Don't turn Turalyon into a villain

Weell… yes and no.
I mean he was quite shocked to be honest but after that moment he could be reasoned with. You can’t normally reason with a fanatic.

…Illidan just destroyed his commander of a 1000 years, after refusing to be cleansed of Fel, which Turalyon thinks he knows is evil, by Light, which Turalyon thinks he knows is good. Given those premises, armed conflict seems to me to be the reasonable reaction, not just something that a hothead would do. Illidan showed himself as an enemy of that the Army of the Light fights for. In the fight Light vs. Fel, Illidan chose Fel. Illidan is an anti-vaxxer that killed the doctor when he was strapped down to get a shot. Only that Illidan seemingly just thwarted Xe’ra’s infallible predictions should give him pause.

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PLus in procces he migth devlop somethign resembling a personality/character at all!

Cause seriosuly Turalyon is about as bland as it gets

his a paladin his not suppose to have a personality …

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I believe it’s too early to assume Turalyon is getting the villain bat. The foreshadowing disaster that his new role as acting regent (or whatever the actual title is) might bring forth might as well be construed as him being manipulated by the light or that actions he believe to be just will have dire consequences etc. But I have a hard time imagining Blizzard will write him out like a villain, a hapless fool at worst who gets misled.

We will have to wait and see but I’m doubtful that’s where things are going, although it would be kind of interesting to see the Alliance get some different storytelling.

Too late, they ruined him with that Naaru crap. He’s a Light puppet lying dormant now.

Anything could happen. His role could bring disaster maybe because he won’t be fit to rule so the entire Alliance will fall apart, the night elves are already on the very edge of leaving the faction. Or he could be very fanatical about the light and will force everyone to choose that path against their wills.

Nah. Teldrassil could regrow but the Night elves NEEDS to go back to their full Highborne roots and reclaim Eldre’thalas (not to mention Feathermoon Stronghold is next to it and so it a portal to the emerald dream so it just makes Feralas the perfect zone for them)

Just no.

Heck… I allways hate it when people compare NEs with Highborne … they are completely seperate cultures … they never even were one culture to begin with.

The current NEs were the peasents and druid branch of the NE society whohad nothing to do with magic.
The Highborne are BLOODELVES thes are their heirs.

SO no NEs don’t need to go back there, they never were.
This is what bugs me the most. People allways claim there is so much NE content in ecer xpack. IT ISN’T!

There is Highborne content which is more aligned with Bloodelves. It is THEIR past, not the NEs ones.
All that NE ever got is some Circle of Cenarius neutral druidic stuff… But their content has never been developed.

NEs are no frecking Highborne, never have been.


What do you try to tell me?
This Highborne joined during CATA and his kidn was even slaugthered by maiev.

So if one Bloodelf joins the Nightelves during Cata it is now that NEs have allways been highborne mages in luxury cities?

Stop being rediculous and talk about stuff you actually know about.


And yet:

Tyrande Whisperwind says: Perhaps these events are also what have brought forth the Highborne from Shen’dralar.

How have the blood elves reacted to the Highborne’s return to night elf society, heralding the return of kaldorei magi?

Over the next years, Mordent and his Highborne followers continued to serve the Darnassian night elves and the Alliance


You should maybe apply this to yourself.


Hightborne are accepted among night elves iirc. Which could be a source for a story about their interactions with nightborne.

And it’s kind of ironic given their current faction affiliation. Night elves have mages for a while.

You know what, the more I look at how the story goes, the more it convinces me that the big theme of the horde lately is to step out of their past and start a new path forward, where is for the alliance it’s the opposite - accept your past. With yet another example of it (hightborne being fully accepted among night elves after their actions in BfA).

It makes me wonder, how the drust story will affect them and maybe even gameplay. “Death-rebirth” themed 5th specialization for druids? :exploding_head:

gl hf

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Sounds like Garrosh - the Alliance version when you write it like that.
Ofcourse it totally wouldn’t be, even if it was :sa:

I suppose “the golden one claims a vacant throne” could be a red herring and might refer to something else, but it seems unlikely … especially after reading Shadows Rising and the things Turalyon and Alleria get up to. If the Alliance get a villain, one that does bad things out of a blind devotion to the Light and the supposed greater good, believing that they’re not doing anything wrong, seems fitting, and it does seem likely they’re more willing to paint an Alliance hero as a villain after doing it to more than one Horde character. Personally I prefer a believable narrative as opposed to everything having to be equal on both sides, but there we are. At the same time, sometimes character development in fiction takes them down darker paths. Characters can evolve and change for the worse whether due to corruption or tragedy or whatever else.

I think an interesting dilemma could be posed to Turalyon: what would he choose when push comes to shove? The Alliance? Or devotion to the Light? Something tells me it will be difficult to have both in balance, soon.


Turalyon of old would’ve probably gone more with the Alliance.
But after millennia fighting with/for the Draenei of the Army of the Light, under the likes of Xera and the rest of fanatics, I do agree that its rather interesting to not be so certain anymore regarding where his loyalties ultimately lay.


Well, he kind of tald about that.

The Light, yes. But we should let it guide us, not command us. We also have our own minds and hearts. We should make use of those as well

© Before the Storm.

He also tried not to use this method and arguably would not if they would not be hard pressed time-wise.

There are so many of those "golden one"s. And each has a throne to deal with.

Edit: a nice summary about Turalyon as we have him in the game:

gl hf


He’s a very unpopular character so they will probably will just so we can kill him off

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Honestly, I’m up for the Alliance getting to cause a series of atrocities under a tyrannical leader that the Horde will just randomly forgive without asking for any reparations. It’d make a nice change of pace.

In that case Turalyon will have to keep Jaina in the Alliance, otherwise without the legendary Kul Tiran fleet the Alliance will lose control over the seas.