Double thread ignore

visit this ^ for the proper discussion thread.


It is not racials that make people flock over to Horde. Those are balanced and in many cases Alliance races are actually slightly better for performance. It is more about the fact that there’s a larger raiding playerbase over on the Horde side and a new guild will of course choose the side where it is way easier to recruit. This has nothing to do with the racial abilities anymore.


These guilds that are switching over aren’t ‘‘new’’ they’re well established and clearly already progress properly.

Yes, and they were established there years ago. They did so back when the racials were OP, many others did as well. However, the racials were balanced since then. Those guilds remained here because they were always here, and the new guilds do follow them on the Horde side because there’s more raiders overall.


Not sure if trolling or very ill-informed, but competitively speaking from a pve standpoint, alliance has the better racials.

Limit, the world first guild this tier, even came out and said they would have gone alliance if it came down to racials.

The reason you play horde is because horde has all of the best players, the player quality is much higher, or rather of good players, a vast majority are horde.
That means if you’re a guild that like to raid high level, it’s vital to have as good players as you can, so why stay where you can’t get those good players?
Imagine losing a raid member, then you need to recruit a new one. You’ll like get 7-10 times more applicants on horde side, depending on the level you’re playing at, leading to you being able to take the best applicant out of 7, instead of settling for the 1 you would get on alliance.


It’s still a issue, even if it doesn’t end up being racials that caused it.
Players are technically just punshing/forcing people to transfer to horde killing alliances endgame playerbase, sooner or later there’s no reason to even roll alliance anymore besides story content.

Barely better isn’t enough. Should be much better to force horde scum raiders to reroll to righteous alliance

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Racials should simply be disabled in high end content like Rated PVP, mythic+15 and up and mythic raids.

No. Racial alliance buff. Horde nerf. Why wou u disable racials?

It’s nice to see a common sense post in this thread.


Because then you wouldn’t have to think about picking the right race if you want to do some specific high end content.

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However we’re already in a state where if a new player asks what the best faction is the majority are likely to guide them towards playing on the Horde side, the damage has already been done.

Because what incentive horde has to switch other than what the original op racials that made them switch from alliance in the first place?u wat

…but i thought its a fact?


Mechagnomes got an incredibly strong racial primary stat stick, why isn’t everyone flocking to Alliance, OP?


Shadow meld is one of the best, if not the best, pvp racial.


Come on this is an issue blizz couldn’t care less about. It was one thing in classic because of the whole “no changes.” But in retail there really isn’t an excuse to address the problem, but they won’t…

This is ironic coming from a Troll, the best DPS race in the game for most specs.

It was the reason why many high end guilds changed to Horde in the past, and most of the guilds bellow followed for better recruiting.

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I am Mechagnome

I have the best racials in game

I have passive stat increase

I have Mirror images

I have Cheat Death

Yes… Mechagnomes are probably the best!


Horde racials are out of control? and you’re on a night elf too.

Just wow…

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