Does it seem a hell of a lot less busy as of late?

More farming decreases prices.

I thought they still taught supply and demand in schools. Apparently not.

Still being patronising, top work bru.

And the prices shouldn’t be so high in the first place, so pull the other one.


Green world items with a 90% droprate that on other servers sell for 50 gold, but on AD sells for 500k+ disagrees with this statement. (Paraphrasing)

It is all about which people actually puts them up on the AH, if they are douchy scalpers then the amount of farming is irrelevant.


yeah, saying youve been playing since vanilla and then spending an entire thread showing the best grasp you got on RP is frolicking in Goldshire, claiming its what RP is about (to the point of defending it), is not something I’d accommodate in any space

Because its stupid


It does not.

Supply and demand have two sides. On AD demand is much higher than elsewhere. So even if the supply is also higher, it might not be high enough to compensate.

I mean, I really don’t want to sound condescending again, but it is kind of hard not to when every other post contains a logical mistake or simply shows lack of knowledge.

No offense, but it would have been better if you formed your post as a question. Eg, “Mellinora, why then prices on green items on AD are higher than elsewhere?” I would have happily answered and it would all have been good. But no, you posted it as a statement. Well, your statement was wrong.

?? Didn’t say anything about RP anywhere in particular. I think you are mistaking me for a different poster. And I have not been playing since vanilla, I have only been playing since TBC.

I’m still talking about the OP, not you, in my replies

Fair enough, I got fooled by your quote of my post, should have read closer.

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Yes but it causes massive deflation which is bad for the game economy due to the presence of non-fluctuating factors (vendor items/repairs etc)

So you’re actually only causing an over saturation of the market which is detrimental also… we have group finder now to get mogs.

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Or, it could be the thing we’ve had confirmation from before in very condescending posts by others and also easy to see and understand, you have people who push the prices up deliberately because “hehe those nerdy rpers” etc.

Differating viewpoints and opinions doesn’t equate to a lack of knowledge, I also personally doubt your sincerity on not wanting to sound condescending considering your previous posts to others here and your past forum history in recent times, which all I will say on that topic.

No, you would have provided your opinion and belief on why it is this way, not a 100% waterproof, this is actually how it is to a 100% fact. Merely what you have concluded from your own personal believes and opinions.

Just as I did with mine.

And to clarify some things as well before it gets brought up, because it does every time, being a roleplayer doesn’t mean you can’t or isnt allowed to partake in game activities such as PvE or PvP. Many of us do a lot, and we have several raiding guilds which are primarily for roleplayers who which to seriously push content on the side. Many roleplaying guilds or solo indivduals also do this at varying rates.

And yes, there is no actual rule that you actually need to roleplay to be on a roleplaying server, the question many of us asks though is why, when other servers can cater better to your needs? But you are still fine to be here, but that also means you do not disrupt roleplay at all and following things such as the Naming Policy.

The issue however is, a majority of OOC players do neither of these things, and often use very inappropriate names(sometimes inappropriate even on non-rp servers) and actively relish in trolling rpers or disrupting events, with everything from running up and shouting things, walking around in the middle of people roleplay, to the old mammoth parade meme.

And also said, several areas are also completely inaccessible to role-play because they are used for OOCers to a larger extent than simply just using it for the mechanical/gameplay reasons.

A small, but incredibly common example of OOC activity either being disruptive or acceptable is this:

A roleplay event or gathering is taking place near a quest-giver. Someone who is out doing content comes to pick up or hand in a quest. The acceptable way this is done is merely to run in, grab the quest and run back out. No problem, people expect this and it’s fine. This also sadly the least common.

The disruptive way is that the person stops, runs up to the roleplayers and run around in circles for a bit, throws a couple of toys down, mount-up on something if possible & or starts to chat random messages and words in /say or /yell. Depending on the person, this can be anywhere from a minute before they grab the quest and leave to literal hours. This is incredibly common occurrence.

It’s this people have an issue with, and this along with a very dismissive tone, smug attitude and hostility and contempt towards people who just want to enjoy their hobby like anyone else. This is the problem, and it is a common problem and why people get stingy with OOCer’s, because in 9/10 cases, this is the kind of players they are.

If you want to showcase and truly mean that you are the 1/10 case instead and just want to go about your day, it is up to you to prove this, and a good way to NOT do that is to make threads and posts like the OP here or some of your comebacks to people in this thread.

You mean re-sellers? Or, as you call them, “scalpers”?

But that also happens because the demand is higher. Why are there fewer re-sellers for your green items on other realms? Because on other realms nobody wants them, comparatively speaking. It’s the demand.

Your “Or” isn’t an “Or”, it’s the same thing.

Do not condone this, report it, etc. I believe the OP said about the same.

I merely responded to the notion that since you are on an RP realm, you should RP or GTFO or something like that. If that’s not your opinion - and from your text it seems that it is not, everything is fine, we have no beef.

Cheers, have a good evening, I am off.

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What can i say? Im not going to speak nicely to people who are basically telling me to get off the server if I dont rp! Interesting that such attitudes are fine with you however me standing up for myself isn’t? Im done ‘being nice’ ive tried to be nice and responsible and understanding… And all ive been met with is people trying to excuse elitist asshats… I literally couldn’t give a toss anymore. If this is the rp community? Im glad im not involved with it. Theres probably 100000 silly petty little rules id break and offend someone with just by being me. Do one!

I take back me inviting you out on a date, you uncultured swine


Have a good evening!

From what youve shown in this thread from the start, no you havent.

I take back my mention of you making the forums better, sushi is gross man don’t even @ me

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I tried to explain many times over now how im respectful to roleplayers, enjoy the atmosphere of a roleolaying server, dont mess with roleplayers and even enjoy doing some roleolaying myself sometimes…my only issue is and always has been the asshats above claiming despite the above i still dont belong here and should leave the server… Oh and those like you who make me out to be the bad guy while saying sweet eff all about those with such stuck up attitudes… Almost defending such opinions.

You are incredibly bad representatives of your ‘community’ thats all ill say im done wasting my time here. You got a problem with me whisper me in game as ill no longer be checking this trash, its like going round and round on a stuck record, your being willfully ignorant of most of that said above just so you’ve got an excuse to continue slating me. Aa i said, Im done being nice so really do one!

Do you also tell women that you’re a nice guy?


damn, talking about who’s willfully ignorant here you could compete with some top athletes if it was a sports category buddy

bye, have fun in Goldshire lol

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I already linked multiple posts that shows exactly why I consider you a bad actor/egg, and this kind of inflammatory language doesn’t help your case either.

Turns out the Trump cultist doesn’t have a very sane view on RP either.

Who would have thought?