True…warmode = zergmode. Either u zerg or get zerged.
Fair fights are non excistant.
True…warmode = zergmode. Either u zerg or get zerged.
Fair fights are non excistant.
When you play the game of WoW, you either live or you die.
Tell me about it i 1vs1 a shaman and while i was dancing on his corpse and t-bagging him to show him The Alliance’s better his mage friend i think it was and only then he dared to fight me and then laughed at me when i Righteous Retreated. #Hordehavenohonor.
Alliance in a nutshell.
It happens both ways horde i find trys running unless you get back up then you turn around from running off. Happens all the time
Am i the only one who’s noticed that the 30%'s become the 20% by now?
Yes. You are.
But why’s that and how do i fix that?
You don’t. It’s supposed to be 20% now because apparently there’s less of a number gap between factions for those who have War Mode on.
Cowardly horde they don’t let us keep the bonus as soon as it’s not horde mode they all rage quit they all seems like spoiled children to me more and more by the each passing dawns.
Inevitably it’ll end up going the other way though and then back and forth for all eternity so I wouldn’t worry too much.
I had war mode turned on even when it was horde mode and the horde don’t have the guts to do the same victory or death rather loot or death.
I wouldn’t know unfortunately. I’ve yet to really play Horde. I plan on doing so eventually though.
But why do they pretendt to be so high and mighty when they’re all just scared of world pvp and won’t even turn it on unless they have the horde mode?
Faction pride.
Which means?
It’s like how people are proud of their country in the real world.
Oh so the horde’s the coward i don’t wana fight unless we’re at least 5 vs you faction?
No, you imbecile, this only means that more of your cowardly faction is turning warmode on.
The Alliance really deserves you… Lol.
Thing is…no more shiney, no more alliance in wm.