Don't release ICC Buff too early!

Why should i? I dont need to prove anything to anyone especially to some randoms.

Thatā€™s what I thought :wink:

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Jut turn off the buff then bruh

Bring me cup of a tea ty. Oh Wait you canā€™t? Thats what i thought. :slight_smile: - this has same value to the topic as your demand.

Your demand has nothing to do with what I said. Lets say i link my logs and prove you wrong then what? It brings nothing to discussion. My point still stands no matter what. The reality is i dont need any buff except for saving idk 5-10 mins every week? I actually dont even need to kill LK anymore as i mentioned before i need only gunship ring which i can get from any pug. Yet you want my logs for ??? reason?

Go on lad, show us the logs.

How does that affect you? Will your guild do any less heroics? Will your own items do less dps? Or is it because you are just to selfish and you only want to get gear nobody else has?

I just dont understand how you can care about the gear to some random guy on the internet, youā€™ll prob never play with. Do you care about parses? Is that why?

What about other peoples RNG, some get geared the first week with bis trinkets and bis gear because of good RNG on droprates. Should we do something about that too, or?

This arguement doesnt work, this isnt an exact replica of OG wotlk. So that statement does nothing.
Even if you are correct.

You donā€™t need the nerf to do that. Just stop logging in. BAM! 100% time spent in ICC reduction. No buff is this effective.

so clearly much more people are in favour of this nerf instead against it if you will have such problems with it :slight_smile:

Most people today want participation trophies. If you can not get something by doing nothing they do not want to do it.

Please reconsider this. A lot of people would still love to kill pre-nerf content.
And having the buff being able to be turned off doesnā€™t make a difference. ofc ppl are gonna play with the buff if the loot is the same.

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Just click it off, if you donā€™t want to use it, you got the answer. Let other people use it freely.

Because nerfs undermine effort put by myself put into the game. We are not top notch guild, however are willing to progress further unlike randoms who wait for LFR style like nerf of ICC to get their handa on BiS that they wonā€™t need since they would quit the game after 25 HC LK kill with 30% nerf.

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This almost feels like a repeat of T5 where certain ppl (many of which in this thread) whined endlessly about nerfs they should have known would have come eventually.

Keep on crying.


Give us ICC BUFF this reset alrdy.

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WOTLK is over anyway! It was all about the journey! Naxx, EoE, Sarth, Ulduar and the Argent Crusade preparing the final blow to the Lich King! Now hes dead ā€œlorewiseā€. Even if you personally didnt kill him yet, Arthas is now released from the torment, ive sure people have seen the cinematic alot now either on youtube or in-game themself.

Now its time to move on to new adventures and challenges that face the people and creatures of Azeroth! We are all the same horde or alliance heroes no matter our archievements, itemlevels or guilds and we need to unite and stay friendly to eachother and keep fighting the good fight for the World of Warcraft <3


I donā€™t think thatā€™s quite right. Most of those people donā€™t have the patience to participate through something, so they just want the trophy.

Release RS as well please :wink:

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Thereā€™s no issue here. We all knew from the start bosses in early wow expansion would fall over without much needed tactics or gear. Thatā€™s why I lolā€™d HARD at my guild at the time in TBC Classic when they made 3 raid night mandatory because they wanted to ā€˜trainā€™ on the ptr for BT and Hyjal.
The classic crowd wants to have their cake and eat it too, i.e. having easy content compared to retail and acting like hardcore world first progressers at the same time.

I personally like this style, especially since I also play retail.

Wrath to me is a nice middle ground. Uld and ICC are semi hard on HC, but not even remotely close to what a normal raid on retail is, in terms of mechanics. Cata will change this and the people I described above will either leave or treat raiding like an elite job, forcing their guild to devote all their time to raiding.

Tried mythic raiding back in Bfa. Wiping 2 hours on one boss is not fun gameplay to me personally. Heroic raiding strikes the best balance. I detest guilds that treat wow like a job and mythic raiding guilds sadly all do this. Everyone wants to compare themselves with the streamers.

More on topic: I couldnā€™t care less they implemented the ICC buff a bit sooner. Itā€™s optional, and at the end of the day your glead will decide what it will be. The people truly worthy of being 12/12hc have it by now.

Thatā€™s not really true because time investment is everything. Top guilds put 250 wipes into Heroic LK on the PTR, most guilds who are 11/12 havenā€™t put even 1/4 that many wipe attempts into the entire raid over the last 6 weeks.

A lot of guilds are running 1-2 night raiding weeks, maybe 4-6 hours a week with some of that being pure logistics. So itā€™s normal for guilds on a normal schedule to not have killed HC LK yet. The average ilvl of these groups is somewhere between 260-265 right now, with some outliers (SM users this week), that means they have a good 10ilvl+ of gear scaling left to go in the raid before they are even seeing any diminishing return on power progression, without even considering a 5% buff.

I predicted 8 weeks for my guild to kill HC LK on our schedule, barring any unforseen circumstances like players quitting, but we did have those issues, this week for example 2nd raid night (HC LK night) had to be cancelled due to 5 players calling in sick, including our officer with Shadowmourne.

Thatā€™s normal guild stuff. Had we put in time on the PTR like other guilds we could have been 10/12hc on week one. Had we raided 3x a week we could have been working on LK HC weeks ago. Had we split raided TOTGC we could have been +2-3 ilvl higher walking into ICC on day one, with more BIS trinkets.

You see how this works? Talking about being ā€œworthyā€ is just a bit cringe.

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My guild killed it at about 100 wipes total 2 weeks ago. Most were P1 and early p2 wipes. 2 days of raiding 3 1/2 hrs each. I guess thatā€™s not all that hardcore.

Given you have another 2 weeks before the buff, Iā€™d say thatā€™s plenty of time to work on it if youā€™re not one day raiding.

That said Iā€™d rather have not had the buff or have it later, but it is what it is.