[Dragonflight] Issues with pet abilities

Blizzard doesn’t have a gun to your head.

I’m willing to bet money on the fact that you’re the kind of lock that only uses Grim Sac because it saves you worrying about your pet, rather than for the benefit of micro managing it with the pet move function and using the double interrupt/purge.
“I read it was best”

For Affliction in pvp yes, i guess in PvE it is not.

But switched back to demo and demo needs an Interrupt on the caster. Because it is missing a real Interrupt, this stupid “axe toss is now an Interrupt” can’t really be called Interrupt.

Demo already has that pvp Talent, blizzard’s only job was to make this baseline instead of what they did…

They’ve done what is better for the game.

You still have to micro manage your pet in PVP for that double interrupt… What’s the point in using Grim Sac, otherwise?

Didn’t they nerfed this? I thought they removed that possibility.

Blizzard fanboy? It is better to have a stun that Interrupts than having a real Interrupt? Only you can think that

Fanboy? Why? Because I’m not raging on the forum about every little thing? OK…
It’s better to have a stun that interrupts than a just a stun /shrug

But a stun is a stun not an Interrupt. It was a extremely stupid idea.
But if you just follow them so as you wish, but ignore people who wants to creat a better playstyle for all. You can still have your pet Interrupt, but at least give all the other warlocks the choice how they want to Interrupt.

I don’t think you get it. Having the interrupt disrupts the spell queue, so it’s better than just being a simple stun.

But my point is that blizzard did a stupid thing, instead of programming axe toss into an Interrupt. They just should have changed the category of the pvp Talent… it was an unnecessary work… so it is stupid

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