Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

Can’t do that until I have certainty with the happenings of the next expansion.

What do you fear / hope ?

I fear that blood elves leave the Horde. And I hope that the Amani don’t get exterminated for the crime of existing.

where do you want blood elves go ? neutral? like 3rd faction? Alliance ? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I don’t want blood elves to go but Blizzard tens to pander alot these days and they might become alliance full time so they can make those players on TURTLE return to retail.

its not gonna happen, even during MoP, it was and it can again be only for the lore and quests.

You cannot change the 15% playerbase from horde to alliance “just like that” without asking them

and can you believe blizzard gifting a free 25e faction change for the 15% playerbase ? XD

you can do think like that with a non playable race, not with blood elves

do you really think that Silvermoon will be rebuild on the left side with blue roofs for high elves and red roofs for blood elves on the right?

it looks ridiculous.

No. Gaby is spoken :

Silvermoon will be rebuilt entirely, still horde and blood elves. We gonna some soft hello kitty adventure questline trying to make peace with voidies and high elves for fight the common enemy. And thats all

And maybe during midnight they ll introduce high elves but with a new capital in crystal song forest as a pre base camp for the last titan

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I take your word for it this moment but I will be back in August so we can see again if it still holds true.

do not forget there is a pvp achievement for killing lorthemar.

Do you imagine a fast and free access for kill lorthemar teron by coming from the left side as ally player to kill lorthemar but nothing for us to kill turalyon ?

They also cant turn Silvermoon into a neutral city, because its the blood elves city.
If the City become neutral, the race must become neutral too and its not possible.


Save my words, the oracle has spoken.

But they’ve said that Midnight will largely be about Quel’thalas, Silvermoon and the Sunwell. If they do not let alliance into that place they’re cutting off the alliance from all of that. That can’t happen.

So to me the only way this is going to work is by doing to Silvermoon what they did to Bel’ameth. But of course, I don’t have a complete picture of that expansion yet. We’ll see.

You didnt play BC ?

It was possible to have access to the sunwell raid if you were alliance, by portal to isle of quel danas.

if the left side of silvermoon is high elves and alliance they ll not put red roofs

can you imagine, honestly, a left side with blue roofs and a red one on right side ? the game has a minimum of serious

That’s a raid.
Not an entire zone and what might very well be Midnight’s main hub city.
That’s on another level than just a raid.

Now, sure maybe the island will be the new hub. I hope it won’t.
I wasn’t a fan of that place in TBC.

we gonna have multiple zone to leveling,

its impossible to level 80-90 only in quel thalas.

its gonna be like Cata i guess

I know. That’s why I said we don’t have the full picture of the expansion yet.
But look at what they’ve been doing in the last few expansions. 4 zones. For everyone.
Last expansion that had faction specific zones was BfA. I don’t see them doing a lot of zones again; not if they want to make them a size fit for Skyriding speeds.

Like I said: We’ll see. But I’m skeptical.

People must remember that there is also another possibility :

absolutely no playable high elves, full Silvermoon rebuild left and right side, still horde
And with a base military camp in quel talas for alliance

Pretty sure he is just trolling with the LF, he is too degen to stop playing his Belf.

Amonet, I can curse your void disease, go back to our people.

Curse all you want, Velf is still the superior elf.

Then I sentence you to die. Erevien ! The Sin’dorei Greatsword ! :elf: :crossed_swords:

This has nothing to do with any of that.

I don’t want ‘just a military camp’ while the horde gets an awesome new city.
That doesn’t sound balanced or fair.

Maybe they are actually slowly deconstructing the old 2 faction system?

what new city ? Silvermoon exist since 2007 in WoW