Besides, I loved the tauren units from WC3. I had no such love for the troll units.
I’m not. I said I like their civilization, their gear aesthetic and such.
I just don’t like their appearance; it’s off-putting to me.
Not like Draenei, mind you; that race just gives me the creeps.
Doesn’t matter. A playable race is all about having an appealing appearance for me.
And trolls do not have that.
I don’t like the hooves, no. But that’s not the worst.
I also don’t like the horns and the bumpy foreheads. But those things are also not the worst.
The second worst thing that I don’t like about draenei are their tails. Smooth and creepy and just disgusting looking.
But number one… THEIR FRICKIN’ TENDRILS! They creep me out. They’re horrible and disgusting. I hate them get them away from me ew ew ew.
Never made one either but the red skin and the female voice accent is alright. I think its funny they make terminator reload animation with xbow and gun too
Oh you can add the accent to the list of things I don’t like about draenei.
And while we’re at it, let’s make the list complete by adding their tech: I hate the ugly pink crystal tech.
I was in the middle of stormwind earlier.
There was an orc chillin near the church.
We exchanged pleasantries and I went on my merry way.
Maybe it’s a you thing