Dracthyr opening up to more classes - and you can stay in visage form

It’s tiny news, but this really excites me.

Firstly more classes for Dracthyr makes them feel like a race at last, and not merely a class. I am specifically hoping for Druid (green flight), Shaman (black flight), mage (blue flight), Paladin (bronze flight)? Priest (red flight??) to be available as priority over say warrior/rogue/hunter/lock since they’d be the class most attuned.

Visage form in combat is also expected and what I am most excited about too… you shouldn’t need to transform for any other class except Evoker breath abilities. It also makes the race really feel like 2 races or a true 2 form race which was what it’s original attraction was. The visage form is essentially an allied race grade model - unlike worgen’s human form that shares a form with another race, the visage form is unique… and as such should have no combat restrictions.

If it did, the entire concept of “chosen identity” is futile. Anyway I am looking forward to this.

WHat would be a shame though is if only warrior, hunter, rogue classes made it through. I do not expect DK or DH. but I expect all the others.

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Oh they do allow it? I missed the news then. Was debating whether to go Void Elf to match the theme of the expansion but Dracthyr while in visage can also work for my tastes.

Disappointing that their pushin the visage, less focus on visage and more on rigging armor to fhw dragon model ty


Yep, in fact… visage form is allowed in combat for Evokers, the thing is, using breath abilities auto shifts you to dragon form, and you will have to spend a global cooldown to shift back into normal form.

I mean there are so many ways they could have helped Evokers for that.

  1. Make the Visage ability on a separate global cooldown so you could macro it in.
  2. Make it such that casting abilities that do not require you to be in draconic form will put you back in visage form IF chosen identity visage is selected [you can always remove chosen identity if you prefer a fixed form.
  3. OR: you could have the draconic form always shift back to visage form after ending any dragon form requiring abilities (i.e. breaths , tailswipe and wing buffets), again, only IF you have chosen identity visage selected. So it keeps you in visage form in combat.

Option 2 and 3 are different. Some evoker specs use a lot of breath abilities , and to avoid a constant shifting animation you might prefer visage form to be the one activated on non-dragon abilities, rather than forcing back into visage form immediately after dragon abilities. Or they could make you choose or macro/addon the difference.

OFf course I’m only talking about the Evoker class.

For all other classes, you don’t do breaths, so you should be able to do them in either form, permanently whenever you want, and just use the other form for RPing or kicks or just a change of scenery.

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Nozdormu is a paladin card in HS, just saying. Although I don’t think we’ll have dracthyr paladins before all classes can be one.

Well, they’ll need to do something about the racials then.

Cause I mean, racials include Glide, Tail Swipe, Wing Buffet.

When it can only play one class then it doesn’t really matter what’s a racial and what’s not, but if you can be a dracthyr mage there is no reason whatsoever to be an anything-else-mage. Those abilities are insanely powerful compared to what Pandaren have. Or any other race for that matter.

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I wouldn’t call it "pushing visage form… the whole point of chosen identity and the race was that you could be in either form at all times if you wanted.

This isn’t fulfilled earnestly in the evoker class because draconic form is compulsory for breaths, and Chosen identity: Visage wouldn’t force you back to visage form during combat - though you could do it manually at the cost of a global cooldown.

Armor rigging in draconic form is a separate issue all of it’s own and is off course, greatly desired too. It will certainly boost the popularity of draconic form:

Draconcic form Wishlist

  1. Full armor rigging
  2. Wider snout configurations - look at some dragonflying drakes
  3. Greater bulk variations than currently.

However it must be noted, that the Dracthyr visage form is also greatly loved and important for the race too as there are people not into monster races, but would play this race a lot more if they could stay in visage form.

Similarly, draconic form rigging will allow players who love monster races to show their monster dragon off all the time… so yes, both desired.

They’ll probably come together… same with druid class… i think it would be an expansion feature for TWW.

Meeh, should have opened up transmogging and visage choice first.


opening the door

Hello there :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Warrior is probably happening we have already seen dracthy warriors as npcs in game.

Given the military nature of the race I could see hunter and rogue given the same justification.

They are shock troopers bourn and bread for war. Ide be surprised if the more warlike classes aren’t first

If I had to guess I say warrior priest, monk and rogue are deffinates. Warrior because of the above priest because every race can be a priest monk and rogue for the same reason and it fits the military theme

I think mage and hunter are quite likely. They are an innately magical race and hunter matches with the military theme

Paladin I don’t think so on the soul bases that blizzard took years to give zandalari paladin when their entire culture is built around a priest hood that were literally the first paladins to ever exist predating humans by quite some time

Druid I’m genuinely not sure. they are tangentially connected to the dream via the green magic but it’s tenuous. This one will depend solely on blizz I could see them going either way with it either saying they don’t have a druidic traction or are too open to all magic or even that they just don’t care about nature. Blizz could do that likewise they could easily say some of the dragons stayed in the dream and we’re taught to be druids.

DH is a no. Same with warlock. Dk could work but would need some dragon corpses in icecrown. Will probably wait for a bunch of races who need them. They do a lk ,3.0

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rogues or gtfo

Warrior for sure, but I think classes like Warrior and rogue, even the magical classes would be Dracthyr who no longer want to be Evokers or failed to become evokers, but found out that was because they had more talent in other areas, and discovered they could be excellent shaman, druids, palas, priests, warriors etc etc.

While I agree with you that those other classes would definitely be there… I don’t think they should get precedence over the classes tied to the flights power.

Remember Dracthyr, pretty much like elves are a magical based raec. magic is used for warfare, and the Evoker is the elite class of that race… just like mage Moonguard and Moon Priestesses were the elite fighting classes for the Kaldorei, another magical race.

Why is it tenuous though? Ever since the night elves created the class, it’s been working with the greens, the greens embody all the magical features of the druid class save for the arcane spells, which the dracthyr are not alien too having essence of the blue flight within them.

Secondly the dragons are the best natural shapeshifters about, constnatly assuming other forms, and of ALL the classes out there, Druid and Mage are the two that have the strongest correlation and ties directly to the flights and their essences.

So whiles green dragons may not be druids per say - remember druid is a night elf construct, a night elf profession that applies nature, arcane and shapeshifting magic like so, just like mage, another night elven creation is simply the advanced study of magical arcane energy that is applied like this, this and that. You wouldn’t be wrong in saying say that Green dragon class is the dragon class version of druid. Just trained differently. Same with blue dragons. They aren’t mages, but they are the dragon disciplines (or flights) equivalent of mages.

If that makes any sense.

I’m sure if Tauren and Draenei can be rogues, then surely Dracthyr can. Besides, dracthyr have clawed feet, not hooves that you can hear a mile off. They’re also likely capable of retracting their claws for an even softer tread. And if all else fails, they can shapeshift into a cockroach.

Is there a source for this? Or is it just something you hope will happen?

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How about both

This is a problem. And we’ll be able to sit visage form constantly, and a lot of people love elves. I don’t feel like seeing every person who takes PvE or PvP even semi-seriously be a Dracthyr.

Racials should never be a reason you pick a race in my opinion. It should be strictly theme, and personal preference in looks.

Well, the way WoW is now racials might as well cease to exist, however I do think having aesthetics tied to gameplay is a fun element. If handled well it will make your character feel and play much more thematically, and make you connect with it on a much deeper level. I don’t think WoW can handle it well due to its increasing focus on competitive elements, but vanilla WoW could have and in fact did; see vanilla priests.

On the aesthetic side, I feel like it’d be a lot more fun being a Pandaren mage if my Blast Wave was a Chi Wave, or if my polymorph transformed enemies into chinese mountain cats instead of pigs or sheep, or if my evocation had papers with these Pandaren writing texts fly around my head. Similar to Druids, really.

And on the gameplay side, I think taking away spells like DB in favour of my racial would be fun, and then speccing DB makes it AoE. Heck, I’d even go so far as thinkin it’s okay for different races to move at different speeds, for a charging Tauren to knock you over, etc.

Being a different race in WoW has much in common with being a different species in nature, you know. It’s adaptations that makes you move, and therefore fight, in a different way, so…

That does mean at like the top 2% people are gonna minmax to the point where they can’t play what they want to. I don’t care. It’s going to happen anyway, inevitably. Just look at the ladder, there’s always some crazy meta. The same applies to classes anyway. You can’t have a warlock looking DK.

And arena is of course particularly toxic to a system like that.

But when they’re so meaningless and small people are rerolling Tauren Mage for the 1% stat bonus, that’s when it’s just not good in any way. It doesn’t create any fun, and it locks down people’s aesthetic.

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Soon as it comes if Mage is included, I’m race changing right away just for the flight alone lol.

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I really can’t understand why people is so obsessed about this… So you want to make a dracthyr to play normal classes as either human female or blood elf male… Why? Wouldn’t be easier to merely play as said races instead?