So you are no longer wanna have “pet diversity?”
Warlocks have always been able to utilize demons to perform actions independent of whatever state the Warlock is currently in. Spell Lock is iconic to the Felhunter identity and has a lot of history behind it. We considered making this a choice-style node, but ultimately felt that we want to retain the gameplay of knowing what a Warlock is capable of by what demon they are accompanied by, and the unique identity Warlock has: utilizing powerful tools tied to their pets rather than themselves.
Blizzard, I see the reason why you gave fel hunter spell lock back, yet it raises the question in regards of demons and demonology talent tree.
Warlock is capable of by what demon they are accompanied by, and the unique identity Warlock has: utilizing powerful tools tied to their pets rather than themselves.
Ok, if we look at this sentence we can see some reason behind it - on the paper. Yet this statement is contradicted by the design of the pet utility and talent design.
Right now warlock pet utility is severely underdeveloped and barely fits the overall warlock design, additionally pet damage abilities in most situations are nothing more than just another damage source.
Additionally demonology talent design cuts off all possibility of use of any other demon rather than felguard, 7-9 talents are designed exclusively for felguard not only giving him more flat damage number and offering him more combat utility over other demons.
And with current design of warlocks we have a situation, and return of felhunter we yet again will find ourselves in situation where felhunter would be de facto pet for Affli and Destro, and Felguard for demo, where other pets would be just render absolute because of their utility that in 99% of situation would be useless for any PvE encounter.
With current design of pet usitity and demonology talent trees we are far from being free to use pets of our liking.
Affli and Destro would be forced to play with felhunter and be cut from 3/4 of other available demons, because felhunter just has spell lock that is needed in most situations.
Demonology would be cut from 4/5 of other demons because Felguard is pushed to be the only viable demon for demonology due to talents and stat distribution.
Blizzard just try to answer the question, in which situations you can see warlocks using sayaad or Imp in PvE (Raids and M+)?