Don't release ICC Buff too early!

As i said you clearly dont understand the gearing issue here which has been rather hot topic for years. Having pvp gear wouldnt make you play pvp cos if you wanted to play it you would since you dont need pvp gear for that and its not hard to obtain. If you think winning 20 games (it doesnt really matter if you lose since you dont lose rating to some point) in order to buy 3/4 of pvp gear is holding you back then idk youre just making excuses.

Just do the raids for your gear then :slight_smile:

Thats what i’m doing tho. Youre not getting it at all - i’m not the one crying here that i havent killed 12/12 yet and need 10 more years of wrath to kill lk 25hc. Blizzard made a change, a welcomed one, and i support their decision cos it saves me time in boring raid. Boys here asked why am i playing pve if i’m not enjoying it so i explained the situation - my situation and my pov where pvp gear is not the issue since my friends are capable pvp players who just cba spending 100 hours in raid every season. It’s sad but what can i do - nothing. I’m not trying to change anything here since at this point its pointless as we’re getting cataclysm soon when atleast in S9 you dont need to play pve in order to pvp. Yes removing rating requirements might bring some people to pvp however its wouldnt be as inpactful as you think since there are many more issues with wrath pvp that makes people not play. So everyone who wants to play is already playing and who thinks that rating requirements are gatekeeping them is simply wrong for reasons i explained above.

I mean how much time did you spend playing pvp or atleast theorycrafting pvp issues? Your lack of understanding suggest you are out of touch with rated pvp.

What did i misunderstand ?

I was merely poking at your flawed logic of “i want this but if other people want similar or the same change, it shouldn’t go both ways”.

You resent having to do PvE for your PvP bis.
I resent having to do Arenas to buy current tier set/weap for PvP.

Its the same picture.

The anticipated answer of “you don’t need current tier set, just buy last season” will be met with “you dont need pve trinkets/weapons, just use last seasons”.

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Yes well you completely missed my point since thats not what i said at all. It’s getting boring to repeat myself all the time - So anyway here we go again. He said that pvp gear shouldnt be locked behind rating (first of all i agree with that i just dont think its as big issue atm cos for reasons i explained above so theres no point in changing anything atm since this issue is fixed with cataclysm). However saying if there were no rating requirements people would play more is not the only solution cos the issue here is much more complex and such change alone doesnt fix almost anything at this point. I simply explained why obtaining pve gear takes more time on avg than obtaining pvp gear and that it made some people quit. I explained the issue that me and people around me have. Obviously theres more to it however theres no point in elaborating since cataclysm is coming which fixed some issues (including rating requirement one).

So no my logic is not flawed. I welcome nerf to icc cos it makes gearing faster. Pvp gear rating requirements and even honor and arena point cost has also been nerfed. So Its not like “it shouldnt go both ways” just cos pvp gear costs etc. has already been nerfed and I bet you didnt even know that. Actually icc 5% buff makes it equal as finally its actually “going both ways” cos both of gearing ways are now faster.

I do actually play pve cos i knew what i signed up for when started playing wrath and i’m fine with that (i mean i hate it but what can i do) as i’m not proposing any changes that did not exist in og wrath. Youre proposing changes to already nerfed gearing that did never exist in og wrath cos ??? You didnt even say Whats your issue with that i mean Are you that bad at the game? So we’re not the same. I accepted what I signed up for why youre just trying to sound smart without knowing anything about the issue.

I would never say that as its simply not true. Ofc to play high end pvp you want both bis pvp and bis pve pieces. However the point that you again missed is you need to have pve gear in order to even start playing pvp (by playing i dont mean capping etc but playing at somewhat high lvl, imagine playing for example warrior hpal mirror- one warr has mourne, dbw, all the good stuff while the other one is full pvp - the game would be unplayable for full pvp geared warr). So pve gear is some kind of entry barrier and the game is unplayable without that. While when it comes to pvp gear in pvp thats something that comes to you in time. Not having bis pvp gear before starting playing pvp is not barrier since you can’t get pvp gear without playing pvp as its a reward that comes with playing.

Was there a tldr version of this?

He’s bad at PVE and wants BIS items without putting in any effort, but thinks people should have to slog through PVP to get PVP items.

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I thought as much.

I’ve spoken to my guild leaders about this and they told me we’re not using the buff. We are 11/12hc though and I think that when the LK HC wiping becomes too much there will be a less hardcore crowd within the guild pushing for the buff to be used and/or on the limit of quitting.

That’s ultimately the issue with hard bosses in Classic, people have been free of needing to be good at the game and put time into progression, but we had a taste of a modern difficulty in Ulduar and much closer in ICC, in Cataclysm it will be in full effect. That modern difficulty is what killed so many guilds.

I played in a guild called Stinki Monki Finger, since the end of TBC until WOD and again for a short while in Legion. Clearing Mythic was too hard for this guild, not because the bosses were too hard, but because the kind of players who enjoy classic easy farming would stop signing up and the guild would be in recruitment limbo about halfway through Mythic progression, which is why in the end I left and joined a more hardcore guild in WOD.

The ICC buff being available will put a lot of pressure on less hardcore guilds to use it, specifically from these players, while the other half of the guild will want to kill it 0%. Not looking forward to this at all, it’s too soon.


You can stop doing it right now. Nobody is forcing you to get that gear. It is completely optional, yet you prefer to slog through something you don’t like just to force other people to suffer. You are the worst kind of being.

You wont need it. You will be able to steamroll the place with no effort at all. We need something similar with PvP gear.

Yes i know it is up to WCL and not blizz. But it would be a step in the right direction. Or split them up. That way you know if the player that want to join you have actually done the fight or if they only done the easymode version. Will be easier to weed out the muppets.

Of course. That’s part of what makes it worth it.

I would have preferred a few more weeks without buff, but december will see people have roughly 2 months to get their kill before the buff makes it sorta worthless. So that’s fine in my book.

One guild cleared it with no buff.

Not in 25. One guild killed it with 5% buff. The guild who killed it without the buff was bugabusing and got banned for it and their achievement / gear removed.

They abused a bug that completely removed the valkyrs from consideration in p2, which allowed them to shave more then a full minute off the enrage by being able to tunnel boss for all of p2 straight, and even then it took them over 300 attempts to do it.

It also allowed them to ignore the most brutal snap dps check part of the fight.

You can get all the PvE gear in Normals if you can not clear it in HC.

Paragon killed it the reset before the buff dropped. They did not have it on their World first. You can easily see this if you go to their video of the kill. The buff is not there.

Paragon killed it with 0% after their 5% buff. No bugs or exploiting, they just went in with more gear and killed it again. People didn’t have motivation to go and even try it with 0% back then.

Also consider things like early ICC tuning being different to late (class balance did change) and the fact that a lot of guilds actually didn’t even have TOTGC on farm, I entered ICC25 with mostly 245 gear, I was better geared walking into ICC on Classic week 1 than I was doing Putricide in 2010, despite the few weeks of the first wing being open in late 2009 where we could farm.

Huh some serious reading issues. Thats fine tho i’m used to people on these forums who are unable to argue or comprehend what i said after repeating it multiple times. I even said that i dont think there should be any requirements for pvp gear at all. :frowning:

? Who am I forcing to suffer?

As i said theres no rating requirement in cataclysm so the fix is coming.

Thats not my issue tho? I never said i have any issues with bosses in fact i find them too easy (as whole classic pve content). I actually expected something semi hard however thats not the case. Compare road to world first with new retail raid to icc. Classic is a joke. What I meant is literaly what I said - icc will be cleared faster So i’ll spend less time there which is my ultimate goal. Yes i Guess you can argue if i did normal it would be Faster than heroic but you can’t complete bis list without bis items and gl finding full normal runs who knows what to do. Yinkai or shivette might have issues with killing it or normal according to logs on their chars however i’m not them.

But cataclysm is not wrath. I want the best pvp gear for BG’s without having to do arenas.

If it is such a joke you do not need the buff to clear it, no?