Doesn’t Alliance love 1v1 ?

If Paladins arn’t allowed to heal or to use The Divine Shield warriors arnt’ allowed to use weapons and they’ll only be allowed to be tanks and never a dps. So you see how it feels to get taken away Your class’ fantasy?

Not if you’re a rogue with just a bit of skill just ambush and poision and when i try to heal i gets so oom so fast it’s not very ballanced.

Maybe I only need it to kill you but good pals are really hard for melees. Rogue is the only class I know which really have chances as meele to win against a pal.

No this undead rogue he was really skilled he was able to retreat easilly and heal a lot before i could even heal up With the flash of Light.

Then he just had many buffs. My baseline heal ability gives me only 30% heal every 30 seconds. It isn’t much.

Either that or he ran away and used bandages now it should be more ballanced but how do i prevent a rogue from escaping then so he or She dosen’t make me waste my cds then?

You have to time all of your cooldowns. Not use bubble + wing cause its a big waste against a rogue. Use stun + wings. I also would pick up Divines Purpose.

I did the stunning when the rogue’s aroud 20-30% in health but they used an ability to break free.

It was probably the medal. Oh and I found something for your CD problems:

they took away our ability to pop your sheild as well as ALOT of the things that actualy felt like our class fantasy though.


Not sure if you are Arms or Fury (Or prot) but they also removed some cool class fantasy ideas in BFA beta.

Bring back Shattering Throw. Even as a talent? Give it true strike, mediocre damage but shatters shields and invulnerabilities dealing maybe double damage if it does?

So why does horde always need fully organized group with healers in WM?

Friends stick together? :flushed:

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Because alliance are a bunch of cowards. Thatswhy they kept the WM off untill Blizzard offered them items to turn it on.Thatswhy they kept the WM off untill Blizzard offered them items to turn it on. They only know to fight and have courage, when they are minim 3 vs 1,but usually they are a full raid vs 1 player. Its more entertaining for them. What is funny is that after alliance noobs kill you, they /spit your corpse. What a honor to fight vs such players.
Gj Blizzard btw.

I think you’re refering to the horde and not to The Righteous Alliance. Like your horde you keep running to your horde npcs to drag us into them where’s the honor in that?

People who complain about this stuff are probably the same types of people who rage and call me dishonourable in for honor for pushing their asses off ledges.


I agree the horde thinks they’re so honorable yet just take a quick look at The Stormsong vally’s village you’ll see the innocents pinned to the wooden structures and an orc even holding an innocent one up and strangling him do i need to go on? If so yes they killed an innocent mother and farther and made the children orphans. The horde must be ended.

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I don’t know which planet you live but in my experience it has always been like this on both sides its like a pack of hyenas having a field day with a duck.

I am also kind of bored of some of you horde players self victimizing them self a when every time alliance gets something nice all you do is come to forums and cry about it while you see nothing wrong when you have the upper hand.

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