp if Im playing along with a role that fits the situation…so dont turn around and tell me I should leave this server, ive probably been here longer then many of those whining above and im going nowhere trust me :slight_smile:

Have fun guys :slight_smile:

Literally didn’t say that. I asked for an explanation or justification, to which you say, “because I can”. Yes, you indeed can, and have. Thanks for contributing a grand total of 0% to the conversation or understanding of RPers and non-RPers. Now can you answer my question as to whether you join BGs to afk, since you seem to be more pvp oriented?

again your completly wrong, I barely pvp if I do Its a bit of world pvp when I see a chance…dont do bgs other then to get the rewards when the darkshore event rolls around and never even touched arena.

what I dont understand is people who try to tell other people to leave a server theyve called home for a lot of years just because they dont do what I do you want to rp…fine, im not getting in the way…people who dont want to rp? also fine, it takes nothing away from the server what so ever.

All right, fair enough man, I didn’t mean to try and paint it like you were the Public Enemy numero uno on AD. There are loads of people who do way worse and actually actively worsen the experience of others, and that’s evidently not you.
What I was trying to get across with the BG question was, you wouldn’t go and join a seperate game-mode and then willingly decide to not partake in it, would you? You can argue that your lack of cooperation isn’t hurting anybody in that case, but neither is it helping them. It brings the rest of the team down, and often times, discourages them from trying in the first place. Doing nothing is still doing something.

Try expanding that out to Role Play; a niche hobby on an already niche selection of servers, with no queues or sign-up system to regulate who enters. The small amount of dedicated players are rightfully going to defend and encourage what they like to do, especially when (as you implied before) many players on the server do not role-play to begin with.
Yes, a large majority of players are merely silent observers, with no desire to influence or disrupt the pristine sphere of RP. But when you have hundreds and hundreds, thousands perhaps, of unspeaking observers, even their ambient shuffling and muttering can sound like a riot.
Does that make any sense?

To that end, I don’t mean to imply you’re doing any sort of wrong with malicious intent. Rather, your experience and the experience of others in the community could be improved if you actually engaged with and pursued the realm’s designed intention.


I think a lot of people are waiting for the prepatch. I am waiting for it to bring a character back for roleplay. Waiting to start new roleplay stories. I know plenty friends who feel the same and are less active at the moment.


Personally, I’m waiting for the prepatch too, as I want to main a monk, which I will have to level. No way am I leveling now, better to wait for prepatch to drop.

Also, I need those void elf customisation options.

and I do, when I feel like it, as I stated, its called freedom of choice, and until there is something against the tos in joining a role play server and only roleplaying occasionaly then ill be carrying on just fine as I have for years on this server, it is the small minority of elitist idiots who seem to think that anyone who doesnt roleplay should be kicked off the server im aware of that but I reserve the right to tell such people to go **** themselves as im settled here and certainly not going to go anywhere becasue of the like of them. THEY are the ones btw who give roleplayers a bad name.