No orcs does it aswell once upon a time i 1vs1 an orc and we were at the same level around 8.0 and after having slayed him fairly his druid friend came and 2vs1 me so i Righteous retreated.
Also i just tried to 1vs1 a hordie shaman there had more item level then i did and he fled from me am i really that intimidating?
You yourself? Maybe not? The fact that you are a Paladin? Probably! ^^
Even if we can’t win, we Paladins tend to require a fair bit of effort to take down. That’s ignoring the fact that we are powerful enough to have a chance to win anyway!
Horde and Alliance are riddled with those who won’t 1v1 but there are far more who will 1v1 or at least die fighting.
I think it’s both as i am quite skilled.
so bubble heart is not the reason everyone dont wanna fight a paladin? i mean if a paladin dont want to die he wont
Pala is auto win against rogues, warriors, bad dk, enh sham and bad DH.
It’s auto lose against mages and good sp.
I’d say Rogues still have a great chance against Paladins.
You can’t really say “bad” Death Knights and Demon Hunters cos that is the player, not the class. You could say anything beats Paladin as long as the Paladin is bad!
Death Knights and Warriors have decent enough fight against Paladins. Same with Survival Hunter.
Demon Hunters alongside Unholy Death Knights can “spazz out” and beat hard on a Paladin with bewildering mess of attacks.
Alongside Demon Hunters, Rogues also have a major “nope” mechanic setup with mobility and invisibility to escape!
Enh Shaman is the only one that I’d say who would have hard time.
I agree that any class that can keep a Paladin slowed will give Paladins a really hard time! ^^
No rogues can just stealth away so no fun they can easilly heal while they’re within stealth. We Retribution Paladins can barelly even heal to half health we arn’t op anymore we arn’t even normal op we’re barelly even able to do great at all.
“We aren’t OP, we aren’t great at all.”
Do you ever played other classes? Do you now how they feel like without free offheal, 3 def CDs and 20m heal cd?
I only play Holy/Righteous classes i rarely play none Holy/Righteous classes.
Do you ever play other classes? Without stealth, restealth, sap, multiple stuns, mobility, total melee shutdown and major damage?
Or are you going to say Rogues are balanced? :^)
Grow up small Orc.
How old are you irl ?
I don’t like to give out irl infomation to strangers.
or without self heals and bubble shields.
Paladin’s have already been covered. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of booing out the strengths of other classes while disregarding your own.
It’s called The Divine Shield. Not bubble.
Well, that’s your choise. Paladins are still pretty srong agains melees.
Ofc. I do. I play also DH, Druid and Shadow Priest. Rogue are balanced for rated PvP, yeah that’s true. No class is balanced for a 1v1 obviously.
Still it’s so diffecult to defeat a rogue as soon as you’re about to kill one they just disepear or they use group finders to be realm jumping.
It’s difficult to kill a pal as a rogue too. Lay on hands is still pretty op even with 20m cd.