Dragonflight Hunter Talent Trees

The big problem with Survival tree is that there is no real interesting gameplay in it, with very little intra-kit interaction, and no amount of small tweaks are going to fix it, it needs more fundamental rework. It needs to have more than just one focus spender, one with high impact and a CD, and possibly a buff/debuff that you need to play around (Serpent Sting just exists with little gameplay impact), and more interplay between its buttons than just Wildfire Infusion.

I don’t even care what form all that takes, just give me something, anything.

Is there any chance we can just get a talent that changes Barbed Shot to Dire Beast? It would make the spec much more interesting again, and less reliant on some random dot that really has nothing to do with being a master of beasts?

Also, there;s just so many talents in the BM tree that basically make Barbed Shot function like it does currently - they need to be at least amalgamated a little bit - plus, as it stands, we have the most choices in our top tier at 19 points, making putting so many talent points in seem like such a waste.

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I think BM hunter spec tree is far from being good. A lot of other classes trees I’ve seen (like Retri, Fury, Outlaw) make very fun builds possible and with BM I’m stuck in the middle of the tree.

In the first tier BM has whopping 17 talent points options to spend, all of which are pretty much essential to get even close to what we have now. I would say that BM hunter tree should see a serious total points reduction across the whole tree, so it can be as fun as Demonology, Fury or Retri.

Here are my ideas:

  1. 1st tier of talents:
  • Aspect of the Beast should be 1 rank talent giving 30% increase in abilities and 50% trait effectiveness
  • Kindred Spirits should be 1 rank talent giving extra 20 maximum Focus
  • Training Expert should be 1 rank talent giving 10% pet damage increase (other classes have 1 rank nodes with 10% increases just like that)
  1. 2nd tier:
  • Sharp Barbs should be 1 rank talent giving 5% damage increase and 1 sec cooldown reduction to Barbed Shot (similar to a conduit we have in SL)
  • In for the Kill should be 1 rank talent giving 10% reset chance on Kill Shot and it being usable on any target
  • Stomp should be 1 rank talent
  • One with the Pack should be 1 rank talent with 10% increased chance (makes it 30% total with 3 talent spent, 10% less than we have now)
  1. 3rd tier:
  • Dire Command should be 2 rank talent with 15/30% increase
  • Scent of Blood should be 1 rank talent (probably not everyone is going to take Loaded Quiver in the 1st tier)

Setup like that has a huge potential for fun and diverse builds.

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It means that devs are confused.


Some more Hunter updates posted.

When the devs post on the alpha forum:

Well, it’s good to see all the MM changes; but will BM see any love?

The left hand side of the BM tree is still pretty unviable, just because the talents we would need to have the specc even play slightly similar are focussed mainly on the right hand side of the tree.

Thrill of the Hunt taking up 3 talent points, when it should at most be 2.

I’d love for a Dire Beast specc to be viable, but all the cooldowns, paired with the fact Barbed Shot effectively becomes useless if you specc down that side, feels bad.


Some more updates announced: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/en/wow/t/feedback-hunters/1279513/228

Stuff hunter trees. I want pet trees. So I can actually use some of the dam models they put in the game.


MM one target talents are so awsome might main a MM hunter …

Great BM changes; but; could Dire Beast go in place of where Thrill of the Hunt is, move that to where AMOC/BS is, then put them where Dire Beast is? It would flow so much better that way!

The only other thing; could frenzy be removed from Barbed Shot? Would be great not to have to take the skill - whack it on KC instead, make the buff last longer to compensate.

It is a bit weird how calling the shots now has an unsynergistic interaction with Eagletalon’s true focus. You reduce the focus cost of abilities first, and then focus spent reduces the cooldown, so the Cooldown reduction is less.

They should revert calling the shots to be back to arcane/multishots, it would allow the hunter to sacrifice DPS in some aspects to prepare their burst damage. A scenario would be taking nesingwary trapping aparatus, and during a period of uninportant damage, you spam arcane shots, freeze trap, and spam some more arcane shots to get the cooldown back on your trueshot.

edit: i should also mention, i am kinda saddened they didn’t explore some new tech mechanics. Like an example would be, using raptor strike during harpoon gives you a 300% bonus damage and doing so reduces diengage cooldown by 80%. Just imagine having a pack of mobs and going spiderman on each one of them, and in single target it’d be a fun thing to do too every 15s.

or a talent that makes your flare count as an enemy for the purposes of multishot so ur 2 target is temporaily good

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Hi there,

what about a switch between “Crack shot” and “Improved Steady Shot” at the second line of the Marksman Tree?

it makes more sense imo with “Rapid Fire” just after.

I’ve mained a hunter since wotlk but since WoD I’ve never really played MM/BM seriously. The last spec I enjoyed was SV in legion, it was amazing once you got the correct amount of haste/crit. Hunter feels so lackluster compared to what it used to be.

With the new talent trees/class revamp I would love to see a return of the chimera shot from wotlk/cata/MoP as a baseline ability and remove the charges for aimed, it feels soo bad having charges on your main dmg ability. It feels so much better to press any single button in wotlk than retail currently. Retail hunter feels clunky IMO. They need to do something big with the new trees.

Cobra shot with a cast time again, with Arcane Shot as your focus dumper outside of KC, Chimera Shot as your main dmg ability as MM with Arcane/Aimed shot as a dumper and the old Ready, Set, Aim for a free aimed shot, and would love to see stings actually be a thing as a hunter again.
I’ve shelved my hunter since the end of BFA, if any of those were to come back I would return to my hunter. For now I’ll play my hunter in wotlk classic which actually feels so much more like a hunter than the retail hunter has in the last 4 expansions.

Blizzard have decided that they’ve done enough with talent trees overall and are focusing on other aspects of the DF game development.

What changes would you like to see in a later fix (as it’s quite clear that a lot of post-release balancing is going to have to take place)?

It’d be nice if the Master Marksman talent (bleed on crit damage) worked with Kill Command; feels a bit naff if only Cobra Shot is proccing it.

Also, still on it, but can pets just be made to be any specc? There’s so many unused families out there because nobody really wants to take Cunning pets outside of PvP, or Tenacity at all.

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Yes! I was disappointed when they made that change a while back. I never use anything outside Ferocity.

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Same here with ferocity, would like to use the boar or bear models. I was hoping with them bringing the talent trees back they would have done the same for pets then given beast master extra points like before

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I’d like to give feedback about using Kill Command as MM hunter: it does not synergize with the rest of the abilities, and even if you take all pet-centric/kill command-boosting abilities in the general hunter tree, Kill Command damage is around 3 times less than Arcane shot damage.

Some things that could be done are:

  • make Kill Command generate, rather than spend focus for MM (as it works for SV)
  • make the talent that boosts the damage of the next two Arcane shots by 75% also work with Kill Command

why not make so every time u cirt with any ability or auto attack u get 20% focus instently back ?
MM hunter are arcers they dont use pets so kill command will not work …
u ever seen Aleria or Sylvana use a pet …