Somehow, Legion was some people's favourite expansion

I like it to be honnest, it were not perfect but it was pretty fun.

Suramar was good, raids were pretty cool, Legendary change a tons how your spe/talents could be play, you got at least 3 news dungeons, m+ was enjoyable since dungeons were again relevant.

Prolly forget something but Legion is one of my favorite, with MoP and Cataclysm.

(And i despite WoD, who add stupid and unbalanced/unfun mecanics like MuLtIsTrIkE)

You’re free to subjectively enjoy garbage but it’ll remain garbage nonetheless.
Legion class design was terrible, and BFA continued in its path and is also garbage.

Id say it has many cons as pros and remain on an even scale with the disaster of AP grind and of such OP has mentioned.

What it did give that made me enjoy were:

  • New cool mounts
  • Mage tower
  • Story bringing famous characters such as Illidan and Gul’dan was decent
  • Class Fantasy
  • New WPvP felt different but it had objectives and Honor System
  • Introduction of M+ and most classes/specs were relevant

No, there hasn’t been single expansion since Cata, that you could say it was good. Every expansion since Cata they have been chipping away things that made WoW what it was and they never fix what they did wrong, instead they transfer this bs into next expansion where they are going to remove another feature. In Legion they removed PVP vendors
same mistake transferred over to BFA. In next expansion there could be easily be a case where there are no longer horde or alliance factions, among every other bad decision before BFA and that is why their sub count is decline. And sad part is that they are trying to make up that decline with stupid store mounts.

It’s ok, why someone would want to see someone else being MC?

Despite most of post being right, i disagree with PvP items being separate and unique for their needs.

PvE people have right to go and fight on equal conditions with PvPers.

After the trainwreck that was WoD, it’s not surprising people remember Legion fondly. It reintroduced a lot of what WoD was missing (despite Legion still actually offering less than previous expansions)

Basically after WoD, they could have released sh!t on a stick and people would have praised them

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Legion was worse than WoD though. It pruned waaay more abilities and mechanics.
I absolutely loathe what they did with combustion in Legion.


I find that being like “I am PVP people, and we PVP people should have right to do Raids without gear (because we no longer have gear in PVP) just like you PVE people are able to do it with gear”

Yeah legion wasn’t that great, to me it was mediocre at best. More like an arcade 3 button bashing feel of the 90’s. Personally my top three would be:

  1. MOP
  2. WOTLK
  3. BC

The rest were like above mediocre to awful.

okay randomly scrolling through comments after i saw this i cannot take you seriously anymore, then i checked your other posts you are just an attention seeker troll


Sadly this is the thought process of a lot of people. Open the spellbook, count the number of pictures, if that number is lower than previous expansion than “class design is bad”.


I played the game for years before Legion, but it was the first time I subbed from start to finish on one expansion.

Loved most of it. I really enjoyed Resto & Guardian druid in Legion, as well as obviously DH. Outlaw Rogue was also really neat. My only issue was with Frost DK (My old main).

Only frost DK. Although that’s mainly because they forced us to dual wield and removed 2hand as an option.

Missed some, but was glad some were removed. Besides Artifact system was very interesting and fun to mess around with. I miss the artifact system more than I miss some abilities.

What’s boring to you =/= Boring to other people. Personally Legion was my favorite expansion throughout WoW’s 15 year history. There were flaws in it for sure, I mean which expansion didn’t have any? But there were more positives for me than negatives throughout it.

The class halls storylines were some of the best lore we’ve had in ages. Suramar is probably my favorite zone due to it’s story alone. Antorus is probably my all time favorite end-game raid aswell. And obviously Dadgar being present made it all more enjoyable.


You have to remember Legion in context.

It wasn’t perfect but it came after right after the content famine that was WoD.

And in Legion there was quite a lot to do.

Every class had their own storyline, every class got cool weapons with each having its own questline (and this was before everyone tired of AP grinding), we could get legendaries that made doing stuff like the same emissary for the 20th time potentially more worthwhile, there was much more max level content in general, a whole zone with a good storyline, WQs were new, mythic+ was introduced and turned out to be pretty popular, the patches were more frequent, there was a new class, and so on.

Also, the pruning in WoD was arguably much worse than in Legion.


Oh and you almost got it right then you suddenly said something stupid.

BfA fixed a lot of legion mistakes:

  • BfA had much less AP grind (not spec locked) and a hardcap
  • BfA artifact didn’t change class design much from legion, introduced best iteration of demo lock ever
  • BfA somewhat toned down havoc
  • Toned down timegating
  • Neck doesn’t make iconic items as common as handing out ashbringer to everyone
  • Didn’t change PvP much, tho no longer higher ilvl counts.
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I want Legion Affliction warlock back, especially the AoE capabilities. Why did they change that? Also why split Drain Soul and Drain Life and create Shadowbotl? If this was all one ability and we had our old AoE back, we would be more viable in M+.

Which is why it’s complete and utter garbage.

They removed templates in an expansion where you can’t gear efficiently through PvP, forcing you to PvE first.
Wake up.

Shadowbolt would be nice if Nightfall was baseline like it used to.

BFA Artifact system is garbage, some class got such trash trait that they need to look out generic ones while others need 3x of something to be competitive.

Also the transition from legion to bfa removed all the perks of the legion Artifact. Classes got various perk and passive removed with nothing back in exchange.
All those little perks added up and made class at least decent.

BFA classes feel so boring sometimes you question yourself how this could happen after legion.


Legion was perfect during 7.3 . I do like Legion but not the early versions. They kinda fixed everything wrong with legion in 7.3

Yes it was some peoples favourite expansion. It was also bleeding subs heavily. For those who stayed it was good at least at the end. A lot of legion was not well received, for example the legendarys etc.
Bfa seems to be even worse so