Don't get it - why does A get buff + loot for nothing?

There is also the perceived desire to dissuade Horde PvE’ers from playing War Mode simply for the PvE incentives… by giving Alliance better PvE incentives.

… so we’ll get more Alliance PvE’ers only playing War Mode for the PvE incentives.

Well Done, Blizzard. Utterly utterly smart.

We are at 15% though, only 5% extra bonus, no extra gear… plenty Alliance still wm on, plenty horde still wm on, plenty wpvp happening, closer faction balance.

Changes have helped, wpvp is better now, more likely to encounter wpvpers in wm shards. We’ll see if it lasts. If it takes another pass with 20% so be it.

The real issue has always been horde ending up on overflow shards with no alliance. Terrible situation for wm, and a big reason for the fast sharp shock rebalancing strat. Overflow shards can still be happening at 15%, need to get it down to 10%… come on alliance, target those non wpvpers! The ones that stand by and watch their pals get killed, or jump around and emote when you attack em. They are bad for wpvp.

more likly the problem will be alliance turning off WM the moment they dont have the quest anymore.


You only mention the 20% buff? This isn’t what caused more of you to turn wm on…it was the welfare shiney. There already is an drastic decline in alliance with wm on.

Let’s face it. The bulk of your wpvpers wasn’t actually pvpers, but just a bunch of pvers that needed the ilvl 400 loot. Nothing more. Nothing less.

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I just refer to the 20% as shorthand for all that. But ye, we’ll see, could be 15.

One positive thing to say is that this WM is making people communicate again. I think personally it’s pretty funny to see leaders in /1 forming groups.

But yeah, for sure it has it flaws… maybe over a year or what ever when a new expac hits and WM is gone people make threats about how they miss it


Says the rogue… I miss PvP servers when people could still do some group PvP without having a swarm of off-server raids coming in to ruin it all.


Alliance WM is dead again it feels like… Another assault with none of them to see, what a pity :c

of course you would only turn it on for a good reward… 385 is not good as many don’t even need anything below 400 anymore.
10% or even 30% is not interesting for me because except the gold emissary I don’t even do world quests anymore and doing wqs with wm on is just annoying.

The sharding makes wm a terrible experience because either you are 20 ppl and stomp someone that gets along or its the other way round. There is literally never a 1vs1 situation or 2vs2 or whatever, it is always 20vs1

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If there is 20v1, that is a great opportunity to retaliate. I’d love to see 20 Horde :slight_smile:

well thats the point, you only see them if you are alone. if you are in your own raid of 20 you will also only see 1 horde at a time.
garbage system is garbage

We acctually had a nice 4v4 brawl during an Assualt a couple of days ago. Just random people fighting over a WQ area but it felt natural somehow. Then Horde had to go full circle and bring a raid group into the mix. Tbh i don’t think it was fun for either side after that… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


same happens on horde side, I actualy find it better to keep away from areas where you see a bounty as it often means this is where the raid group is.


Oh it’s fun :smiling_face:

That is war mode, random anything goes wpvp. Just when you think you are having a fair fight, more enemies show up. Then you can group up, retaliate, and try to beat them. I don’t understand why that would not be fun for both sides.

This is wm. Unfairness is baked in. It is part of the fun. We have duels, arena, and bgs for fair fights.

Reading the opponent to avoid is just as fun and important and engaging and attacking an enemy :slight_smile:

and when you see multible bounties forming, you know you made the right choice.

lesson: bounties are best left to raids to kill.



“No sir, I am not fleeing, I am placing myself in the best strategical position, so I can attack another time” :yum:

to be fair, its not the person with the bounty on their head thats the issue, its the usualy around 20 or so other people around them.

True, but I applaud people for being able to work as a group and helping each other to get a bounty and make sure the one with the bounty is out of reach for any potential enemy :slight_smile:


[quote=“Vaëyn-ravencrest, post:11, topic:25554, full:true”]
WPvP is in a good place right now, [/quote]
no, its not - when a raid of 40 people gets the kill of one person counted for all 40 wpvp is broken.