In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Dragonblight in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Custodis ex Luminarium will be back for Classic. Just like back then it will be a small casual guild. Hoping to gather up as many of the original members as possible, beyond that we will just have to wait and see. We’re rolling on Pyrewood Village.
I played in The Wrath, ErazeR and then Afterdawn on both this character and Manufan (Human Warlock). Would be great to catch up with some old people from the server for classic!
I played in ErazeR on this character, had some rly great times there.
Would be fun to re-connect with most of people i played with, when classic arrives.
I played as Faintti, a human female warrior back in the days. Would be awesome to catch up with the people I used to play with!
Looking for members from Pantheon or Pantheon Blade guilds. If you played in these guild I would love to hear from you.
Characters people might remember me from:
-rmk (gnome warlock)
-Elu (gnome rogue)
-Amarith (NE warrior)
Looking for members from Immortalis my charcter whas kellyke human female mage
Anyone from Pactum Serva? /Fwaky
Hurm/Reborn, Former EraZeR member here. Any oldschool pvpers around?
- Tblade
- Galador
- Sasha (I know you are…)
- Grand or Field Marshall hunter?
- Etc…
I’m so bad at names 
@ Naelynh
Yes. I played as Luci female human (Paladin) and was in Erazer during the time of Sasha (human - Shadow Priest) and Tblade (human - Mage). And Galador was Paladin right? Worth noting Sasha won the honour competition.
We all use to meet up and wait outside WSG and have occassional Barrens PvP sessions.
Around the time that BWL came out I moved from Dragonblight to Sylvanas.
I remember a hunter that use to kite my paladin named Luci outside WSG in duels. Was that you maybe? Was during my time in Erazer.
Sup guys, I used to play pala named Owca, been in Royal Vanguard, Erazer and some more guilds, the time we played with Gala, Sasha and more!
Any of You oldschools will play classic?
Jakki - Priest (prev Jaki - Warrior). With Shadow Wolves before moving onto The Revenants part of the T3M alliance!
Any of the crew still around?
I think i was that hunter, i remember waiting outside WSG with a bunch of Erazer ppl goofing around, doing duels.
Max, Entrei and Dazeroth always beeing there, trying to get the highest rank
Dragonsbane people - we dutchies (you know us) are going to pyrewood. Fyi 
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Yep them names are bringing back a lot of faint memories. Let me know what realm you start on.
Can everyone remember the guild: Kindred and how they use to look down on everyone?
Luci here. Was in Erazer when WSG first came out.
I’m gonna start on Pyrewood, same char name and class. Will see how it works out.