Dragonblight Alliance Reconnections

Sure Brokentusk and Satanmlk also used to run WSG with a restoshammy called Spirtedaway.

I remember you, Coobag still pops around from time to time :smiley:

And I remember you too Kinosh, Did you get a trial in Aet ?
Ske is still around in Aeternus on our discord btw :stuck_out_tongue:

I have Jalhar reserved on Shazzrah and a pve server, not very sure if I’ll play classic tho, retail raiding is rather time consuming.

I have fond vanilla memories of a gnome mage named Gnobby, if you know where to find him tell me :smiley:

Some names in here I remember for sure seeing in IF/SW etc.
Aerturnus/Kindred/ErazeR were the boys :slight_smile:

Myself…played mainly as a tank called Arnie in the guild Vikings of Midgard (I think, long time ago now :frowning:)

Any player called “Idr” or “Catsan” or “Rhand” still about? Just remembere another, a hunter called “Prebziboy” or something

There where some nice players in Kindred, don’t get me wrong. Can you remember all the Dwarf Paladin names so I can jog my memory? A male Dwarf Paladin in Kindred was one of my best friends on Dragonblight but forgot his name. We use to clear stuff out in Felwood etc.

Getting old now so memory isnt as good as it was.

Naralissa ? Other paladins were Dargo, Ticon, Cygnus, Savage, Maraxus, Dunderklump, but I think most of them were humans.

Checking old pictures, we had a Brightlord too as dwarf, maybe Xhiva or Loknahl, though I doubt it’s one of the last two.

Might have been Brightlord or Loknahl. Have to share some pictures sometimes. Miss them old times.

I hate to admit this … but a Kindred Dwarf Paladin influenced my change to female Dwarf.

Turin will love that considering how bitter I was to early Kindred.

Erazer was the Pimp guild back in the day. Nearly every1 had a Red hat.

Remember the Vikings of Midgard. Friendly guild.

Yes I was in Pantheon Blade :slight_smile:

Norkiller - Human Warlock

Norkiller - Human Warlock
Was in Pantheon Blade, then Utopia.
Any of the old players back?;D

Silv was you in Erazer when WSG came out. I have faint memories of a certain rogue who I always use to PvP with outside WSG entrance. My main was Luci in Dragonblight. Female Human Paladin.

I never joined Erazer and didn’t like the idea of premades so didn’t join those either, but yeah I was in Warsong all the time, dueling outside during the queues, picking fights in the Barrens, made it to rank 11 but stopped thereafter.
Recognizing lots of familiar names from that time in this thread.

He was a troll shaman, right?

Kuchiki here was an Warrior Tank. I was in a few Guilds Also Erazer i can remmebr when we also all played together age of conan. And i was also on another guild with a greek or latin name man i realy cant remember :rofl:

Daekvos (druid) or Borabora (warrior) here - anyone from VoM or T3M out there, Purenight/light and myself are trying to find a home.

Pamiętam Cie Owca z tego krótkiego epizodu w Royal Vanguard. Wracam na Pyrewood Vilage z tym samym nickiem.

Anyhow, since I could get my name there (and know some people from rl there) I’ll be leveling up on Firemaw. If any old db’ers are around there, feel free to ask for groups or whatever.

Oh hai!
I mean I wasn’t going to touch classic but it’s like a big button you just gotta press :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: reading and memory’s of so many names I miss t3m! X

ooh… little miss junior druid <3

Hey Turin <3!
i mean i’m not so little anymore they tell me i’m a adult now and i have responsibility of two humans … dunno who thought that was a good idea… how you doing :slight_smile:

So… married with one child?

And I’m doing same as always, just older and craggier.