The true enemy is the hatred in your heart caused by an unhealthy obsession with a fictional setting.
WOW is the setting I love the most and Blizzard turned the story to crap. Since they will do nothing to repair the damage that BFA dealt to the Horde I want revenge and make the alliance community unhappy in return.
So, you like it to be a puppet, being betrayed and used.
Having no own mind just follow your Führer till end, even he abandon you
Godwins law strikes again.
I know, but that is an obsession and he clearly used your giving crap about you and still folie yhem as thing, taht the leader i must follow
This makes you a sick person.
Make the call Erevien. You are not okay.
Get the help you need.
I will stop engaging with you now.
For your own good, I’m going to put you on ignore.
I don’t dislike you, but you need help. This is the only way I can help you.
I hope you can get better and move on from WoW.
People have different tastes and I have zero love for any of the traitors who signed the peace treaty. BFA ruined all my fun with the game. And now I have nothing left but spite.
Back to the real topic. Treat the Amani with respect, all they ever wanted is having their land back.
Slaughter every last one of the dogs. The only good Amani is a dead Amani.
I tried to be a normal troll fan but the slin models of their bodies set me off. But Forest Trolls are buff and beefy and I feel like they would be total tanks on the frontline.
We have an Orc general stashed away in Acherus
Just say the word and Ol’ Saurfang will have a new job
No one cares.
Nazgrim is undead now. He broke ties with the Horde sadly.
You don’t care. But more races make the game better either way. That is why Amani should be playable.
Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Treat the Amani with respect
Respect have to be earned
Even their temporary allies, the Old Horde had 0 respect and betrayed their trust
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us…
The Amani ignored the original plan. They broke off despite Doomhammer giving the order that Lordaeron needs to be defeated before going to hunt down the elves.
This isn’t a great loss for me considering you didn’t like me before.
No one likes you.
Bending History again?
They were not slaves or war-thralls but allies
Equal in every way
Doomhammer not had the right to order them around, remember…? They had an agreement
the plan was to defeat the alliance first. Sieging Silvermoon at the same time was never part of the strategy. Zul’jin had no one to blame but himself for this failure.