Dragonflight Hunter Talent Trees

I would like to see Survival become more of a
“Deep in the depths of the dark forest with your hunter pet companion, using your polearm and traps to execute kills”
I feel like Camouflage Survival Hunter is heavily underrated and so much fun.

I would have liked a dual wield survival hunter talent.

Hunter trees feel nasty, so many 2/2 and 3/3 talents you feel you need to get that you miss out on so much else. Feels really unfun to the degree that I want to play something else.

Yeah, having looked at it yesterday…it felt very underwhelming. There are some things you feel obligated to take but at the expense of other key Hunter traits that we used to have by default (but favouring a specific utility might cost you a fair bit of DPS so it becomes a case of convenience vs min/max mentality).

Going to have a look at other classes also just to get an idea of what they’ve got access to in order to see how much of an issue it is widespread vs Hunter-specific issue with the general construction of their talent trees.

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I agree about the quality of hunter trees - I play MM and for me the only build is the “least bad” build. None of the top-tier talents excite me. I just take the ones that are the least clumsy.

Honestly every tree feels similar I’ve tried a lot of classes since pre to try and get a good feel for them here’s my two cents and I’ll do hunter last as I have now come back with that xp in mind.

Monk: mandatory stuff all over the place. For the playstyle I want and honestly plays the same as now which I have no problem at all with just functional but not very fun as a whole.

Shaman: most 1 point and most avenues to go down honestly the trees for. Enh and ele feel well done but the class itself plays pretty similarly to before maybe a tad smoother with some. Ghost wolf QOL changes and totem moving/casting on the fly feels smoother as a whole.

Dk: unholy feels really good tons of choice and builds. Frost is the same and blood feels the same too to me but honestly I’m not a tank player so Yeh.


MM: I don’t play it never liked MM so will not comment.

SV: tons of fun feels more fluid and I have made 3 builds with 3 distinct styles very fun talent tree to me personally

BM: feels very fun to me very active spec not bloated and honestly lots of choice I feel like I have too much choice and want nearly every talent.

I feel like as a whole hunter trees for the two I mainly play feel actualy good and I’m very surprised at BM minor but very meaningful changes and additions.

I absolutely have to disagree with this. Not only I feel being forced into a Mongoose Bite + Death Chakrams build, which I would never pick, it also doesn’t feel fluid to me at all.

I mean sure, I can spec whatever I want and/or feels good to me but doing 5k dps less than above combination doesn’t feel like a real choice to me.

And talking of choice I have yet to see a build using Spearhead that is able to compete. Viper’s Venom doesn’t work with Poison Injection. Well it does but you have to invest one wasted point into Serpent Sting. We still have too many two and three point nodes. We still have no raid Utility.

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Oh see I play the game for fun not to be a 1%er so I’m quite happy with SV.

It could 100% be better and I do have my haste gear right now ofcourse so we will see at 70 I guess but I don’t feel forced at all but compared to other specs it is similar in the way the tree is laid out we’re defo not hard done by everything can always be improved though

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