Oh I agree. If we assume he’s not trolling, then I think the healthiest thing for him would be to step away from WoW completely. The troubling thing is: The mental condition IS the good faith option. And that’s genuinely worrying.
They aren’t anymore. That was a temporarily condition. No Horde NPCs are present in that place. Unlike Undermine where the alliance can walk around like they own the place.
Goblins did nothing wrong.
And what would be wrong with that?
undead are undead. Necromancy turned them into abominations who hate everything.
Of course you defend Yrel and her fascism I shouldn’t be surprised.
Every race deserves a real city hub. It makes the world seem bigger and immersive.
I am simply a disapppointed customer who believer the lies of Blizzard for too long. Now I don’t care anymore and all that is left is making the alliance and their fans feel my pain.
There are things that were never true to begin with: They’re only true in your head.
That’s not Blizzard’s fault.
Trying to actively make other players unhappy because you are unhappy is seriously not okay, dude. That has nothing to do with the game. That’s basic human decency.
Find something else that DOES make you happy.
No, horde can still walk their.
I can them agrume tje same, prthsnd ots only temporary that the alliance wakl threre, we dont know yet since jt yet ro come
So you DO denounce the forsaken not as former people of lordaeron and them to abominatios.
So, that meand Forsaken have per vice vusa ni claim to lore anymore.
Say the guy whi defend fachist garrosh…or sylvanas.
Yrel started her plot 30 years after the Iron Horde no longer existed.
They hold Lordaeron through power. No one cares about land rights for people that no longer exists including the Menethil line.
so? Unlike in Silvermoon in Midnight there isn’t a single Horde NPC in Bel’ameth. Or Gilneas.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Also I do believe that was not your argument last time this came up.
They aren’t there because it is their right. They are there because they defeated every other group trying to claim it, the Scourge, Stormwind and Scarlet Crusade included.
Idk why you guys still fighting of this, havent you heard we are all on same side now
I can’t enter Stormwind without the guards attacking me so no we are not on the same side.
Fair point you get the match point with that
OP was restored.
And yet when that happened with Quel’thalas suddenly it’s not okay?
Your double standards are off the chart.
But let me get this straight: If we straight up kill all of the Amani, then it’s perfectly fine for the land to be under elf control. That’s according to your own argument.
Well, that settles it: Midnight will be an Amani slaughter, bar none.
Darkspear jungle trolls are still cooler in my opinion than any other trolls.
I like troll civilization and all and I like the aesthetic of their gear, but I just don’t think the troll models look nice; none of them. They’re all ugly as sin imo.
I only dislike how the female troll model lacks any mobility in general, even standing on flying carpet mount it looks oddly stiff. The model just stands like a flag pole. Male is fine though and both have best casting animation in the game with hadouken animations.
Amani are the best trolls. Darkspear are backjard island dwellers.
We only have slim trolls and I hate that. The Forest branch would be buff.
They are also called as islanders yea, also one of the reason why I like them. I like islands and jungles and sea in general. Your giving me reasons to like them even more
Sure, but still ugly.
It’s just not a race that I’d play. And that’s fine.
Dont judge book by its cover