Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

Just reserved Whoopy on Pyrewood, Shazzrah and Golemagg.

I remember some names here. Been a long time - played on this char - think I was in Pantheon and later Pantheon Blade.

Some more names I remember are Sonter (alliance rogue), Brokentusk (horde warrior), Satanmlk (horde mage).

Wow, that’s alot of old names I had forgotten from the WSG days.

Used to be there on this character.

Still remember Gigamo as well. And the PATER horde guild was active at the crossroads battles. A night elf hunter called Alcatraz or something? So hard to remember.

Anyways, after that PvP run I joined Kindred for a while (ugh…) and then the Revenants (Yay!). Still remember Lyara and Chaspal from there.

I’ll be back… for a while at least. Dunno how much time I can dedicate, but I’d like to get fitted for some classic pvp. Cheers to old Kindred/T3M peoples (and others).

/Also, Jakki is still a scrub.

Haha - more name from this silly/fun video I made back in the day. Fooling around after whole days of WsG queuing.

I remember you from Pantheon / Pantheon Blade. How are you mate? :slight_smile:

I even found one old raid screenshot from MC with you in it, you were second on DPS meter, hehe.

Any clue how is old Pantheon Blade guys doing, Wizlock etc.?

Turin just admit that you missed me

Only because you’re such a small target.

Hiya - cool. I’m good - been a couple of years since I had a WoW subscription.

I’ve have not heard anything from others in Pantheon, yet.

Still play this Hunter on retail… Was in guilds: Gigattack, Elite Cows, Fragile Dream, Royal Vanguard…

Just watched that vid, thank you for posting. Seeing all those old familiar names has put a smile on my face :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just dropped by since i saw this post.
I will not be playing, i quit wow for quite a bit of time now and honestly do not have the time for it anymore. Specially not Vanilla gameplay :slight_smile:
Those who mentioned me, its good to know to not be forgotten and i have not forgotten your names either (xcept for Tornado, i have no clue who that is :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) Just went over some old screens i had from raids yesterday and all the memories and names… Since i am sure you don’t want me listing about 80 people i will add about 10 players that stuck with me through all this time.

  • Gallador, old friend, best damn paladin i every had the luck to play with
  • Sasha, our nr 1 pvp shadowpriest back in the days, had some good times with him
  • Max, Our damn chinese farmer, good friend and very good multirole warrior
  • Entrei, that damn spanish noob, always was a blast having him around
  • infils/telina (think he was infils in the day) Hated his guts in the beginning :smiley: became a good friend after
  • Razgriz, our MT we used to have for most of vanilla
  • Dazeroth, used to pvp and be with us for so long, became the first druid tank on our server before druids had a tank build
  • Baalzamon, farmed everyday for god knows how long to bring a full inventory of soulshard to summon everyone to raids

Too many people to actually list and could tell stories about each and every one of them.

last of all: Sikaniska, your still a damn gnoob :smiley:

Nice to see some old names and i hope all those that still play or start playing again that you have a great time!

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Well hello there T-blade. Use to go on raids with you to crossroads with Sasha etc. Remember you storming the North entrance quite a lot.

Luci was my main during that time.

Good to see you alive and well T-blade, i knew you quit WoW, so i was kinda suprised seeing your post. You mentioning all those ppl gave me flasbacks of MC and BWL. Almost forgot the raids we had on Crossroads and TM, so thank you for the fun and i wish you all the best.

Tornado, you heard about new realm Gehennas – PvP – English? Pyrewood looks low pop. Gehennas may be lowest pop PvP realm.

I haven’t heard of it, will check it out in a few. Thx for the heads up

A clip of T3M at Rag

There’s a bunch of other videos on there as well. Got a link to Lyara’s blog of that time period as well, but apparently I can’t add links on here.

Hey its me Geor, i used to play a gnome rogue on Dragonblight, but I cant realy remember the guild name… I guess it was something like Northstar but not 100% sure.

I will be playing Classic not 100% sure what realm/guild.

Some music seems to have been changed from the originals (I have them sitting around somewhere). Got a few others too. I might throw them up somewhere if I can be arsed. Been looking through some old screenies too, like from the first 40man pve raid on the server (an entirely futile attempt at kazzak), where there weren’t even 40 lvl60s to fill the raid :stuck_out_tongue:

Daamn that guild was so annoying! Well if you were horde :stuck_out_tongue: