Draenor or argent dawn (horde)

Unfortunately some (read: a good portion from what I heard) aren’t as considerate).

Draenor is full of players, and horde players at that… Argent Dawn on the other hand is the center of RP, but it is Alliance dominated and the horde community (RP or otherwise) is weak in comparision. :beers:

Any high-pop server AH is good for buying bad for selling unless you have the time and currency to establish yourself on a market. AD AH is no different than say Draenor or Silvermoon’s in that regard; yes even for T-mog.

Debateable. There is this misinformation that RP servers are more mature, when in reality they can and will be just as immature as any other realm, albeit at times for different reasons.

We have a lot of WTS Boost spam as well. Download Badboy+plugin if it bothers you that much.

If Draenor is laggy then so is AD, even more so when random big youtuber x,y,z decide to come drop by.

I will just echo the others, if you don’t have ANY interest in RP then you’d be better off on Draenor.
I’m not gonna be that guy saying you have to participate in RP 24/7 or weekly/daily/monthly, but why come to a server labelled RP and not participate in it.

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Draenor is really nice but be prepared for long queues once shadowlands is out.

Welcome to the club. I’m waiting for a server transfer sale, still have eight Horde-characters to bring over to AD.

Someone doesn’t read the AD realm forums.

Go to Draenor, Kazzak, Tarren Mill or Ragnaros, there are better servers to pick from than ours, the horde on this server are the minority, you’ll probably end up paying more again in the future to move and secondly, after playing a bit with my Draenor toons lately, you’re wrong about AD having a better auction house.

oh yeah, it gets hella rough in there xD

Draenor for pve. It doesnt have to the the biggest horde server there are other servers for horde pve than draenor that arent overflowing, but still pretty full. We are already having stability issues and crashes because im assuming overpopulation of hordies. I’d switch to less populated server if i wasnt in an awesome guild :slight_smile:

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Draenor, you want to flee from the Goldshire inn as quickly as possible.

AD horde has a very nice and welcoming community. I suggest it.

Ok. Cool. So, if i were to search for a more stable, pve horde server, which one would you guys suggest?

I would say go on argent dawn because you will be allowed to report and get multiboxers banned for breaking your immersion paired with reduced cross-realming onto your realm.

I was thinking of moving there to take refuge from the multi botxers

I mean judging by the link Punyelf posted it looks like your other options are Magtheridon, Azjol-Nerub or Doomhammer, I don’t have anything to compare to but at least I’ve never had a login queue on Doomhammer unless the server gets restarted, didn’t even know that was a thing on other servers.

Plenty of RPers don’t like it because it makes them feel like a commodity that OOC players use for their own entertainment and immersion. Makes you feel a bit like a monkey in a zoo, to be honest.

I think the take-away here is that you do not join a RP-server when you don’t intend to RP.

AD is infamous for hunting down OOC-players. Do not join the server if you are not going to RP. The AD-subforum has regularly several big topics about OOCs and you really don’t want to read this.


Tarren Mill.

But what if you roleplay item level and raider io, and metagaming?

That’s acceptable for most AD-players. The main issue AD faced the past years is how irrelevant the core feature of the server has become due the Warmode bonus. People join the server for the sole purpose of having an easier team while being sharded into the RP-specific groups which gives them an edge.

Asmongold and Taliesin did also their worst by bringing in OOCer which had a negative effect on the community.

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