DPS Warrior in M+ - "Why would I take a warrior?"

Every time I do an m+ I am third on DPS. Hunter lock ret alle beat me, sometimes even when they have lower ilvl. Show me your Main warrior, show me a log where I can copy your rotation that brings you to the top of dps charts.

All I ever read from you is that fury is fine when in reality every fury player is complaining that fury is not fine.

Back up your statements with some logs and I will gladly believe you until then you are a lvl 60 troll on a campaign to keep fury in the dumpster

dont get in argument with him. he is just trolling :slight_smile:


A retribution will beat you, heck my 404 retribution pumps 100k+ DPS, it is just silly what the pink class can do atm.

Though I do not recommend going my build, as I play it for fun. Yet if you want to pump out 300k+ AoE burst DPS it works, just know that especially Tyra weeks OS would be a safer DPS option.
BgEAoonA2h02U1PVo4204nicFEAAAAAAAAAAQggSCBRQKiQS0AhkQcAEJJplEJJhkgESkSaBISSAAAAQQA It is a ton of fun, it brings everything you will need of the main tools. Just remember to move endurance training (I use it for PvP). You can move Roar node to Shockwave if you need the AoE stop (for a ~4% DPS loss)

Rotation is quite simple:
Charge, Rav+Reck, Avatar+Roar, Rampage, BT (for CSHB), Rampage, OF, Rampage, BT, Ramp/RB.
After the burst follow the standard prio-rotation of:
Exe (if it wont overcap your rage), Rampage, Exe, BT, RB, WW.
In AoE you minmax your free burst from Titanic Rage for free meatcleaver.

Now I stress that this build is not optimal, especially if you don’t have a tank that pulls big. But you will be able to huge burst every 1.5min, and soft burst every 45 sec.

So if you want to have fun, this is my go-to for this season. In season 2, this build will be a bit stronger too. That is neat.

Now if you want even more solid information and the best builds: Go to Skyhold

i must admit you had the courage to link your profile. thanks for providing that.

though i am also at 97 logs on average i mostly get outdamaged by every other class i am running with. i am at 418 ilvl and get destroyed in logs by locks, hunters, rogues, dhs, etc.

dont know if i do anything wrong. i have the standard onslaught/ravager build and am fairly good geared.
your build sims 15k lower than mine.

honestly i dont know what else to do. i think i am fairly competent when it comes to +20 dungeons. not the best, but i know how to play a little bit. i still feel like we are at a disadvantage as fury. why would you bring us when you can bring a hunter that also brings lust, a dh that also brings 5% increased magic damage for all, a shaman that brings lust, a lock that brings battle rezz and healthstones? and they all deal more dmg than we do.

I am surprised that you would struggle with your current gear. I would guess you are around 90-120k overalls. If you really feel you are struggling and that is a problem, I recommend that you log or vod it (preferably both), then go to Skyhold and put it up for gameplay review. If you rather not, feel free to DM me with your vod and I will take a look with a few more active mates, see what is going on.
(Also, no need to bring shockwave if your monk is bringing legsweep)

You also should at this point know how tanky a fury warrior is, not to mention (as you do PvP), you also know how to use our utility kit. Those are some big reasons why warrior is a good pick.

If I had to presume, you are on an alt and just chill. Doing all 20s for the teleports/KSM and 1800 in PvP for the mog.

To be fair, that is alright - I got the same vibe :+1: To the topic though: I would not bring you for a 20 key, not because you can’t do it, simply put - I rather take the 3.2k player at this point.

  • Shockwave needs to be available earlier in the talent tree and not an end tier node.
  • The intimidating shout follow on node needs to be removed or replaced. Perhaps the follow talent could turn intim shout into a single target fear(dispellable) that lasts for 1min.
  • Disrupting Shout needs to be in the Warrior tree. (and needs to remove the taunt effect if taken by Arms/Fury)
  • Safeguard, or even Vigilance, need to return to the Warrior tree.
  • Perhaps even move Demo Shout to the Warrior tree and make it demoralize mobs damage against all targets.

I mean, for someone who does max +10 keys i hope i can get in a pug,by not being a m+ god class, which was true in BFA and shadowlands, haven’t tried this expansion yet

It looks abysmally bad this season. In dungeon like Neltharus there is nothing to reflect and everything does hard magic ticking or burst damage.

This has for me been a source of lament for a few expansions now, in Shadowlands the signet and bladestorm + merciless bonegrinder was a really fun combinations and made us really strong in AOE, there was however still not particularly strong utility. We had piercing howl, berserker rage and intimidating shout. All of them without having to spec into them and they were at times really helpful but not as much as a capacitator totem for example.

Now like some others have echoed we are gutted for utility, literally all our utility, in Fury at least, takes talent points. Rallying Cry, Spell Reflect, Intimidating Shout, Berserker Rage, AND Piercing Howl are all talents and most of them in kind of awkward parts of the tree. And I can’t for the life of me understand why Heroic Leap is a talent, but at least that is in a convenient spot in the tree so it’s a smaller nuisance.

As for prescriptions, I’ve always been saying to the people I play with that a lust (Or Heroic Shout or some such) would absolutely make sense when it comes to class fantasy, but I think it perhaps should be restricted to DPS warriors, I know prot warriors have taken a beating with the new patch but giving prot warriors a lust might also put them a bit too high on the tank charts in the long run.

Other than that I don’t know about the rest of you warriors, but I sorely miss Mocking, Skull, and Demoralizing banners, they were quick and incredible raid utilities whereas now we only have Rallying Cry which, don’t get me wrong, is helpful, but again, comparing it to all other utilities in the game, everything that warriors can spec into and do these days, I feel several other classes do better without sacrificing much if even anything.

Whenever I look at when Fury warrior felt strong, I immediately go back to MoP, we were incredible back then, but of course I think we were perhaps a bit too incredible. I’d be over the moon if some of my damage would be docked but we met somewhere in the middle between today and how Fury was in MoP in terms of utility.

That’s just my two cents.

The traditional game design ‘payoff’ for this lack of utility (and healing!) is supposed to be more damage. All three warrior specs should be doing more damage. They should be the premier melee bangers.

Or give them better group utility.

Exactly, I wanted to say that I’d happily take a damage reduction to have better utilities, but I suppose that is what respeccing basically entails at the moment, they’re just sometimes such HUGE dps dips and even that most of it is soft or short CC. And along with that being said, I manage to top the meters here and there in M+, but I don’t feel like I do enough damage to justify the lack of utility.

Like the initial post points, for 2 weeks in a row now I completely understand the lack of interest in bringing DPS warriors into M+, I actually have 0 utility against Affliction and as mentioned, we don’t do like 50k more dps overall over other classes to justify taking a DPS warrior over anything that can bring affix wrangling, or BL, CR, or off-healing, or AOE stuns (Shockwave is an immense DPS sacrifice).

I am an engineer so I can still get like play of the game and ress people here and there which is awesome, but a non-engineer DPS warrior’s best CC is Intimidating Shout which is alright, but is honestly a fart in the wind compared to Capacitator Totems, or Solar Beams or things like that.

But I’ll admit, I am mostly here whining because I most of all want to feel useful, all of the above can be amended with the right group, but if all you do is pug I would understand if people put their warriors on the shelf for weeks like this one.

Just give us SOMETHING Blizzard.

I agree that last week we lacked any interaction with the affix, and it felt bad. Yet in truth, you only needed one guy to handle the affix alone. A warlock could banish/fear, a hunter could trap/scarebeast, a druid could hibernate/cyclone, and so on. While you would not bring a warrior to handle the affix, there was little to no reason not bringing perhaps one of the better PuG boss killing specs (Spell reflect OP).

If we get more than spellreflect, warrior will simply be too busted. So if we lose spellreflect, then we can start talking to move shockwave to that spot. I would not take that trade.

We already got tons of stuff as mentioned in above posts. We bring plenty.

Especially on Tyra week Spell Reflect is silly amounts of value - not only does it remove a huge chunk of damage for the healer to manage, it cuts the boss down to size. So, why say “you must bring poison dispel DPS for Nelth”? Simply - just bring a warrior, you get something that is far superior to the dispel. Even huge value on trash, not only do you save an interupt - the add also dealt 300-500k damage to itself with its bolt.

Warrior is fine to bring. We just lack what people would call PuG or FotM factor.

Last week we could at least handle the affix every 90 sec but this week we can do absolutely nothing.

We dont bring lust, Combat rezz, dispel, decurse or cleanse.
This week there is absolutely no reason to bring a warrior.

Meanwhile Pala ret brings Combat rezz, freedom, bop and can handle the affix. Guess I will be doing my weekly 20 and shelf the warrior until next week.

Meanwhile Ret has not been used in the history of M+ before this expansion and not really before this patch.

Did you complain this way when raging happened before the changes to it?
Did you complain like this when Explosive was done with rogue in BFA?
Did you complain like this when Sanguine weeks was going on?
I can go on but i think you get the point.

This is not the first time affixes was not something warrior was dealing with yet warrior has been really strong in m+ for a lot of the seasons even when not meta it has been a good choice.

My friend I am not complaining that ret brings these things and it is not my intention to get them taken away from them.

I am merely stating that there is no reason to bring a warrior this week cause ret brings the same DMG while also being able to deal with the affix and has a cr on top.

I am happy for you that ret is viable but I am not happy that warrior is not

I think what they were pointing out was a class that recently has gotten a lot of love, and rightfully so, Ret paladins has been suffering for a long time so it’s great they’ve been put back in the spotlight.

However the affixes you highlight, all of them us warriors have utility against, shouting, slowing, stunning, but as I have been saying previously our CC is quite weak compared to other classes especially if it’s a large group of mobs that are Bolstered or Raging, we can AOE hamstring up to 5 of them, cool that is good, Intimidating Shout kinda gets nullified as we can give a window for tank to step away but they still need killing so the CC gets broken very fast. Best thing we can do is throw down a Spear of Bastion but that is one of our major DPS cooldowns as well.

For Explosive, target switching has never been too ideal for Fury but its a very short window for it, Heroic Throw works great for ones in range, takes a bit more effort and might stifle some rotations and DPS output but its not a huge deal.

Sanguine is the same strat for warriors as any other class without complete damage immunity, just don’t stand in it, we’re also one of the lucky ones considering our leap.

It is one thing if a class / role is less capable or if the class / role has a lower priority when it comes to affix wrangling, however being completely unable to do anything about it feels new to me and makes me feel useless seeing as JUST doing damage, often no matter how much, is not going to save the group from affixes or mechanics.

Through my whining and moaning the intention is never to trample down and / or take away utility from any other class to make the playing field an equal level of “these classes aren’t useful”. I don’t think WoW is in a state these days where there can be balance in all things and every class and spec has their own 5-set of CC and utility. But I feel and think that despite our unique spells like Spell Reflect, Rallying Cry, and stuff like that, that are all good to some extent, we do fall short. And it is a glaring fact when we get affixes like these.

I guess my core ask / argument is that Blizzard doesn’t leave ideas like these for too long so that the spec ends up in the dirt and so out of the meta that I won’t be able to play my favorite spec due to designed, albeit accidental, neglect.

I feel like I say this far too often, but if your group needs AoE stuns, warrior can bring it for a measly 2-5% DPS loss.

We bring a AoE fear, a ST stun and a AoE stun. In comparisment, a paladin bring a AoE blind (same as our fear), a ST stun and… no AoE stun. But they bring BoP/BoF/BoS, we bring Rally/SR/Tremor. Rets bring some offhealing, we bring immortality in a box, or if you play arms - you bring Die By the Sword tauntplays. Both warriors and Paladins bring CR, warriors got to move over and cast it - rets must spend holy power to cast it.

Fury warrior is far from bad in any aspect, Arms is a tad worse off numberswise. Yet, both are viable - Fury more so, to do top end M+ content and be a core mechanics player. Remove a tankbuster and delete the boss at the same time? Big gains.

In 9/10 cases where people complain about warrior, they complain about that we dont bring heroism or that we got no AoE stuns. While we can’t bring heroism and I see no reason why we should - we do in fact have a stun, and a whole toolkit ontop to bring as needed.

Yes, we can not help with an affix. Doesn’t matter. You only need one player to handle them anyhow. 1 in 4. That gives fury a slot in 2 of the 3 DPS spots, if a DPS must handle the affix (say a warlock for the must CC mobs affix).

Warrior is totally fine - if anything you should ask for more funnel damage, so we get brought more often as a meta pick in the big events.

Fury is actually a pumper currently for m+, top 5 spec easily.

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I think people just don’t like to play with fury warrior, because we can’t help dealing with affixes, we don’t bring lust, our cc is mediocre at best, and we don’t really substantually buff the damage from others. Warriors are fun to play though, but I’d like to have 1-2 utility more spells to help the group. Maybe new shouts would be cool.

They tried and failed at making banners a thing. They should try leaning into the shout aspects instead.

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