Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

i mean i married Jaffacake the gnome mage xD and we have 2 girls :stuck_out_tongue:
nothing changes i see :slight_smile: xx

a gnome… A GNOME???

they were our food

how could you =(

Well, my wife convinced me to start playing again, so i created a char on Dreadmist pvp server. Mainly for the Que times, 40 - 400 minutes is just brutal :slight_smile:
I even created “ErazeR” as a guild while i was at it. If anyone feels like joining, anyone is welcome.

Since i am playing with my wife i went for a tank / healer combo and i am playing “Terazer” (for those who don’t know, that was our old guildbank char that i leveled when i was bored) I’ll level a mage TBlade at some point … if i ever have time for that :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, serious blast from the past on this thread. Remembering a lot of those names

If anyones on Razorgore Alliance drop us a line… edjw#2510

A couple of old hands from Shadow Weavers still kicking about there for now: Speirs/Krissy, Drizztt, Dagknabitt, Rathalos.

I think Monsters Inc. are back in business too, not sure what realm though.

Playing alliance or horde Tblade? May create a char there, just to have some fun and revisit some old content.

Monsters inc have a guild in classic a lot of old faces there and still popping up :slight_smile: ^^

This is cool. I remember quite a few names. My main was Nornd back in the old days. A male… dwarf priest. I got to raid with Aeternus. Fun fun but also very time consuming. I started a new dwarf priest on vanilla. A female this time. Her name is Allunga and is on Mirage Raceway.

Uhhh good to see some old names :slight_smile: … Jfkcro (Royal Vanguard) gnome mage all the way

Or better to write as current char :slight_smile:

Owca! Cleric/Knight, human paladin, Black Battalion here.

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Oooh, I see some names I recognize, especially the Kindred/Aeternus ones. I was Gilthoniel, NE hunter. Hope you’re all doing well. I’m playing on Stonespine :slight_smile:

Really cool to see a lot of old familiar names here, didn’t even realize Bliz had a topic for this!

Except Turin.

Ok even Turin. I’m feeling nostalgic all of a sudden.

Curio (RV) & Sdchlong(Various) Left by AQ release. Was in that group when Snowprincess ninja’d the mount from Baron.

Orin and Mirko here?

Still sad you didn’t get into my pants I see Tib.

Holy Smokes Eyeyun…!
So long ago, hope all is well, us old danish people from the guild have gone to Mirrage Raceway though

  • Deathy

Hello , i was an officer in Pantheon Blade back in the days as Laffy Mage :slight_smile: i remember all of you guys :slight_smile:

Hey Eyeyun, long time no see!

If one were to find you good old Dragonsbane dutchies, which names should I look for?
I made an alt on Pyrewood, called Maklight, once I heard you guys were there.

Xtravaganza, human male, holy paladin in The Revenants and T3m. Man, I had a great time back then! Hello Turin and Mistie! And I remember you Silv.

Other names: Zacker (war tank), Shogun (lock), Splinter (mage iirc),

Hi Guys, Luci here from old Erazer guild. How are you two getting on?

Just finishing up with AV premade at the moment. Been fun managing a mega discord (XRR) but still wondering what old friends are up too.

Tblade we played together when WSG 1st came out. Same with Tornado.

We use to have a joke about being the Pimps of PvP. Was fun times.

Hello guys , Xtr here from ErazeR clan.
Does anybody here know Militus the druid or Besmond(t) the paladin?