Don't turn Turalyon into a villain

Nah, see, he’ll go full Army of Light and a Naaru spaceship fleet will descend from the heavens with the intent of unifying the planet in worship of the Light, and we’ll have an expansion where 90% of enemies are Paladins, Light Elementals, Priests and Light-Infused Constructs.

…Oh no. That all sounds Blizzard might actually do it.

More like make the Alliance interesting instead of boring pile of Protesting children with no guts.

“The crown of Light, will bring only Darkness”

Well I’ll give credit to Blizzard on one thing, they can create a varied cast of villains. Even in Legion, though there were many demons, there were also naga, old god minions, etc. I imagine that’s also why they reduced N’Zoth to a patch villain, they didn’t want to create an ENTIRE EXPANSION where we only fight faceless minions and naga.

I speculate that, if the worst comes to happen (unlikely, but there’s always a possbility), then several Alliance races will follow Turalyon so that he can have a varied cast of underlings. But if Jaina doesn’t follow him, then he’s pretty much screwed, at least on the seas. Since Jaina controls the mightiest fleet in the world.

At least they look different, I guess…

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The Light has spaceships.

One spaceship, the Vindicaar. Having a large magical fleet at your disposal never hurts.

I mean, offer me a spaceship or a bunch of wooden boats, and I tell you what I’ll take. The Vindicaar was able to maintain air superiority literally on the centre of the Legion homeworld, and they genuinely have fleets of spaceships.

Do not downplay the legendary Kul Tiran fleet, it is magical in nature and one of the largest fleets on Azeroth. Its sole contender was the Zandalari fleet, but that was pretty much wrecked after Dazar’alor, so it’s safe to say that the Kul Tiran fleet is now the largest fleet on Azeroth.

Plus Turalyon only has the Vindicaar. I believe there is also the Aurobos commanded by Lothraxion, but who knows where he is. The Vindicaar can’t be everywhere, and if used excessively it could run out of argunite, so it’s not a definitive solution for a long conflict.

Don’t get me wrong. The Kul Tiran fleet is great. Solidifies Alliance control of the seas. It’s just… I want a spaceship.

I can understand, surely you must be salty after Blizzard wrote the Vindicaar out of the plot for the sake of a faction war.

Alliance: Oh no, however will we get our soldiers past this naval blockade! If only we had some means of aerial support!

Spaceship holding dozens of holy flying attack mecha and a with a main gun that can overpower Sargeras’s protection of Antorus: But where would we find such a thing!

So yes. I am salt.

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I found myself thinking that very thing during the Siege of Lordaeron. Lightforged Draenei were literally in that battle, was the Vindicaar’s absence ever explained like, at all?

Isnt the Vindicaar that’s like teleporting them down to Drustvar in the Assault scenario?

Even in Argus the Vindicaar was hovering above to teleport us and troops down, so pretty sure they used it at least for that in BFA.

Also Turalyon is also fanatical with the light and has the potential to start up public executions for people not 100% devoted to the light, I would love it if he became head of the alliance, then they could finally get something that was grey or darker than purest of white teddy bears.

Turalyon alone isn’t the problem. Naaru are. His devotion to the Light was completely twisted by those symetrical aliens into deviotion toward them. I don’t know if Naaru are the embodiments of the Light or not. I mean the true Light which is supposed to be nothing but pure Good.

But if they are indeed everything that Light stands for. Well then we are in for a treat. Because after dealing with the Legion, then Old Gods and now with Death itself. Only Void Lords and this Light looming threat remains.

Turalyon alone to me is a wasted character. Why? Simply because he is over 1000 years old. I mean he is a Human that lived for over a millenium. There is no way he is alright. Humans get old not only physically but also mentally. At some point of time we are just getting tired of life and get ready to rest eternally.

Turalyon’s mindset was altered to withstand the trial of time. And by that he is not completely himself as he used to be before his transformation. He is just as much a husk of a man that any Death Knight is.

Lightforged transformation is alarmingly similar to that of Man’ari one. I mean the range of changes is nearly identical. When you place Lightforged Draenei next to Man’ari Eredar you can see an easy pattern

Changed Skin color, voice and eyes
Altered Mindset
Bearing physical display of the power that changed them
Being an absolute servant and weapon to the power than changed them

Turalyon is the first Lightforged Human. He is bound to the Light, or more so to the Naaru. They brainwashed him to oblivion. And after spending over a millenium waging war in the name of the Light, then jumping immidiately into the war agains the Horde only to reach the point of tenacious but still armstice and even potential peace…

At this point I would be suprised if he knew how to do anything except fighting. He is an old man knowing only war.

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Seriously at this point it is imposible to be evil against horde

Don’t care what happens to him.

But nobody touches MUH QUEEN Alleria

I can’t wait until she falls into void madness and we are allowed to kill her as raid boss.


She’s not a queen…she’s not royalty for Blood Elf standards, but not even for High Elves/Void Elves ones as she is never called queen even by them, and much less by Humans of course. Actually Windrunner was a very noble family, but in the way all the Windrunner sisters act in a reckless/evil way they have been all disgraced at this point… the Void just lies to Alleria all the time as usual, saying the throne of Silvermoon is hers and she knows it…the Void almost always spews lies anyway despite seeking “all truths” in order to corrupt people…

as for Turalyon at the head of a Kingdom that wasn’t his in the past…that doesn’t bode well for Stormwind at all, especially if the Humans will make an alliance with the Scarlets in the process to reclaim Lordaeron (and be betrayed later by them). But this is also valid for the Forsaken if they accept Calia as their official leader… (former) Humans of Lordaeron are very susceptible to corruption and can be terrible leaders (one way or another, through inaction like Terenas or corruption like Arthas) so Humans and Forsaken are in big troubles in the future I think.

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It’s a meme :man_facepalming: