Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?

Oke, political andy.

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You can’t, everyone knows that you adore me already


Give it some time, its really hard for him to produce a proper flirt.

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Not helping the situation Sindri :pensive:

I am pretty tired of people making up excuses as to why they refuse to use the server as for what it is intended = roleplay.

I don’t have to say more than this.

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I am a terrible flirt

Hey, Sindri’s my wingman alright

And you couldn’t have picked any worse :stuck_out_tongue:

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I was about to say.

If my judgement of character was any good I wouldn’t be asking Aldru for a date now would I?

I think that statement is ample evidence of that.

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I think he’s just jealous because I’m out of his league

Jealous? I’m trying to woo you damnit

You’re doing a terrible job, keep at it it’s free entertainment.

You don’t need a wingman but a diving crew,

You just iceberged yourself 40 leagues out of aldru’s reach with that attempt to get into a relationship.

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Send in Seal Team Sex gosh darnit, I need an distraction right this instant

You need a damn mircale.

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I was hoping that you’d be it, that you’d be my wingman, however et tu Brutus, I never thought that you would forsake me

Hey now, Brutus had to stab Caesar and not prevent Caesar from stabbing himself like you just did with those posts :stuck_out_tongue:

Your dagger hurts me more than Aldru’s words ever did