Dragonflight is monofactioned?

Will there be faction quests in the expansion? I don’t want the third addon in a row to sniff out the dook of a tyrande, wipe the tears of a jaina, repent of the sins of the horde and save the stinking elves from the maw, where I myself drove them. Or it is another expansion about soylliance?


I remember during the announcement they mentioned something about jumping to the opposite factions ship during the introduction quests for PvP but I’ve not heard anything else about faction specific stuff.

Doubt we’ll see any faction conflict in the near future, if ever again. But we can still kill eachother :no_mouth:

Definitely, although it won’t be split like BFA.

Hopefully the writers get their act together and give both factions the same story in preparation of a faction merge. No more cheap lousy written faction wars and warmongering racial leaders with plot armour and future redemption, we are supposed to be well above such destructive actions.

I hope we get Turalyon as the first raid boss in DF, so we can get rid of that potential Garrosh Hellschream-like nonsense asap.

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Not if I safely hide in care bear mode!





I had hoped it was just ‘not a lot of animosity’
seeing an orc say light be with you is just kinda uncanny, can’t orcs just say orc things, like throm-ka (means hello)
Imagine being a mag’har and some green orc unironically tells you ‘light be with you’
what the hell

Atleast we won’t be babysitting Jaina and Anduin

without wm


Not as far as I know.
Maybe later on in the expansion, but this ‘exploration of the dragon isles’ is a combined undertaking.

Which any sane human being should do. :upside_down_face:

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No. We are allies, heroes of Azeroth, all of us! :star_struck:

Looks like you still need to repent for those sins if you say such things. :grimacing:

You are forgiven, my friend. You were misguided. :heart:

The Alliance is totally chad and winning, stop crying Hordie and enjoy the love :heart_hands:


The issue with factions is that it’s ultimately stupid.
It’s one thing to have battlegrounds or other kinds of mercenary modes.

However, in WoW (and WC3) the factions always worked together, and it doesn’t make much sense to reintroduce conflicts. Quite often those stirring trouble silenced, with the most notable example being Siege of Orgrimmar.

The only way to reintroduce race wars is to ride some bold propaganda, or maybe resource scarcity and good old selective bonding.

On that note, it isn’t a sexy topic. It’s one thing to have it as a phase during story development, or depicting old times, with the intention of spurring discussion, but full-on race wars are quite retrograde.

Plus, WoW is shrinking and many activities could benefit from forgoing the concept.

I remember Garrosh was very well received, especially by those respecting power and the use of it to overpower others (or fail trying). It’s the basis of evolutionary humanism, always a popular concept, i.e. the olympics (which country has the best genes to win at swimming, running, etc.).

No, we are not. Im only like your Gilneas kind because you are a good boys.

When your faction repent for trolls, taurens and goblins genocides?

I did not look for excuses on this topic, elves are parasites, cancer on the face of the planet. For thousands of years, trolls and taurens took care of the planet and flourished, then mutants got out of the caves - and broke the mainland and summon the Legion. Proper way was to exterminate the remnants of their race after the incident with Azshara.

Where? Raid progress is late for 8 years for a month or two. M+ progress - well you all seen MDI - horde vs horde. PvP progress, according to arenamate, is 30% vs 70% in Horde favor. Didnt check pet battles - maybe there is alliance winning.

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Yeah, that why they called that a World of Workingtogethercraft. I work all day. Coming home, I want 1) a chicken leg 2) a woman’s leg 3) a gnome’s head. I make money by being polite - in games I need war.


Hold on if no-one is fighting each other, and its just a rainbow love fest like 2ndLife, then its the end of Warcraft :joy:

We still got the Jailer’s overlings or whatever the threat he saw is. And the Drust again, and the Devourers.

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Are you some kind of bot?

My impression is that we will mainly concern ourselves with the joint-faction expedition on the isles, all in the spirit of exploration.

That said (and without soilers), there are a few hints that we’ll see unrest within one of the factions in a not too distant future.