Draenor lagging again

We again have heavy lags with high latency in game. Thank you Blizzard, the game is 16 years, pay to play system and players still have issues with latency, I have no more to say…


Unplayable yet again…

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Same, but it’s lagging only if i loot something.

Yup, ish server…

nice… waiting 1 min to deliver a Q and 20 sec to loot… gotta love this server. thought it was kinda fixed last week but ye 1 day later all over again.

Yeah, get into a decent raid finally, and DC and unable to log back in. Thanks

definitely unplayable
wow indicator shows 50ms
it feels like up to 1s lag for combat!
it takes 10+ sec to say smth in chat!!
it takes up to 30(!)seconds to loot something!!!

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From two minutes I cannot cast interupt, my character is probably dead now. How I get my Stygia back?

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Black character select screen. Sort Draenor out please Blizzard, FFS

To be honest Blizz … this is a bit pathetic already … like … seriously ? Great Expansion so far … but servers are just from 70`s… Shame … how can u not expect things like this happening on launch/Raid release days … Invest the money that u wont invest in feral devs in SERVERS ! thanks

It’s a shame. Three of my friends disconnected and I followed shortly. Another cant even use spells. The lag is too much… Blizzard need to fix this.

Not realy…DC at lvl 5 in Torghast. Now I have to start over…

they should give us free trans from Draenor ! because the server is unplayable

there is already a free transfer

Silvermoon is also lagging, fighting and moving is fine, but handing in quests and looting is terrible.

Black character screen, gj blizz

Hey, could you please inform me how we go through this process? I would like to transfer my Lock from Draenor to another realm.

Click the shop while on draenor char screen, and select “free transfer”

Why is this happening again…things have been so smooth the last week or so

Well there goes £20 finely spent, just transfered here to play with friends and I can’t even play lol