Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

I see you Blizzard. We know you long for an opportunity to villain bat the Amani another time despite their only crime wanting to have their land back. They were never evil you just don’t understand the motivations of the original troll allies of the Horde because then the high elf fans would lose all their supposed to justified hatred on trolls for good. So pls consider giving them a redemption instead and put them on the creation screen.


zul aman


The Amani did nothing wrong sorry. I won’t take it back.



They are misunderstood victims of bad writing.

No they aren’t.


Sigh. Different name, same old nonsense biased threads.


Big stretch

Oh boy, there he goes fishing again.

pulls up the chair

And now we wait. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

if we can pardon Eredar for their evil the same logic should apply to the most popular troll tribe.


Sure why not, I am not against having more customization options. However I was disputing the fact you claimed the Amani were misunderstood, they weren’t, same as the Eredar they were just evil.


Wanting the land back the humans took from them makes them evil? What?

You grossly misrepresenting their motivations. And yes the Amani were evil.


Look at this map. Most of which was stolen by the arathor empire(humans). Everyone would be miffed if you were reduced to just your capital city. I totally understand and feel with the trolls in this situation.


The humans lived in caves, and the trolls hunted them for food. It is no wonder that when they had the chance, the humans confronted them and defeated them. They should have taken even more land.


Wrong. The Trolls did nothing wrong. I will support them when Midnight comes.

They never do anything wrong, do they? Ask the tolvir in Uldum.


I mean, do you really own what you can’t defend?
Morality aside, they lost
Also they never stopped being antagonists afaik


They are the OG trolls of the game so I think they deserve more then just being side plot villains.

Work browser gave some issues bleh

They still are some of the better known yeah but for a different horde and for different reasons, the darkspear/thrall horde alliance is just that much more solid then the amani/blackhand horde alliance

And I do believe that the moment the Amani will join the protagonist club it’ll take all edge away from them. I get what you’re asking for but I feel like it’d destroy what the Amani have left to be proud of overnight, even if blood elves weren’t in the picture for horde it was Blackhands horde going yeah ok this isn’t worth it go fight for your woods yourself.

To make them then bend the knee years later feels like taking the edge away from them.

If losing their edge is what is needed to safe them from being wiped out by either the elves or the void I take it with a hand kiss. Blizzard has an awful habit of killing important stuff offscreen. See the Dark Trolls and Cairne.