[Draenor Horde] Shadow Priest LF serious guidl

Hi! I will be playing SP / Mage in SL and im looking for a guild that is going to raid from 21.00 / 9pm Server time, to match my schedule. I have currently 12/12HC - 4/12M - Keystone Master - 2,1k BFA arena xp. And im LF a suiting guild.

I am looking to get more into Mythic raiding in Shadowlands and looking for a suiting guild to progress that. I expect that the guild I am joining is going to have some what experience on Mythic progress either full clears or atleast half current raid downed.

If you have any more questions you can add me on discord or Bnet and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Bnet: beaNR#2346
Discord: zan1#4053

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Look at our recruitment post.
Rat Pack

I am 100% confident that you will love what you’ll see.


Once you’re there you should be able to PM any of the officers on that Discord (Woosa, Cronali, Vorium, TbXie) and go on from there.
This guarantees that we will get your message asap and you don’t have to wait unnecessarily long to get an answer.

Thank you & Best of Luck in both your applications and in SL!