Don't make the Amani the bad guys again

Lets pretend you are right, because why not
Then why again the unrully and savage Amani who were unable to follow orders deserve respect…? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They are broken people without a future. Everyone would become desperate in such a situation. the humans and high elves took everything from them.

What this have to do with respect?

Did we not wipe out the Amani already?

Unless the forest trolls can grow up in just a few years, the Amani are out of trolls of fighting age

No they are still active.

Blizzard unwillingly created empathy for a group because a lot of POC groups who are fans of the game have a similar history with colonization.

Do they have a lot more holdings besides Zul Aman?

the enclave in Zuldazar.

That is quite far from Quel Thelas though. They are also mostly guests there ?

But there I am reminded of how the Worgen somehow returned to full fighting strength after staying in Darnasus and Stormwind.

Well yes but the question was if they are still there not if they have an army. Zul’aman and Tal’aman is under their control so.

I thought that there is no Tal, only Zuuuuuuul

IDK how Blizzard will handle it but I think that they have to give the Amanio some spotlight even if it is like the nerubian story to fight against void influence this time around.

I think you missed the Ghostbusters joke

What joke? Explain it to me please.

In Ghostbusters 1, the big bad evil demon thing named Zuul, possessed the love interest of one of the protagonists, Dana. At some point she declades: There is no Dana, only Zuul.

Pretty sure the Warcraft 3 Banshee unit uses the same line.

Because Warcraft 3 was full of memes and pop culture references. A very cultured game from a more cultured dev team

Well it is sad the RTS games are no longer popular these days like they been in 2003 to 2010 but I find the MMO be a massive win in exchange of genres.

Always remember the Amani deserve love and attention.

Personally prefer the darkspear trolls over amani but I guess any of them is better than none :dracthyr_a1:

Yeah? How do you prefer them?


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