Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

Anyone from Kinsmen or Shadow Weavers still about?

Also Louis or Danaklies

I’m gonna suck out gold of ya all.
Pst Prolly overpopulated some of pvp realms.

Hi fellow ErazeRs!

Nice to hear from so many of you again. Have a lot of nice memories from back in the days when I was playing as Aleani (Gnome mage) with all of you.

Would be nice to play with any of you again and I will be playing in Pyrewood Village as Aleani and Lillin. Feel free to drop by on discord at “Din_Kompis#5009” if so only for a chat.

And also, mage chat ftw!

I know the chance is very small, but anyone around from Ambassadors of Truth?

Dworf Paladin Palaloeloe here

Louis was a fun hunter to be around.

Dana is still around :slight_smile:
we’ll be playing on Shazz or Golemagg with Aislinn on horde

Anyone remember Snowprincess and the Baron’s mount? Hahaha can’t wait for classic and ninja’s again.

Damm how could i forget about Snowprincess, think he/she transferred to another server after beeing blacklisted by almost everyone on the server. Good times :laughing:

What about Ashlect, PVP Druid in Erazer?

That dumbass ended up being so ostracized that all he could do for the rest of the servers’ life was sit on it in Ironforge and little else ^^ Fun times.

Do you (alliance) guys remember Xiko’s premade for WSG? We had much fun with that. I think he quit when he got rank 13. I took that premade “for my command” for some weeks, we did some quality WSG runs. I remember at some point horde quitting from WSG when they saw our team. :’)

After I had enough of PvP, I was officer in Utopia if you remember that. We did some pretty HC PvE raiding. Good times, good times.

-Elu (gnome rogue)

I actually pretended to be in league with Snowprincess to get half of the hate mail. People where so easy to manipulate back in them days. <---- Luci from Erazer.

By doing so I became a Ninja Looter by mere association.

Most my friends knew it was all rubbish but 50% of the server actually believed the lie. But that lie held so much power. Allowed me to play Ret and not be pestered to roll Holy.

Haha i got my own fair share of hate playing my rogue, shuuyo, in vanilla.

Hey guys Kinosh here, loved reading through here seeing some old names. Was a resto druid for some guilds such as EraZeR and Booty bay surf club. got as far as twin emps in AQ, never quite had my chance to join Aeternus. Was always trying to keep up with the 2 feral druids on our server Dazeroth and i’m sure the other was called Newo. Still sometimes bump into an IRL paladin friend Danaklies also in EraZeR. Anyway where are you guys all jumping on? Be great to see some of you back in game and go through it all again! It’s been a while!

There were quite a few more than 2 ferals on db in vanilla, just fyi.

Hey turin! Yeah we had a few on the server but they were the pair i saw the most probably. You coming back to classic? An IRL friend you may remember from Aeternus “Ske” is returning we’re still undecided on what server to go back on

Yeah, Whoopy. I remember Kindred, i was in it; And i’m still in it, in a way as we reformed into Aeternus after some drama.
Don’t remember looking down on anyone though, or noticing other members doing that.
Anyways, i played human female warlock named Sinday back then, switched to Faylane during AQ40 and never looked back.
Pvp’d my way to Marshal rank, more than that was too much work/dedication for me, couldn’t combine that with all the raiding.
Never stopped raiding either, but way less hardcore now. From 6-7 nights a week to 2 now, sometimes 3.

I actually talked to Ske briefly, (he’s got a character in aeternus). Since I got my name on Firemaw I’m most likely going to go there.

I remember Kindred/Aeternus as well; raided with them through BWL on my rogue, Ebony. They were awesome times with loads of fun, especially among the rogue community. I don’t remember anyone looking down, either, but I do recall people thinking that we had a rep for some reason.

Also raided with T3M for a while. Still have the Ragnaros screenshots.

I played as Shadeleaf, female human Rogue. In a few guilds Order of Light, The Wrath and Subgenieus, to name the ones I can recall😂

Crazy seeing so many names and guild from back in the day. Can’t wait for classic :sunglasses: