Dragonflight is the most barebone, unfun and unrewarding expansion to date for me

This is probably a longer ‘Dear Diary’ opinion post and i just want to share my feelings about Dragonflight so far. Feel free to share yours.

After the leveling phase and doing all side quests + the few weekly stuff there is, i already felt bored after around 1,5 weeks. Now, 2 months later, and their first ‘content’ patch, I feel the same and dont have any trust in the future of this xpac.
Besides doing the same dungeons over and over or raid, there’s just nothing interesting or longlasting to do.

Open world stuff is almost non existing, besides some bi weekly or even weekly stuff that is done in 2-3 hours. I got all reps at max level (except tuskarr) and the rewards are mostly just boring (12 different colors of the same transmog, that doesn’t even look good).
Paragon is not rewarding, 7500 rep for 1k gold and a handful of crafting materials.
Rares are the same: long spawn timers, dropping the same boring transmogs.

The Storm events are just boring elite grinds for hours until your eyes bleed (at least the items look good and maybe i’m going through it to get those). I just did the new one 2 times and got a whole 9(!) of the new currency which you need 330 of for 1 mount 1 pet and 1 toy. 20 minutes for this? Really? And you have to do it like 50x to get those few rewards? These are even worse than the regular storms and those were already bad compared to the pre-patch ones.

And that’s it, there’s nothing else to do.
I spend at least 90% of my playtime doing old content because Dragonflight just doesn’t offer anything.
I know, it’s a dream come true for raidloggers and 24/7 dungeon players.
For everyone else, or at least for me, who wants to do more than that, this expansion is on the same level as WoD, and maybe even worse.

I really liked and miss Shadowlands. To this day i’m still doing 9.0 stuff that i haven’t completed yet. And it’s not only that. I don’t feel ‘connected’ to the Dragon Isles. I don’t like them visually, all the zones look almost the same and are just huge areas of a liveless nothing, while in Shadowlands every zone was completely different and just felt alive.


Really enjoying it.


What a stupid take op, so much effort and time wasted typing all that just to make yourself look clueless.


Thanks for your ‘your opionion is not mine and therefore you are wrong and clueless’ reply.


Dragonflight is the second worst expansion

EDIT: Very Long queues for Solo shuffle is awful


What content do you feel is missing from dragonflight?
A borrowed power grind, or something like torghast?


That we can´t solo BFA raids at lvl 70 (including raid finder and normal Opulence)

Also PvP queues are too long

and we don´t have similar part to do dailies like we did in legion, BFA and Shadowlands about 4 or 3 WQs in their faction reps, then a box

EDIT: Dragonflight stories are very bad


Were world quests were your only content? It seems to me there is about the same amount of stuff to do in DF compared to SL open world, the only difference is WQs only reset twice a week.

You aren’t the only one who is struggling with the WQ change and not being able to find activities to do outside of WQ clearing. For players like me the drop in daily chores has freed up my time to do things I actually enjoy. For players who rely on Blizzard to set them daily tasks it’s been a hard adjustment going back to Pre Legion game play.


It honestly feels a little like they focused so much on a bunch of QoL changes (which were long overdue) that they kind of neglected other parts.

Classes/specs did not change all too much. Talents don’t offer many new things (just the same in a new jacket), while having also quite limited free choices in some cases while other specs can choose almost freely. Content remains in a similar style. Dragonflying prob costed a lot of work to implement, but it’s kind of “meh whatever” after the first week or two of trying it out.

Then ofc PvP has its issues. M+ has the same issues as always. Quite some bugs and errors here and there.

I’m glad that we don’t have the mandatory chores to get power. That is actually a relief. But it may actually be at a high cost.


I wasn’t a huge fan of Emissaries, it had a FOMO chore feel, you had to log in every day in case you missed the emissary of the Faction you needed.

But when Emissaries were added they shifted a lot of the quest reward from the quest to the Emissary. Back in MOP a daily quest gave ~150 to 250 rep. What they did was move some of the rep to the emissary so you got 25 rep x4 so 100 rep for the WQs themselves but the emissary gave 1250 rep. So you’d have a similar amount of rep for doing 4 or 6 dailies as doing an emissary of 4 WQ.

They haven’t shifted this reward back since they removed the emissary. So WQs are only giving 25 rep now.
I only do a WQ if it will give me some gear that is a good upgrade. I’m not doing them for the rep.


I miss Shadowlands.
Shadowflight doesn’t feel good…
Atleast the maw felt dangerous!
Right now you just go dragon and zoef away from everything…


There is missing content just to go solo tbh, you cannot deny that, also the trading post is a little better we will see


I share your opinion 100%.
This is by far the worst expansion for a certain group of players. Period.

What is equally as annoying is the fact that any bad criticism of the game will be instantly replied by x numbers of cringe botting hype kids, backing each other up for copium.

Below this post is probably even more good examples of this toxic phenomena.


Wrath Classic has none of this and feels better.


I think I might know what the problem is here. You don’t connect to the expansion’s theme on any level. Which is okay, there have been entire expansions I’ve dropped for the same reason; Mists, Warlords, Shadowlands. If I can’t get onboard with the theme of an expansion then I just can’t like it.

For example. I can’t stand pandas but I really like dragons. So I dropped Mists but I’m hammering DF.

I really think that’s what the problem is for you here and that’s alright, maybe it’s just not for you this time around. Maybe the next one after it will be all about the Jailers plans and you’ll love it and return, and I’ll leave for a couple years :joy:

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gameplay wise i think the expansion is fine.

i dont really know about the open world gameplay since i never do that kind of stuff in any expansion. but i do agree that i dont really like the zones as much as other expansions.

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The only thing I dislike about DF is that I suck at playing my raid talents.

Other than that I’m enjoying the “do what you like” approach whereby it doesn’t particularly matter if I don’t keep up with the weekly “chores”. I’m actually pugging dungeons on the regular for the first time ever, because I have spare time to do it. 8:30 in the morning and nobody’s around? Pug something, on alt if not main.

I’m actually getting to play the game how I like - which is mostly living in dungeons.

Which doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate that the OP feels like there isn’t a lot to do - but it should be qualified with “for a solo player”. They might be right. I’m not sure there is a lot to do solo, if you’ve done all the renown grinds etc. That said, if this is how you play, it’s extremely hard to keep you occupied for a long time unless the grind is so obnoxious that most people will refuse to engage with it unless it is mandatory; but that is a state that Shadowlands got into, and it haemorrhaged players like nothing ever before.

I’ve no objection to more “stuff to grind” for as a solo player, as long as that stuff doesn’t equate to “you’ll want this for group content”.


I actually liked the borrowed power systems. You constantly had something to do and improve, get stronger, whatever. Features like Torghast, Island Expedtions and especially the covenant features were fun and rewarding for me.

It’s not really about daily tasks, it’s more about something to do outside of instanced content that you can do whenever you want. The change to bi-weekly wq is a problem, but it’s also a problem that they don’t reward you anything meaningful once you got to max renown. I have to say though, the boat and climbing ones are fun. But e.g. in Shadowlands you could do them for anima, which you needed a whole lot of for all the things you could buy.

This is the one thing i’m looking forward too but there’s the same problem i have with all the other things in dragonflight. It’s heavily timegated: once you got your monthly tasks done, you have to wait for the next month.

I love dragons, but the zones and the stuff in it are not really dragon’ish. Why are the storms just a buff on already existing mobs? Why not have huge swarms of dragons invade these zones? There are all kinds of enemies like animals and gnolls and plants…but dragons are pretty rare in 3/4 of them. Dragonriding itself is actually a good feature, but i think it’s way to less involved in gameplay and rewards.


Very true take.


Those are fair points and I can’t argue any of those. More creativity could have been given.

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