That moment when it turns out people do not care about Yrel
gl hf
That moment when it turns out people do not care about Yrel
gl hf
I specifically talked about human paladins. And Yrel will probably end up as a raidboss anyway in the inevitable “Light”-expansion. We all know it’s coming and it’s only a matter of time.
The only question is if we go back to Draenor again, which has turned into Crystal City or if we fight somewhere in space.
Oh, sorry, my bad.
You might be right.
gl hf
Mhm Halford Wymrbane? He is a Paladin aswell and was actually very significant the last expansions.
The problem with Wyrmbane is mostly the fact that if he would not wear Paladin-specific gear (and that doesn’t even fully count, considering that NPCs wear whatever Blizzard wants…Looks at the Forsaken deathguards in Darkshore who wear mail gear with sword and shield) and if he would not have the dialogue with Shaw specifically talking about him being a paladin…you wouldn’t even know.
Though to be fair: Paladins are not the only class with a lack of real representation. Warlocks are also severely lacking.
Fun fact: I didn’t even know … till I made one of the war campaign quests where he casually talked I think to Shandris about being a paladin.
I allways thought he’d be a Warrior…
But that might be because …have we ever seen hin in action? I only know him as some kind of general who is allways behind the lines giving orders.
Which is actually good, as Warlocks should be hidden behind sight and not very prominent. Paladins on the other hand …
Not counting Classic, which was rather shallow regarding specific plot-driven lore, most if not all of the central stories of the rest of expansions have featured in one way or another some prominent Paladin.
Paladins are, alongside druids, the most heavily represented class in the games story.
Yes in the story, but name some Paladin NPCs that are relevant currently.
There aren’t actually that many.
On the other hand same goes for a lot of classes.
We have like … 10 classes? And maybe 20 relevant NPCs… there is not much room to cover a lot per class.
Some names at random with key importance in expansions: Liadrin, Turalyon, Halford, Dezco, Tirion, Anduin, Maarad,…
Every expansion has had at least 2 notable paladins pulling the story forth.
And often repeating.
BfA alone, has had Halford as one of the protagonists of the war effort, and both Turalyon and Liadrin in the warfront feature.
Legion featured Turalyon heavily. Wrath was based around Tirion. BC introduced both Maarad and Liadrin (and used them again in WoD).
Yeah, paladins can’t really complain regarding exposure.
Talking about Alliance here I guess so Liadrin is out, Dezco aswell.
Anduin is a priest. Blizzard officially stated that and Tirion is dead.
So we have Turalyon and Halford for Paladins, you can count Maraad I think though I wouldn’t call him relevant by any means.
The point that was made is: If Turalyon dies, there is only Halford left and he is hardly recognized as a Paladin.
That was the claim.
No, the claim was about paladins not having representation. And I just explained how that’s not true: they’ve had staple representation throughout all of the expansions.
Every expansion has counted with at least two major paladins being relevant in the story.
And BfA has had both Turalyon and Halford for the Alliance. While Liadrin appeared Horde-side.
And that’s not counting some rather famous dude that now wears plate, is proficient in hand to hand combat, and wields the Light as a weapon. Yeah, Anduin is way past being considered a mere priest.
In all, compared with other classes, yeah, paladins have had some staple representation.
How many relevant Warlocks can you bring for either faction that had a continued representation through several expansions? Death Knights? Monks? Demon Hunters? Rogues?
As long as Blizzard considers him a priest, he remains a priest no matter what you think.
Lillian Voss and Mathias Shaw. Later one especially nowadays.
Okay…so which paladin was relevant in Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria?
Like I said I find it very suiting for warlocks.
Rogues: Voss, Shaw, one could argue Shandris, Rambo?, That gnome girl during the war campaign, Valeera.
Death Knights: Bolvar, Fordrig, Saurfangs Son, the 4 new horsemen etc.
Demon hunters: Kor’vas, Illidan, and the 2 guys who allways were fighting and so on …
But I think with Paladins it is a bit different, they should be highly represented within the alliance. Yet besode Halford (didn’t even know that) and Turalyon there are none.
The argument stays.
Not that I really care but he has a point.
Anduin appearently!
The Paladin class is defined in one of its core aspects, as priests that also use the Light as a weapon and combine such with martial prowess.
Yeah, he may lack the official tag, but Anduin is in essence a mirror image of how Turalyon came to be what he is today.
Currently, they both have the same origins.
Two examples made more notable in the latest expansion? Hardly indicative regarding having noteworthy relevance overall.
And if the complain goes more along the lines of looking only in the latest expansion, again i say that having a continued exposure throughout the rest (or most of them)…
That’s true. Those were the expansions that counted with the least amount of Paladin presence. Not completely by the way, Horde played alongside Dezco.
And still, these were either preceded or followed, by two that featured them in a rather dominant way (Wrath with the Argents, or WoD with the Vindicators).
Most of the examples named had hardly any impact in the story (you couldn’t even name properly half of them), or had a restricted role within a single expansion/plot.
Please do expand on the notable shaman presence for the Horde. Even after Thralls return, can you name actual protagonists par on Turalyon, Anduin or Halford?
Who’s left? Zekhan?
What role did Liadrin or Maraad (ours of course) play lately Dezco? i had to google who he is?
So … there are some more classes who shoudl be represented more within one faction is an argument against: killing off one of 2 paladins of the alliance is bad for the classes representation?
Can’t follow you here.
No. Is an argument against “Paladins hardly have any representation”.
Because yes, speaking on relative terms is relevant here. In order to judge whether they have or not representation, one must look at the rest of classes.
And even if they do not top the list, Paladins are still up there, regarding staple representation throughout the games story and content.
As a side note, there has always been just 1 Liadrin and 1 Maraad.
And the feats both characters have accomplished are widely known even if you just take a cursory glance at the overall story.
Both featured heavily in BC and Wrath, took a break in Cataclysm, returned in Mists of Pandaria, carried on heavily onto WoD, and in Liadrin’s case, continued to play a relevant role in both Legion, and in BfAs warfront experience.
You may not know Dezco if you do not play Horde. But given you somehow threw Bolvar and “Fordrig” as two separate characters, or couldn’t even address Keeshan or Altruis and Darion by name, you may be focusing exclusively on a particular bit of the story.
I’d recommend to experience other races in order to fully experience the story of the game.
he probaly will become a villain in atleast some extent, becuse I am quite sure there will be an light expansion, showing how bad the light can be, and Turalyon beeing so fixated and devoted to the light, will become the bad guy for a while atleast.
Why do poeple think that… he is married to a voidelf and he literally stood there watching how illidan broke his wind chime, yet continued with him.
Turalyon is far from being a light fanatic.
There is no lack of paladins, sure. I would just like to see any who fit the “righteous good” archetype that was supposed to be mandatory for them again. I even miss frickin’ Tirion…
yes but also rember he attacked Illidan also, only reason he stopped was becuse he looked up to Velen who told him to stop, what if Velen had not been there, what would have happened.
well he most likely would have died there then, becuse he would not have stood a chance against Illidan.
this actualy shows he is also quite hot headed, when he attacked whitout thinking how it would have ended.
this is why I think whit Anduin somewhere else, scourge roaming arround, he might turn to the aid of the naru again, and there is a chance it goes pretty much same way as it did whit Yrel, heck even a chance Yrel makes it to Azeroth and Turalyon joining her, what he most likely would to if the situation is desperate, rember he was leader/member of the lightforged who in a way are quite fanatic light wielders already, so a little push, can turn him totaly.