Dooms day is coming

i think ppl will play classic just to be to show blizz how the fked up things at pvp but lets be honest playing an older version of game is for sure not better than the current system Its like saying lest play cod 1 because BO4 is trash Its stupid

Except the assumption in cutiepie’s post that fewer players equals longer queue times is fundamentally mistaken and overlooks the real causation, and the design issues can be fixed just not in a way he’s suggesting, which he’s suggesting is to go backwards in design direction when it’s a more endemic problem of design directions clashing, which it did back then too.

Thats kids alike, we said in mother Russia “to spit Grandmother i will frostbyte my ears”. Most of the player will return, coz classic not so “good” as most of the players would like to see.

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Isn’t it a bit like comparing apples to oranges though?

I mean, Classic WoW’s PvP is mainly just different from Retail WoW’s PvP.

Most of the PvP activities you can do in Classic WoW are activities you can’t do in Retail WoW, and vice versa.

So if I want a marathon-length Alterac Valley, then I sort of have to play Classic WoW.
And if I want to play 3v3 Rated Arena, then I sort of have to play Retail WoW.

If players gravitate toward Classic WoW, then I think a factor might be that it’s new (even if it’s old). I mean, we’ve played BfA for a year now. I think being able to play a version of WoW that’s different than BfA is appealing, also from a PvP perspective.

I think there are more than a few factors that impact the queue times people experience.
The amount of people queueing is one such factor. The matchmaking system is another.

There’s a whoooole wall of text explaining the fundamentals of rating systems and matchmaking systems, as well as a report covering other basics and more detailed jargon.

You don’t need to try to obfuscate it with your platitudes and meaningless speculations.

Check out his reports too. (i.e. Mark Glickman’s)

I don’t. I’m just saying that it’s not a case of one or the other. It’s both.

Obviously the amount of people queuing matters. The queue system is up 24/7, so the player expectation is of course that you should be able to join a game 24/7.
But anyone who’s tried to queue for Alterac Valley at 5 o’ clock in the morning on a weekday knows that sometimes the queue system simply can’t find enough people.

And of course it’s also true that the matchmaking system affects queue times a lot. Again, battlegrounds are a good example. For a long time Blizzard were hesitant about dictating the healers on each side in the random battleground queue, because it would increase queue times as the system would not simply have to look for two dozen people, but specifically had to find healers as well. And lo and behold, it did increase the queue times.
With Arena queues it’s the same, it just revolves around ratings instead.
It’s a big topic in itself, but I don’t think it takes away from what Cutiepie said. Doomsday is nearing! Classic WoW is coming! Arena is dying! :yum:

Read the post and sources in its entirety. Because you are sticking to empty speculations and platitudes still. “There’s lots of other stuff” -> Doesn’t mention what stuff in detail, just a generic example.
“Obviously the amount of people queuing matters” yet I’ve shown time and time again that it’s not the direct cause of queue times.
“It’s a big topic in itself” which has already been broken down for you. Read it. All of it. Including the report.

I have to get up at 5 tomorrow. Cut me some slack. I can’t quite devote hours upon hours to read external threads and articles just to respond to a simple follow-up question. :disappointed_relieved:
Sorry not sorry. I’ll bookmark it though.

Its still World of Warcraft i didnt compared FFXIV with classic wow i compared 2 versions of the game From classic to retail we notice an evolution of the game untill wod that we got just changes and the game didnt evolved it just CHANGED which isnt always a good point. MOP was the peak of wow pvp evolution imho after mop pvp changed but didnt improve untill now that pvp( when we say pvp we mean rated pvp activities mostly arenas 2s 3s are sometimes rated battlegrounds and even just random bgs) is at its worst state and that is not personal opinion high rated players are not satisfied with the current state of pvpand if some1 with greater knowledge of the game say something is wrong while u got personal experiences that are common with hight rated players then something surely doesnt go well So up to the point classi is the bottom of fair balanced pvp while current state is a bit higher but no even close as BC WOTLK and MOP

I never asked you to respond to this. Feel free to take your time. I’d say it’s a bad sign if you actually do come up with a reply quickly.

I’m not sure if the broad playerbase cares.

What are high rated players concerned about? Arena class balance, PvP vendors, item balance, etc…

What’s everyone and their mom going to do when Classic WoW is released? Southshore vs. Tarren Mill.

The Arena audience is a small part of the PvP player segment these days. Blizzard seems to listen more to casual Timmy who wants cooler World PvP, because that’s the kind of PvP most people seem engaged in these days.

U said by yourself what concerns high rated players idk and idc about the family condiotions of players OK and lets agree with u arena community is a small part of playerbase ever consider the reason behind this phenomenon?

and this is the wrong decision as World PvP is also good or even at it’s best when arena balance is on point.
Season 15 for example was the last time I did real world pvp as everything used to be fun I could go to elwynn forest with my priest partner and do 2v6 or take even some smaller raids because of how much potential class design and skill had back then.

the playerbase who doesn’t care are for me delusional blizzard thumb sucker if i am allowed to say it that way because these players are satisfied with any state of this game. It might be good for them because they don’t give a dam, but it shouldn’t take the cost of important high pvp balance.


You’re just baiting him into saying it’s an anecdotal observation and argumentation. You’re literally just turning it into a “he said, she said” kind of empty argument by doing so.

I think we get off topic giving importance to jito lets stop talking to him and move on the topic

If I were to guess (and it’s a guess – I have no way of knowing), then I’d say it’s a combination of Arena remaining mostly the same for the past 10 years. It grows stale and stagnates with time…and people lose interest.
And then there’s the influx of more gameplay activities in WoW over the years, which Arena has to compete with for the player’s time and attention. Mythic+ dungeons. Pet Battles. Island Expeditions. Warfronts. World Quests. And so on.

I agree. I never quite understood why Blizzard didn’t approach Arena class balance more aggressively. I doubt it’s very time-consuming to nerf or buff a few specs here and there each week.
I can understand the philosophical reasons for not wanting to make too many changes too often. But if it’s what the players request, then it seems foolish not to give it to them.

I’m going to bed. you can carry on. :+1:

Easy to break apart this guess of yours, since it carries no basis other than your outsider speculation which is yet again an empty argument.
Every other unchanging thing you can spend your time on disagrees with you.
Tennis is unchanging too, for example.
I’d argue PvP, including arena, in the game and other games, changes a lot more and is a lot less stale, since it changes with gameplay changes, even if the concept remains the same.
It’s only perceived as stale when it doesn’t engage the player. Which is also touched upon in the xbox rating system report, oddly enough.
You can also find more on “enjoyable aspects of a game” in

You can also read that entire thread too. You’ll learn more. Including the link to that report too, of course.
So check out the report Radium linked to.
It’ll provide a lot more weight behind your words. Instead of relying on empty platitudes as for why players would be angry or why people would dislike something in the game.

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This. Idk if I can be bothered of going to classic back. Few months ago rolled on a server and realised that in endgame my main specc for ages is gimped literally. There’s close to no kitty gameplay and even if you can make it work it is the most clunky fck you’ll ever see(powershifting) every 2 globals out of catform and in again.
Also for playing lock, meh there will be a ton of them so I might pass for a while

i have to admit play warrior on retail is much better than classic Yy our stances were lost but missing my autoattacks to generate rage or spamming ww for aoe or can’t use charge in combat or wait when HS lands arent fun at all