Dragonflight Best Expansion Of All Time

DF is the first expansion, when I was literally staring at characters screen and was trying to find a reason to log in. Nothing to do outside m+ and raid. Open world is dead. Story is a joke.


Have you considered making ten paladins? :thinking:


Liked it or hate it, Dragonflight was still better then Shadowlands. I been playing since BFA and I would have to say that Shadowlands was still the lowest point for me.

Maybe it’s because I almost missed the whole expansion, and got overwhelmed by the amount of quests at level 70, with no clear direction in story (I somehow shifted back and forth in time with cut-scenes all the time).

Or maybe its because the guild I was in before I lost my PC disbanded, and the few people I still talk to, play on Horde now - And I am just… playing alone.
Very few guilds seems to be active - or willing to invite on SIlvermoon at the moment, save for like 2 mass inviting guilds. I am seriously considering if I should just switch server… But I don’t know where else to go as an Alliance player.

But I am not all that fond of this expansion. I mean it’s pretty! Dragonriding is fun and all that, but I just feel somewhat …meh to me ( I guess because the above reasons). I am absolutely gobsmacked that I am even saying this, but for me personally, I had way more fun in SL :flushed:

Yeah blizz are at a point now where they are just polishing the well oiled machine that dragon flight is.

I knew that the war within would be amazing because they went with dragonflights formula but added new features and game modes i do not regret the pre purchase one bit i would have bought all 3 if i had the chance.

DF is actually a fine expansion, but also the one where I’ve played the least and generally hung up my cape, so I am not sure what that says?

As someone on Silvermoon, for such a big server, it doesn’t half feel empty.

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I don’t actually like DF that much.

Evokers were ok, except for the oversight where they’re only any good for DF, too high level for the rest of the game.

Best part of DF is the flight and Evokers are good in that role, don’t need a mount.

I’ve seen a lot of Silvermoon players playing on other servers. You can’t really tell anymore.

I feel that, not really a fun things to see, I have to say, for whatever reason ( idk myself anymore) I didn’t have this issue in Shadowlands, maybe cause there was too much to do so I never had to ask myself that question. But regardless, now I log in and mostly transmog, not transmog run, just make a new outfit with what I have atm and then log off.

Looking forward to TWW, cause rn the zones are putting my to sleep and feel so linear, if you did it once you never need to do it again

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This is why blizzard should bring back legendary weapon quest lines similar to the cloak in BFA.

Legendarys are fun and should be fun to obtain not RNG all classes should be able to do this quest it does not have to be a fyralath the dream render it could just be a cloak or a neck with high stats and mabye a cool on use effect.

Mabye they can give us back the heart of azeroth but without azerite powers OFC!

I didn’t say it is empty, I said that it feels like guilds are dead, or just not willing to take in players atm, save from the few mass inviting ones

Despite my comment mostly trashing DF , I forgot to mention. I really like having a dungeon rotation each season. 4 DF dungeons , 4 legacy dungeons. Does mix things up a little.

In SL I was getting dungeon fatigue quite fast.

I’m not a fan myself but some certainly seem to enjoy it :slight_smile:

Shadowlands dungeons just did not do it for me we went from bfa dungeons that rocked to shadowlands my god what a dissapointment that was.

They need to get the bfa dungeon design team back because thats where its at also MDI was actually fun to watch with that design.

God no.

Is it better than BFA or Shadowtrash? Sure.

Is it better than BC/WOTLK/MoP? Not a chance.

& This fated nonsense repeating for season 4 is a big L.

DF is at least a step in the right direction.

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Better then the 3 you mentioned not from a lore perspective but from gameplay and systems yes

Dragonflights quality was all over the place.
I honestly dont know if it was good or the worst expansion ive played (i know its not the best)

10.0 was awesome
10.1 was the worst and least fun patch ive ever played in wow
10.2 was… there. Not exactly fun, but also not annoying or anything. A perfect example of mediocrity.

And then sprinklings of extras like warlock customisation which is always great to get.

I have no idea how to rate an expansion like that.
Perhaps a 5/10?

Yep. They did a really poor job in that regard.
You basically get everything at once and leave it up to you what you want to do, but this makes the different stories confusing and sometimes outright nonsensical.

It’s fine if you did it when it was released, but playing DF content later on is very confusing and overwhelming.

For me 8.3 is still the worst one ever. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, that was when Blizzard lied to us and told us ‘This expansion would only be focused on Azeroth between the Horde and Alliance. Oops, surprise! It was an old god all along! LMAO’

For me. It was still 9.1.
There was just SOOO much things happening with this version, both inside and outside of the game.
Outside, we’re trapped by the Pendemic effects, the world was changing, Blizzard was under hot water, and everything looked dark and gloomy.
Inside 9.1, it was just as lonely, just as dark and gloomy, the content was lacking and too tedious. This was my lowest point of my WoW experience. I was just tired of the dark atmosphere, the harshness of the environment, the story that had more holes then The Outlands, and the grindy mechanics that made me feel I accomplished nothing. As soon as I finished the main story of Korthia, I didn’t touch the game for months until 9.2, just so I can finish the story and move on to the next patch.
Dragonflight to me was a nice change of pace over the pacing we had in BFA and Shadowlands. It was like ‘Can we just stop trying to kill each other for FIVE MINUTES and take a time to relax and enjoy ourselves?’
Dragonflight for me at least is the ‘Take it easy’ expansion of WoW. No urgancy, no other world villian or the fate of everyone, just go out and be an adventurer on a new island. We did eventually get a urgency and a major threat, but that wasn’t until midway into the expansion as we were nearing its conclusion.
Now that we had a time to rest and had a taste of the kind of challenges for whats to come, we’re ready to take in what the next Expansion has in stores for us!