Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

You know what I mean. It’ll be completely rebuild with modern tech. It won’t be the old city at all.

I’m a warlock I can’t die.

yes but stop with bad faith for having last word. Its not a new city, no more territory and stuff. Its a revamp.

We ll not forget to stomp your soulstone :dracthyr_lulmao:

I set out every night so far with my LFD and I had alot of fun.

[quote=“Gabriela-hyjal, post:288, topic:555753, full:true”]
We ll not forget to stomp your soulstone :dracthyr_lulmao:
“We” as in the Blood elves?

Silvermoon was Horde since 2007. Why should the alliance get any claim over it?

Yes, for my part I m alone in my head :dracthyr_lulmao:

It’s not bad faith, it’s common sense.
It’s essentially a new city, in a new zone. For PLAYERS.
Just from a lore perspective the city’s always been like that, but that’s not what we ‘the players’ experience.

I haven’t made any such remark.
Being able to visit (like Bel’ameth) is NOT making any claim on it whatsoever. It’s literally just that: Visiting.

If I visit Paris, I’m not claiming that city. Don’t be weird.

Then I am safe.

i dont have the same curse as my colleague, I never consumed fel crystal :elf:

Still a belf though, you guys are unreliable AF.

I m a high elf who asked for political asylum to come back to my people :elf:

Oh god why would you do that? We could have taken over that janky city together.

because alliance elves are traitors and deal with humans and make half elves babies, thats disgusting. The true quel dorei people are blood elves

at least neutral…because plot demands…

ehm…remember Amidrasil,/Belàmeth…
Horde was aloed to walk threi because plot demands…

The whole island was accecable because the daylies for teh rep grind…

Who are the actual traitors. I mean you literally joined the faction with Trolls, Orcs, Undead and Lordaeronians.

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yes, unlike humans they didnt jail us in purpose to kill us with the help of the kirin tor

Those humans were from Lordaeron and are now undead in the Horde. Ourr humans are from SW and KT.

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