Don't release ICC Buff too early!

It’s going to be close to the wire for us, cancelling last nights raid due to a few sick people, some people on holidays over the next week, normal guild stuff. We raid 2 days but the 2nd raid night is shorter, we had decided to extend it this week to prog LK HC but we ended up with 22 people and just finished LK normal and called it a week.

Next week we put out a feeler to do 3 raid nights, 5 people cannot make the thursday. It’s the usual guild stuff, but people make comments about boss progression like you’re meant to have 25 unemployed single bachelors who can raid uninterrupted for 6 hours every night of the week, if that were the case we could all be riding around on Invincible.

My issue with the buff is the inevitable pressure to use it, to overcome the normal progression difficulties.

Whatever you like to call it, it’s a subjective term. Call it ultra hardcore for all you want.
Don’t really care what you find cringe, it’s my opinion. It’s a 14 year old game, the people that wanted it hard enough did nolife PTR testing. You did that? No? then I can argue you were not ‘serious’ enough. I didn’t either.

I know, your guild ran into troubles, that sucks.
There’s always excuses why you didn’t ‘get there’ when others did manage to kill it. When the buff drops it wouldn’t make a difference if it was now or in 5 months, people are always gonna complain.

Blizz decided the serious people had enough time to kill LK on hc.

And we’re here saying it’s a bad call. Avg group is still 12-15 ilvl behind the loot that drops in the raid, there is a massive amount of gear scaling to go for literally every group progressing, to the extent of 20-30% dps for many players.

The 5% buff is entirely unnecessary with so many guilds being 10-11/12 only 6 weeks into the tier, while being nowhere remotely close to fully geared.

The buff should be delayed. We might sit with this raid for the next 6-7 months. It’s not about people wanting to hold others “hostage” as some people states, by trying to delay the buff. But it’s about letting more people feel the challenge. If you think the fight is too difficult, or you just don’t have the time to do it, normal is a great way to go. There are plenty of easy HC bosses to get awesome loot from. LK HC is just really difficult, and that’s a mountain that a lot of people find fun to try to climb. My own guild got CRUSHED when we tried it for the first time this sunday, and we do not expect to get it for WEEKS. It’s just such a big step up.

If you are not one of those people who enjoys that, well. That is why normal is a thing. Would dark souls be what it is today if it had a difficulty slider? Probably not. It’s okay that there are bosses that are above and beyond what a “normal” or “casual” (of which i count myself) raider, can achieve.

For people saying “you can just turn it off”. It’s a silly argument. If the option is there to do everything a little bit faster, it’s extremely difficult to ask 25 people to not do that. Objectively, the option is there, but realistically, it’s not going to be used by almost anyone i imagine. Why is it so bad to have end bosses not die within the first 2 months for every guild there is? Even very casual guilds, can kill several HC bosses, without much of an issue. Let’s keep the difficult ones, for the ones wanting a challenge. Stop the “but its an option”, because realistically, its not really.

How many people would beat the dark souls series games on an easier diffi, if they had that option? That would just water down the experience of beating it, for a lot of people. It’s about the journey rather than the kill. The bosses that falls down immediately in wow, are just not that fun for a lot of people. It’s great to have a long term goal. The sooner the buff is in, the sooner you take that away from the more serious side of raiding.

TLDR: Let people do the difficult things, while it’s the most difficult. People with less time or dedication, can live with not clearing everything on HC within the first 2 months, as we’ll prob be doing ICC for another 6 months.

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I can get why people don’t want it for LK HC and I’d be fine if he was exempted from the buff, but personally I just want the buff so we can get people their shadowmourne with minimum brain drain because ICC honestly isn’t that fun of a raid imo. Outside of LK the two hardest fights, Putricide and Sindragosa have mechanics that don’t really challenge players creatively. Whoo, a fight where the difficulty comes from half the DPS and half the healers having to /afk for the fight. Fun. The sooner Sindragosa is trivialized the happier I am. Arguably the poorest designed boss in the expansion.

I disagree entirely with the notion that people are like “omg no we’re gonna be doing this for the next half year, lets wait a bit longer!” like no, most guilds are going to do it for 2 months more, max. Then people start getting bored, people stop signing up and needs replacing or guilds start collapsing altogether because the gear doesn’t matter and people will scale down to 10-man raid teams next expansion, Cata replaces everything much quicker than TBC did to naxx40 gear and people who don’t want Cata knows their progress won’t have continuation, plus when pre-patch hits everyone will have to scramble for new gear combinations any way because ArPen disappears and healers, warriors, shamans etc. need full leather / mail / plate for their 5% stat bonus.

From a more casual-but-active perspective this is more about retention than anything. I definitely don’t think ICC will keep most people’s attention for half a year, only much, much more invested players would do that. What is going to concern people the most are getting LK HC done to make the content feel completed, do their meta achievements and getting their guildies their Shadowmournes and then leave. Unfortunate perhaps, but the same happens every expansion.

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So that was a lie then? It’s currently live on US servers.

Well that is false.

Not everyone could or want to play PTR but that does not mean they do not want to kill the ICC raid without a buff handicap designed for people that want instant gratification.

You can get SM now, without killing LK HC you know.

Small multi dollar indie company.

What about log ranks with a ICC buff in NA?

It seems it has already been disabled.

They will be invalidated according to their discord. It will be treated as an exploit.

Good let’s make icc like molten core was in classic.

You need pve gear for pvp after blizz buffed resi in wotlk classic.

You can also disable the buff tho?

So there are people who dont want to waste their time and you want to gatekeep them? Isnt that a little bit selfish?

Please don’t add that buff so soon I beg you, if will take away all the fun. We’re still progressing on bosses and I want it to be a challenge. Releasing this buff is the end of wotlk classic instantly.

You can do normal.

If you consider playing a waste of time then perhaps you should spend your time differently.

Click it off, problem solved. People really want to smash their heads on the wall for no reason.


Or just have it active on normal mode bosses. Then everyone can see the full raid.

That sounds interesting, but too “innovative” to be true.

Sick mentality.
Literally what kills the game.