Double Honor and Darkmoon Faire Coming to Pre-patch

Proved what point? That 14 is more than the 1-2 honor you claimed? You mentioned nothing about diminishing returns in that post. Im also pretty certain that DR on HKs was a thing in early TBC and got removed later.

guess u have to check the battlenet mate

They are not releasing it until tonight? Thats pretty shi tty if thats the case.

Yeah this is like putting a bandaid on an open mortal wound. It’s like pissing on a raging forest fire. It does nothing to mitigate the damage already caused

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From 03:00 CEST to 04:00 CEST, what a nice joke for all of us, makinga nerf took them kinda 1 hr, restarting server for their mistakes seems had to take kinda a full day. They are literally just kidding us


14 honor implying you always get solo kills, And no i did not mention DR being one of the problems because i usually assume people know what i’m talking about since this information is literally plastered all over the forum. You are a great example to why blizzard should ignore most opinions on this forum.

IF thats the case then i agree. Fu** 'em.

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Did they ever specify if this change reverts to original nerf, or if it’s just 2x (1/10th) the honor? It doesn’t seem like Blizz did, which means I fear it’s the latter.

i honestly dont get why people are stressin so hard. you’ll replace the gear within a day or so of TBC…why grind for 72 hours for a slot or two :L

Because they want to dungeon grind, cause the outdoor will be unplayable for 1-2 weeks

How on earth does me saying that we get 14 honor from solo kills imply that I always get solo kills?
I havent seen much talk about DR, but ive seen people saying that we dont get more honor from warlord/marshalls etc. Are we even sure DR is in the game right now? It should’nt be based on the patch were running.

I grinded out rank on this char and believe me I want everyone to have access to this gear, it’s a great way to gear up alts and have people who are returning to the game actually have some damn FUN with friends in the process, it’s so dumb that they’re so hell bent on ruining any sort of good times in the pre patch with their absolute incomptitence


Back in Vanilla we had 5 weeks of pre patch iirc and in that time I got my Rogue and Warlock full PvP gear, the numbers today are still way off what happened in Vanilla. Maybe you should telephone some of the original devs who got sacked and ask them how to code.


Anyone know where i can find event calendar?

How difficult is it to not mess it up with unnecessary changes?

Yes in 2 weeks time all our PvP gear will be obsolete but in pre patch it’s gold dust and everyone back in Vanilla had some amazing times in pre patch, I was really looking forward to classic pre patch, I expected at least 5 weeks gearing up in amazing pvp battles and what I get is two weeks in some kind of slap down punishment, zero fun, zero point actually doing pvp. Blizzard are a total mess now compared to 2007, they are utterly clueless and out of touch with their customers, this is why they are losing so many.

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oh wow a whopping x2 thats great please barf in my mouth again blizzard ill make sure to buy the deluxe edition

Jezus you neckbeards should go outside and get some sunlight instead of raging like there is no tomorrow.

We get double honor 50% less effort for your item grinding is huge! The x10 honor was just insane people walked around in full Rank14 in like 10 hours grinding lol…

Usually it would take you 40 hours tomorrow it will take you 20 hours that’s a huge difference. Stop crying about every single thing jezus crist I feel sorry for you guys that this bothers you so much.

They already listened to the community to improve the honor gain by x2 and there is AB weekend also which is basically x4.

The announcement was this morning and it clearly said next reset timer which is 03:00 midnight what’s so hard to understand? Just farm your tokens for now tomorrow you farm honor.

YOU NOOB YE! :slight_smile:


It’s raining and storming, for real?