DOTI Fall trash around second boss? Explain the damage please

it healer and dps affix honest all who dispell cen do it lol

who doesn’t like dps that “know it all” and ignore mechanics because it doesn’t one shot them, after all it is the healers jobs to heal green bars.

healing that boss in pugs on 20 is already terrible and negative fun. people stand in light zone when another debuff goes of just for fun because they don’t know better.

the fight is pretty tough depending on the healer you are playing.
If played correctly the fight is pretty easy on a 20 but it can be a nightmare if done poorly.

Plus its still bugged. They did not fix it yet so…

This goes for every boss, It’s always gonna be a skill issue. Just some bosses/adds require more skill - having dps that can dispell etc… That is why some players can push 30s while other 20s.

I have had great DPS that knows exactly what packs and bosses they need to deal with affixes. I have had those who don’t know but want to learn, and I have had those who don’t care. I prefer the first one for sure.

The second one is fine as well as they will evolve into the first group with time. The third group is a no go and should just stay away as far as possible.

Which is one of the reasons prot paladin is such a strong tank on afflicted weeks. On the particular boss fight people have been discussing (as well as others that are similar), where there’s a lot of other stuff going on that the dps and healer have to manage, the tank just has to stand there and maybe pop a defensive now and then. A prot pala can handle both afflicted on that fight by dispelling one and healing the other.

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Guardian Druids too. Dispel one, Regrowth the other.

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Going back to the OP’s issue, there are a few mechanics you have to counter.
Note there are 2 lieutenants in this room. 1 is a very large time elemental, the other looks a varient of the Shadowlands dragon.

The “Coalesced Time” (large elemental lieutenant) has a volley spell that needs to be kicked. If its not it will do huge damage.
It also puts 2 magic debuffs out, that when cleansed/expired damages everyone within the large circle. People need to move away from others with these and stand by themselves - healers don’t dispel too quick.

  • side note, any of the untargetable little ghost adds caught in the circle will become activated when the magic debuff explodes. Tanks need to pick them up, and watchout becomes they do try self destruct when low on hp.

The other lieutenant, the “Timestream Anomaly” (shadowlands dragon) looking mob, has a frontal cone that only the tank wants to get hit by. The tank will explode when hit so don’t be near them, even if you aren’t directly in the cone.
The mob also puts out 2 magic debuffs. One on the tank, and another on someone else. Healer should cleanse the debuff on someone else, and leave the tank one active as they are best equipped to survive it. It is a very nasty DoT, and damage done to the tank is replicated to the other debuffed player if it is active, so they can die really quick if not dispelled.

Around the edge of the room you have mobs caleld Leeches that can largely be ignored and skipped. But if you do fight any, they cast “Enervate”. You can kick Enervate while its charging up, but once it gets the cast off it starts channeling a very nasty AoE centred on one player, and the channel part cannot be kicked. It can only be stopped by CC.

If you have all of the above going off without any counters, your group will die fast on higher keys.

The safest route to go in this room, for tanks and anyone else leading is:

  1. Go right and pick up the Coalesced Time lieutenant patrol with the 1st portal on the right.
  2. Then go back to the start and pick up the first portal on the left, with the Timestream Anomaly lieutenant patrol.
  3. Then follow the room round clockwise, picking up the back left portal with a Coalesced Time lieutenant.
  4. Follow round to the back right portal which has a Timestream Anomaly lieutenant.

Basically you want to take left patrol and the right patrol with the their respective portals first, and then work on the back two portals with the lieutenants that spawn as part of those mob groups. If you pick up two lieutenants at the same time it can be very tough, and that is not needed to time most normal keys.

Hope that helps :saluting_face:


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