Dragonflight is the ultimate proof that Blizzard don't care about Monks

Which part did you enjoy the most, swapping stances or managing chi as Mistweaver?

have you seen any real feedback besides hunter atm? Every class is going to be crap if the devs of those keep silent. Hunters are in heaven right now so get you fotm reroll rdy

This is true for like.
All classes.

Indeed. Legion ruined the game.
Somehow, it’s still a fans’ favourite.

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Legion had regular content releases and more class fantasy than Wow’s ever had before, that’s why people have fond memories of it.
systems wise? it was the start of borrowed power treadmills, and yeah it ruined a lot of classes by emphasizing so much focus on “spec identity” over class identity.
Pretty much killed what little was left of the Wpvp community too.

I know, it’s not enough.
For a full discussion on why Legion is complete and utter garbage, feel free to check this thread I made a while ago: Somehow, Legion was some people's favourite expansion
To this day, I stand by every word I said back then.

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Many should. New classes are historically OP for their entire expansion, then “quite strong” for the expansion after that.

Evokers will almost certainly be FOTM in raw output terms, for at least 2 years. Which does suck a bit if you really like the mechanics of another class and don’t really want to change but suspect you will be bottom of the stack…

Insert “I want to believe” poster that I’m not allowed to post because I’m still not TL3.

Unfortunately I think we all know what will actually happen is that Blizz will announce monks late and mediocre at best. They haven’t had a good class lead for a long time and clearly the dev team do not know what it is supposed to do, nor does anyone main one :weary:

In all honesty, it needs like… 2 extra utilities to be cool. An interrupt (used to have one!) or a soothe (clearly should have one!) would suddenly make the spec more interesting and desirable.

Everyone discusses stagger as an option on Revival, and that would be fine, but in addition to one of the above, not as the only new feature.

The n°1 thing it needs is the GCD removed from Soothing Mist.

Then, getting Chi, Mana Tea, Stances, Chi brew & Spear-handed strike back.
And we’re good.

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I agree with that whole thread.
Like I personally enjoy Legion, it’s the only expansion I find it bearable to level alts through.
But yeah, Legion introduced pretty much everything we all dislike, systems wise and narrative wise.
I quite liked being a commander/general in WoD, at that point we would be after all we’ve done for our factions, but especially the whole “chosen one” complex? Definitely started in Legion.

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Oh believe me, I know :see_no_evil: I’m really looking forward to another dh case in pvp… Not to mention I’m pretty damn sure the new class trees won’t be balanced for release, I mean, that’s obvious, right?

They should have never introduced evoker with so many classes having so low quality gameplay design imo.
Priority should have been to fix, what we have, before bringing another class, even tho wow already has way too many specs and too much bloat

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What are you even talking about dude? Ww monk has been consistently one of the best specs for gameplay.

Although i have to say, i much preferred the way touch of death worked in legion, and i am not a big fan of the tier set for ww monk.

I’d rather it was simply not a channel, tbh. This would let us move with it, and it basically acts like a focus target, allowing us rapid heals on one while not dropping the option to cast at others AND avoids us getting shut down in PvP. Fixes multiple problems that Blizz don’t seem to know how to fix.

I don’t mind not having Chi (back). I would like mana tea to actually restore mana, but at this point in time it’s not typically necessary and they’d end up rebalancing us to burn more mana on everything else.

But interrupts back is my big, big deal, tbqh. Loading that onto a healer makes you so much more flexible with your dps options!

For people who have no idea how it used to be prior to Legion? Sure.
They don’t know what was lost.

If you were a kid and I was telling you to go ahead and play Flyff, you’d probably enjoy it a lot if you had never tried WoW before.

Monks are totally fine immo, mistweaver is freaking good in raids, m+ garbage but still. Ww awesome for m+, brewmaster are OP tbh.

Welcome to the club. Fancy a drink? :wine_glass:

We’re not discussing performance here.
It could be the single best class in the game right now and I’d still feel disgusted by what it has become.

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I actually know to how to play pretty much every class, and also monk pre legion.

And your pathetic little excuse of an argument doesn’t change that.

to me it is because it made most of the classes I play more fun and it introduced M+ which still to this day is one of my favorite activities in the game, a much improved version of the challenge mode dungeons that existed before.

Let’s face the truth.
We didn’t need Monk from the start. It’s just a copy of Druids!
Did ya see what i did here? kek