Don't release ICC Buff too early!

Unlucky for you then. Maybe l2p issue if you struggle in 15 years old game. Maybe if you want changes you should ask for them cos noone is going to do that for you? I have no issue with the game atm so what are you even trying to achieve?

Yes but it still takes like 3 Hours of time and if i can make it less then i take it.

Funny you are telling me to L2P when you can not clear the HC bosses you want without a buff to do so.

And doing arenas takes time away from BG’s. I should not need to gain rating in arenas to get my PvP gear.

? Where did you come to this conclusion? I’m confused cos as i said i’m 1 item off bis.

And i completely agree with that so I’m still not sure why are you keep repeating this to.

Because your post structure is awful and hurts to read. Poor grammar, spelling and spacing, it’s just a mess.

(It is something you are used to because clearly you are confusing people with your terrible writing.)

Oh i see the usual, when you run out of arguments you just use fallacies instead. I wouldnt expect anything less from you. :slight_smile:

keep the prog going

Fallacy is an argument based on false evidence/accusation.

There are multiple forms of fallacies tho. Dont bother reading about this tho or you might get headache again cos apparently reading is too hard for you. :frowning:

Oh i see the usual, when you run out of arguments you just use fallacies instead. I wouldnt expect anything less from you. :slight_smile:

Thats not how it works tho. I provided arguments and youre unable to argue back. Stop trying to sound smart youre just humiliating yourself at this point.

You provided nothing of substance, half your post is laced with boring “git gud” and the other half are just random insults and “umm mybe u shud fink bout ow much i know bout the game i ben killin lk since i be 12”.

I never said that I’ve cleared it on HC. I just don’t think that everyone should be able to clear the hardest content and get the best loot. If you’re not good enough to kill Lich King on HC - which according to your logs you are not - do it on normal.

TLDR youre unable to react to anything i said since you lack knowledge about the issue while being unable to comprehend what i said.

You’ve never seen my logs tho as i dont use this nick on classic and you probably have no clue what my characters are. As i said not being good enough to kill lk on hc is not my issue as i’m one item off stopping playing pve and its not the lk 25 sword but gunship ring. :slight_smile:

I didn’t read any of that but thanks for the effort.

As i expected. Luckily for me I couldnt care less so it will take more than that to tilt me. :slight_smile:

Cared enough to write that essay :+1:

Cos im ill laying in bed and i have nothing better to do unfortunately. You basically became my content for today.

:hugs: such a cutie

We don’t always get what we want.

So post them (you won’t).