All i hear is yes the horde’s so cowardly we needs to be at least 5-vs you to even dare to fight you Highlord. That’s what you meant.
No it’s because of the horde have the numbers they have the biggest guilds and the best guilds so blizzard was right to Buff The Alliance and soon we’ll Get High elves aswell which will make more of the horde faction change.
And all i hear is, " yes netherlord, the only chance we stand against our horde overlords is when we gank them one at a time at an flightpoint."
High-elves will never join you lol. You are waaaayyyy to boring for them.
I do to myself though. I should really stop reading your posts. I can feel my brain cells dying.
No it’s not you horde’s are northing compared to the Light i can easilly 1vs1 you and win. And besides we’re Your Alliance Overlords you tried to take our City but you failed yet we took your city and we susceeded. Face it you’ve lost this war.
No we’re not they’re already a part of The Alliance but you hordies thinks you own everything.
Which brain cells you’re dead.
What city would that be? Please elaborate.
The troll city.
Last time i checked we only killed Rastakahn? Hail Mary Jaina had to flee. Zuldazar still under Horde control.
They burned Teldrassil. We tried to take undercity but failed. Hell…we didn’t even get worlds first. Limit faction changed, butt even with the welfare gear failed.
Ofc, because many addons ago all top pve guilds fraction change to hordies, because of racials.
Also isn’t limit fraction change only to take gear and then return hordi again?
Because its Warmode, not duelmode
Getting jumped as a solo player is just part of the game
You wouldnt poke a Snake with a stick (play wm solo) then complain when you get bit (jumped by groups) would you?
Also today i ganked an orc warrior there had around better item level then i and still i 1vs1 him and won easilly as did i against a taruan and they were both warrior tanks. FTA.
Well ilvl doesn’t really matter if the other part doesn’t care or have no clue how to encounter another player
Even if you were 300ilvl with blue, you are still not allowed to lose against a warrior as (Ret) paladin.
No glory there my friend.
Yes there is he chosed his powers i chosed mine. And i diden’t lose i won.
like this if you only fight with your faction around you to trigger ppl
No 1v1 possible as Hunter unless you play Marksman without pet.
Troll males, blood elves and void elf females are the worst.
They try to act skilled, jumping around not taking the fight seriously thinking they can win over you.
Once you get the upper hand, they run like small chickens and scream “HELP ME HELP ME SOMEONE IS TRYING TO KILL ME” on the chat. I love seeing them die while their friends barely made it to the fight.
And then ofcourse, they camp you. And tbag your corpse.
I dont understand the mind of some troll male/blood elf female/void elf female player in pvp mode.